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"I don't get it." Mars whined, slapping down her workbook on the wooden table.

She huffed, hair flying up from her face as she leaned back into the cushioned seat.

We were sitting in the common room with Raven working on math. Five days after the race and we finally got our class schedules. Oscar, Jason and Aki, who had finally gotten her power, were in training. Aki had found herself turning things into ice when she was trying to eat and went to Isaac immediately.

I had finally gotten one of my abilities, my psychic navigation. I had figured it out when I suddenly knew where everyone was at all times as long as I knew them. When someone asked, my mind would give me a sudden visual pathing to where the person or thing currently was.

I still didn't have my other power and I was hoping it would come soon. Isaac told me to hold off on training until they knew what my second power was so they could schedule my training and figure out what group to place me in.

Mars had discovered her special thing as well except hers was taking longer to form and was a much more painful experience.

Seeing as giant wings were clawing themselves out of her back I could understand when she would complain about back pain.

I had seen it in our room once, she showed me the large slits in her back, opening up and small bloody feathers poking their way out. Mars thought they were infected and Raven and I suggested she go to the doctor.

For now we were working on this weird math thing. Homeroom was the required class we had to take where they gave us a test of many everyday things to see how much we knew. Then we would split based on our level of understanding and learn about things like coconuts.

Apparently coconuts are big round hairy spheres that have a white food on the inside. You can eat them in many ways. That was one of the things we learned about yesterday.

After homeroom the rest was up to us. We had an option of taking more classes but we could choose based on interest. Raven was taking a math class, which is about numbers, so Mars and I figured it would be nice to try.

Bad idea.

Now we sat here trying to figure out how to multiply numbers.

Raven sighed and placed her own workbook down.

"Lets take a break, I can tell your back is bothering you Mars." She said. Mars was shifting in her seat, wincing. I frowned.

"You should really take it to the doctor if it's infected." I told her. She rolled her eyes and sat up again.

"I would but none of them have wings, I don't want to trust them with mine. Especially with an infection." She said.

That was understandable. I too still struggled with trusting some of the teachers here. They didn't have any powers or anything and some weren't as kind as Isaac and Zaara.

Granted Isaac and Zaara don't have powers either but they knew so much about everyone's powers and how to work with them it was easy to trust they knew what they were doing.

Mars' eyes widened and her face broke out into a smile. She looked at me, grabbing my hand.

"Alex has wings." She exclaimed hopefully.

Oh no.

"No. Nope, absolutely not." I shook my head.

"Oh come on! You guys are all lovey dovey, and you could even ask Elias or Erin to ask him!" She whined. Raven was laughing quietly across from us.

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