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Everyone was buzzing on the way back to Raimon after the finals and most people were squabbling over whose turn it was to hold the trophy. When they arrived at school, there was a massive crowd with banners, confetti and more cheering and applauding Raimon. James, Jude, Axel and Mark went to the club room, they were all talking about how special the victory was. "Let's aim for victory next year too!" Mark cheered

"Of course," the other three chorused

"But in addition, let's compete against the world." Jude stated

"The world!?" Mark shouted as he stood up from his chair. Jeez, he really needs to calm down, James thought. As if he was listening to their conversation, Coach Hillman entered the room. "Mark, Raimon has been asked by the coordinators of the Football Frontier to play a special game," he grinned, "it will be played at the finals stadium tomorrow after school, I've already told everyone else." And with that, he left, leaving the four with questions.

"I wonder what this "special match" is," James said

"Well, we'll find out soon." Axel replied. James waited for Luke after school and walked home with him, Luke kept checking his phone and seemed to be texting someone. "Why do you keep checking your phone? Who are you texting?" James asked

"It's nothing, but can we go to the shopping centre? I really want ice cream." Luke pleaded

"Random request but fine, I guess we have time." James accepted. So they made their way there.

"Please remember, please remember," Luke quietly mumbled

"You are acting really strange, you know that?" James said, eyeing his brother. They entered the ice cream shop and went over to the till. Luke got vanilla ice cream with sprinkles and strawberry sauce while James got chocolate ice cream with a flake, James paid for both of theirs and they went to go eat outside. There were a lot of people, but two people, a man and a woman came into view that caught James' attention, he felt his heart thumping against his chest as they came closer, he stood up. "Is that you?" He asked as they were right near him. He knew the answer was yes, his parents were alive. The three embraced as Luke let out a sigh of relief.

"Thank you, Luke," Emma, the woman, said

"What do you mean?" James asked

"Well, let's just wait until tomorrow, I think everything will be clear." Joshua, the male, told him. It was evening time when they got back home, James had a headache and went straight to bed, going in a deep sleep, where he was having multiple dreams about his childhood, he was remembering everything. The next day, when James went downstairs to have breakfast, he found that everyone was already at the table, so he was the last one there. "I said yesterday that everything will be clear today," James' dad started, "well, first off, do you feel different?"

"I seem to actually remember you now." James said, "and clearly too."

"Let's just say you aren't an ordinary child, when you were born, you had a "dormant" gene, inherited from your mother, that would only awaken from a hugely emotional event, a trigger, whether that emotion be sad, happiness, anger or whatever. It seems like meeting us yesterday was the trigger and you have extraordinary powers. But let's make it clear that we didn't leave and come back just for this, Ray Dark wanted us killed, and we had to fake our death to get him off our case." He continued

"Sure, but how does Luke come into this, mum thanked him," James said, sitting down on a chair and eating his eggs and bacon.

"Well, he's not your biological brother, Luke was abandoned by his parents at birth for his powers, so we agreed to take him in." His mum answered

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