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“A virus?"”

“Yes. Although, I noticed something off. On their bodies was something growing. Like fungus…or mold?” Diana tapped her finger on her chin.
“It was revolting.”

Echo's head snapped up. “Ophiocordyceps Unilateralis.” Timothy turned to them and blinked. “Did you just have a stroke?” Blake asked, earning a glare.

“No, whatever your name is. It's the name of a fungus.”

“What does the fungus do?” Clara asked with a frown.

“It's harmless to humans, but to insects, it kills them and takes over their mind.” Echo explained as they started to smear a blue substance on the wound. They then proceeded to close it by making stitches.

“I think I know what you're talking about. It's nicknamed the Zombie Fungus...but it doesn't affect humans, so how were humans and aliens affected?” Diana asked. Echo was at least thankful that she had calmed down at least.

“Any organism has the ability to adapt...to survive...I think they were maybe experimenting with the fungus and a human and it ended up doing just that. Adapting.” Echo said, pointing at the small window where an alien zombie was shuffling by.

“How did it spread then?” Clara asked.

“Usually a bite or scratch would do the trick.” Diana started. “It's one quick and easy way to spread something or you know the dumbass way, consuming it.”

“But, I think just one touch is enough as well. If it's moldy or fungus that is. Better not touch them either.” Echo said as they took bandages, wrapping James up, who was fast asleep.

“Ugh! How are we going to get to the bunker then? Clearly, we're going to die here.” Henry said, hands on his hips.

“Well, some of us will die. The rest will probably be lunch.” Diana said with a simple smile.

“No, we're getting to the bunkers. We just need a plan. Fire is the only way to kill them and he is the one with the flamethrower.” Diana said, pointing at Blake, who was gone.
“Where is he?”

“Blake is attached to that one. Don't try touch it.” Echo warned.

Henry, Clara, Timothy and Eren groaned and made themselves comfortable on the couches. “That's it...we're gonna die.” Clara muttered.

“And what about James? He is injured and he'll slow us down.” Eren said.

“You think Zac is going to leave his best friend behind?” Henry scoffed.


Zac left the room, heading to the roof. Blake watched as he left from tje basement stairs.

When he was in the loading area, he looked everywhere for Zac, but couldn't find him. He then made his way up to the roof.

There he saw Zac in the openness of the roof. Blake put his flamethrower down on a table and went outside. “Hey...”

Zac turned around slightly. “Hey...”

“You were...pretty riled up back there.” Blake said and then stood behind Zac, but kept a little space between them.

“Yeah...I'm the captain. I already messed up once and now their trust in me is gone.” Zac looked down as he held onto the ledge.

Blake made his way to stand next to Zac, still keeping some distance between them. “Do you really think they're dead?” Blake asked, trying to chanhe the conversation topic. "T

“They look dead...it's insane.” Zac said.

“Most of them are probably up there.” Blake said, looking up at the colony that was above them.

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