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sorry it took so long I'm still trying to find where this is going, sorry it's short and skips around a lot. I've been working on other ideas for stories, I might upload another one, what do you think?

they'll have some of the same characters cause I use the same in my ideas and can't think of other names and shit

anyways enjoy, comment, tell me your thoughts :)

The air was chilled but not too cold. There were lines of shops selling food where we were and it filled the air with a delicious smell.

My hand continuously brushed against Alex's. I wanted nothing more than to hold his hand but I was too nervous to move.

Apparently it didn't matter because in one swift movement, Alex gripped my hand, intertwining our fingers. I blushed, looking at him for a moment and then put my focus back on the street around us.

We crossed the street to the restaurant and I sighed at the warm building as we entered. The smell of food wafted through the air and chatting people sat at every seat. Elias led us over to a booth in the corner.

I slid in after him and Alex followed in. Erin took a seat beside Alex. I looked at the menu at all the names of foods. I wasn't sure what I wanted and I looked to Alex for help.

"What should I get?" I asked him. He scanned the menu himself and pointed at a burger.

"I like the cheeseburgers. Do you recall hotdogs? This place is popular for hotdogs." He told me. I shrugged, I wasn't sure.

"I'll get the burger thing you like." I told him. Elias put an arm on the back of the booth.

"They have the soda you like a lot, do you want some?" He asked me. I nodded enthusiastically.

After a moment of figuring out food and drinks, Elias went up to the giant counter and waited in line to ask for food or something. I turned to Erin and Alex.

"I'm happy I'm here. I'm happy I'm not back in the lab. So much has happened and it's crazy to think about the lab and everything." I told them.

It was weird thinking about the lab. All the things we'd missed out on, the things they did to us. This place was so much better and I was happy to be here.

"I'm happy you're safe now." Erin said, leaning his elbows on the table.

I smiled, I couldn't wish for anything better.

Lunch was filled with questions, mostly. We asked a lot about each other so we could get to know each other even better. The food was great and I even treated myself to cake afterwards.

When we left, Elias suggested we stop at that store I'd gone to with Erin before, recalling the stuffed animals I'd mentioned.

I couldn't believe he remembered me telling him about that.

When we entered the store I immediately went to the animal section, scanning the shelves until I found the familiar cow I'd seen before. When I found it, I picked it up and showed it to the boys excitedly.

"This is the one I saw! I liked it so much but I didn't have money for it so Raven told me to leave it for another time." I told them.

Elias took the cow from me and held it, offering to buy it. I felt guilty but he insisted and well, I wasn't going to complain.

I went down to the shelf with wolves on it and picked one out, holding it up to Erin.

"It's a wolf, like you." I told him.

Erin smiled, stepping up to me and taking the wolf, and me, into his arms. He kissed my head and then my cheek, chuckling.

"Thank you baby." I breathed against me.

It felt so good being in his arms, and I found myself craving his touch. I wasn't sure why physical contact was making me feel this way. I was enjoying being held.

I was surprised when Erin said he was going to buy the wolf, expecting him to think it was stupid. But when he took both stuffed animals up to the pay station and handed them to the girl standing there, I assumed he actually liked it.

"Can we go back to your room?" I asked the boys, as we finished paying. Elias hummed and I took it as a yes.

We walked the same way back to the hub as we had going to the restaurant. People were still buzzing around the streets, some glancing at the boys before they continued on their ways. I came to like the city, the chatter of people and loud streets.

I wasn't sure why I found such comfort in it.

I noticed Mars and Aki sitting together as we walked into the common room, Mars looking up and waving with a smile. I waved back, catching Aki's eye as well.

I made no move to go over to them, perfectly content with staying in the boys' room all day. I just wanted to lay with them and kiss them again and be near them.

I followed Erin as he made his way up the stairs, to the right and down the long hall where no students were. Back to the comfort of their room.

When Erin finally opened the door, I went past them immediately, heading to their room. I flopped on their bed, snuggling into the still messy covers.

Alex followed me in and sat on the bed beside me, running a hand down my back. I stretched and smiled as I felt his hand running along my spine.

"Excited to lay down I see." He said quietly with a small smile. I nodded, biting my lip.

I pulled Alex down so he was laying beside me. I wanted to kiss him again, wanted to feel that great feeling I felt before.

I leaned closer, seeing if he would get what I wanted.

Alex smirked but didn't move. I frowned. I tried to lean a little closer but he still didn't move to kiss me and I huffed.

"Go ahead." He stated. I gaped a little, nervously.

Erin came into the room with Elias finally and eyed us curiously, sliding into bed behind me. Erin's arms slid around my waist and he kissed my neck.

I sighed into him, looking at Alex again. He was still watching me amused, urging me on. I bit my lip again and decided to be a little bold.

I leaned in fully, pressing my lips firmly to his and letting out a small noise when his tongue pierced my lips and filled my mouth.

Gosh people could do this all day everyday? What was the point of doing anything else when you could do this?

He leaned back, letting me breathe a little and I huffed.

I put my hand against his neck and pulled him into me again.

His lips moved against mine roughly and this time I really didn't want him to pull away. I felt Erin's lips press against my neck again and I felt myself grow tingly.

I wanted to stay here forever.

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