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Zac managed to find lighter fluid, barbeque lighters and body deodorant in the next isle.

“Those freaks will be smelling like a field of daisies while burning in hell.” Blake said sadistically as he held up a bottle of deodorant.

“Sometimes…you scare me.” Zac admitted, stuffing more deodorant in the cart they snagged by the entrance. Blake stuck out his tongue.

“That's kind of my job.” Zac rolled his eyes and playfully shoved Blake, who merely laughed.

“Come on you big dork, we need to finish up so we can get out of here.”

The basket now contained some clothes, lighters, lighter fluid and cans upon cans of lady deodorant.

Now all that was left is first aid kits and back packs. The next isle had nothing of interest so the two of them moved in deeper.

Blake had almost walked past an isle that had shelves full of school bags and vacation bags if it weren't for Zac who pulled him back by his collar.

Zac grabbed one big bag and stuffed everything else in that was in the cart inside and then proceeded to roll up smaller bags up (with some difficulty) and stuffed them into another bag.

“Alright, medical supplies.” Zac muttered to himself as he slung the one bag over his shoulder.

The deodorant bottles clinged against each other which made Zac freeze. “Maybe you can stash some more stuff in that bag.” Blake said as he turned and went to the end of the isle.

“Medical stuff…probably that way.” Blake said, pointing at the back side of the shop.

“Okay, let's go then.” Zac said and stood next to Blake.

They moved side by side, Blake lightly bumping into Zac's side. Zac looked at Blake and smiled at him but then Zac pulled his nose up in sudden disgust.

“Ugh, what's that smell?” Blake asked as his expression mirrored that of Zac's. Pinching, their noses shut to avoid breathing in the putrid smell, Blake shone the torch out ahead a bit and saw what caused the smell.

An isle filled with rotting meat.

“Ugh, gross…” Blake said as he stepped closer.

“What are you doing!” Zac hissed, trying not to gag at the smell.

“Relax, I'm only checking something…” Blake said, shining his flashlight on one of the pieces of squirming meat, and took a small hook he picked up from the ground, lightly poking it. He yelped and dropped the hook when thousands of squirming maggots burst out of the meat.

“Gross.” Blake laughed, before turning to Zac, who had his hand over his mouth, his face a sickly shade of green.

“Blake, please get back here, this place is making me sick.” Zac said, leaning forward and resting his hands on his knees.

“Fine!” Blake groaned exaggerating.

They walked over to the farthest side of the shop, Zac walking a little bit faster than Blake so he could just get away from the smell.

Zac looked up at where they were and saw they ran into the cashier's side of the shop. “Okay…that way then…” Zac said pointing the way they came before they smelled the putrid smell of meat.

“Yes…” Blake said as he took a deep breath and started to move. Zac followed behind him and sighed a breath of relief.

“I didn't expect that…” Blake said.

“To be fair, no one was here to eat or take the meat away…and some of it was still in plastic bags.” Zac said. It wasn't long until the pharmacy side of the store came into view.

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