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this isn't the first time I haven't gotten any sleep.

in fact I hardly ever sleep. I can't remember the last time I actually got more than an hour of rest. unless you count the times I was knocked out from mental exhaustion after a week straight of testing.

I'd like to blame the lack of sleep on the constant tapping of the faucet in the tiny, dirty, bathroom crammed in the corner of room 7.

I'd been begging Miss Mellie to fix it for weeks, but she never would. she simply patted my head and told me to run along, that she'd see to it getting done.

it was never done.

not that it mattered much. besides it being extremely annoying--it was not the reason for my sleepless nights. I had always struggled with falling asleep, whether it be from whatever the doctors constantly inject inside of me, or the constant chaos of thoughts and curiosity running through my mind at late hours of the night. I'd simply gotten used to it.

and yet again here I lay on the stiff and small bed up against the wall right across from Oscar Volt, the kid who scrunches up his face whenever he disagrees with me. and boy does he disagree with me a lot.

I don't know why Oscar doesn't like me. he just doesn't. I never asked for an explanation and I didn't care to get one. I only needed one friend and I had one.

Mars had come to the laboratory the same day I did. I can't remember much of that day--only waking up in the back of a van next to Mars and a few other kids. no memories of even our names left in our tiny little brains. Miss Mellie gave us our names and ages and we just stuck with it.

Mars and I were about 7 back then. now we are 17 and still stuck in the same goddamn place. I don't know how we all managed to stay sane after 10 years of being in the same tiny rooms.

Mars and I were similar on some levels. usually about hating the testing, and how we both like cupcakes. but we were different on a whole new level.

I wanted to leave.

Mars wanted to stay.

of course Mars didn't like it here, she'd be insane if she did. but she was scared of the world beyond the walls. we grew up trapped in a lab--which was trapped in a city--which was trapped behind walls.

I'll be honest, I'm scared too. but that doesn't stop me from being curious.

I came here 10 years ago not able to remember my own reflection. how strange is it that suddenly we all showed up here without any memories of what happened before?

of course I had asked Miss Mellie these questions but all she told me was that there was an incident and I should never ask about it.

that only made me more curious.

what was the incident? why are we surrounded by walls? why are me and the others here in this lab being tested on? what's being injected into my body that's so important? why can't I leave? why can't I remember my past?

and most importantly.

what is beyond those walls that has everyone so terrified?

the questions swirl around my mind once again, drowning out the tapping sound of the broken faucet. it's pitch black in my room, only a small hint of light bouncing off the walls through the tiny glass on the door. I can hear Oscar and Mars breathing softly as they sleep. a calm pattern almost in sync.

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