Book Nooks and Spells (GN Reader)

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The days seemed to pass by at the Kamar Taj like seconds. The training was tedious for newcomers, you and the others seemed to never get any rest. The older sorcerers and masters claimed that it slowed with time, so you could focus more on studies, but for newcomers being able to defend yourself and learn the basics was key.

The few months you'd been here it had been training, eating, more training, and then sleeping with occasional small breaks, merely enough to only socialize, were spread throughout the day. Your friend, who informed you of the Kamar Taj in the first place, told you that it would be extremely difficult for the first few months, but sadly you didn't believe him.

Over time you learned to become accepting of the hard work you had to put into becoming a master of the arts. It would finally bring you peace, after what you had experienced.

This afternoon, was the time of the exam, to see if you could finally focus on other parts of your studies, like the library which you loved the few times you made your way in there, or if you had to practice and improve more to be able to properly know the basics.

Nervously you paced in your room, your tunic swishing behind you, the teachers had given you a few hours off to eat and practice more. All you wanted to do was advance, you didn't want the boring spell and portal casting you did every day to continue any longer. Glancing out the window, you could see some of the masters practicing, the Kamar Taj was filled with people from every sanctum, to let loose for a few hours or perhaps go to the library or consult with other masters.

Footsteps began to make their way down the hall to your room and stopped in front. Suddenly a harsh knock was heard on your wooden door. I'm not opening that, I still have at least another 15 minutes, it could be someone looking to distract me.

"Y/N?" your friend called through the door, it didn't matter you still weren't answering even for him, "They must be out at the courtyard already."

-small time skip-

You were in the courtyard, the masters scanned over the students, whispering to each other about those in the class.

"Did you hear of Y/N? They're quite the fine pupil, top of their class."

It didn't matter how many good things you hear about yourself, you were still a nervous wreck. The exam couldn't be over with faster, and you hadn't even started yet.

Once the leader of the sanctum showed up, you and the other students were told to start. You cast spells, sparred, and practiced portal making. Focused on your performance you did not even realize when the exam finished.

A master came up to congratulate you, and soon others did as well, saying you were the best in the class of about twenty students. I definitely passed then. The head master in charge, came up to tell you of your achievement and how you passed with flying covers.

-time skip brought by stephen's white streaks-

It had been a day since the exam, the masters ordered every pupil involved to rest for at least a day after all of the tedious training that had been surrounding you all. You gladly took to the order and had slept most of the day, along with practicing some of your own spells, which were still largely unsuccessful.

Opening your door, you glanced around the hallway, it was late at night so you did not expect to run into any other masters or pupils, but just in case you did. Once you saw the clear hallway you made your way over to the library where a master was situated, as a librarian. She was one of the ones that had taken to you during your training, so hopefully, she would not comment on your strange timing or habits.

"Eager are we Y/N?" Master Echo smiled as she looked up from her book.

"Yes master, I've been itching to explore here ever since I first arrived and now I have the time," you made your way over to the book about image casting, something you wished to try.

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