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"Finally, there you are" I sighed dramatically as Kugisaki walked into her own room.

"You told me to wait for you here like, 2 hours ago." I looked at my phone for the time before I looked back at her annoyed.

"Oh stop complaining, Itadori kept stopping me." She rolled her eyes at my dramatic ass before she came over to sit next to me on the bed.

"Ok now, start from the start." She crossed her legs as she turned over to look at me fully.

".....what?" Confusion was clear on my face as I sat down like her.

"What's going on between you and Megumi?" She narrowed her eyes at me as if to try and read my mind.

"Huh?! Nothing, he's just annoyed sometimes." I looked away from her eyes that were looking straight into my soul.

"Yeah he is, but there's more to it." She tried to dig deeper but I'm not giving in. "There really isn't Kugisaki. Is this what you wanted to talk about?"

"Yes, Itadori might be too naive but you can't fool me. You two were together, weren't you?" She smirked at me as if she achieved something special.

"Jesus christ" I mumbled clearly having enough of this conversation as I stood up from the bed and left the room. I walked over to the kitchen to grab a glass of water and to my luck, Maki was here. "Fucking amazing." I rolled my eyes at my luck but decided that the water was worth it.

"Nice to see you too." Maki muttered before rolling her eyes back at me.

"Kelly! Don't you dare run away from me. You still haven't answered my question." Kugisaki came stomping into the kitchen angrily.

"Give up Nobara, I'm not having this conversation." I said without even looking at her as I placed my glass in the dish washer.

"What conversation?" Maki questions as she looked between the both of us.

And as if the day couldn't get any worse, Megumi walked in the kitchen now too.

"Well I had a question for Kelly, but as always she doesn't want to answer it." Kugisaki huffed sassily at me before looking at Maki.

"What question?" Maki asked clearly still confused.

"That's non of your business Maki-"

"I just asked her if her and Megumi were ever together." Kugisaki said as she cut me off.

I placed my head on the kitchen cabinet as I grabbed my hair in my fists in frustration.

"What?" Megumi finally talked now as the question clearly caught him of guard.

"Well, I can answer that." I heard Maki say from beside me and that was the last straw. I've had it with her being all up in my business. I've had it with everyone wanting to know shit that they shouldn't care about.

"Maki one more word, and I swear you're not walking out of here alive." I narrowed my eyes at her as I lift my head up.

"Kugisaki." She spoke while looking straight at me with a smirk as if she's testing me.

"Maki stop-" Megumi tried to speak but got cut off instantly.

"They were together." Maki said here final words. My knuckles turned white from how hard I was holding my hands as I walked over to her and punched her straight on the side of her face making her stumble to the side a little.

"Kelly!" Megumi raised his voice in shock as he quickly came over to my side to hold me back. "You can't answer that fucking question because you don't know shit Maki! You have no idea what was going on between us! The only people that knew were me and him so unless one of us want to fucking answer than you have no place to do it! We were never together no, and even if we were that is non of your business! CANT YOU ALL JUST CARE ABOUT YOUR OWN BULLSHIT INSTEAD OF STICKING YOUR ASS INTO MINE?!" I yelled as my voice broke from the tears now streaming down my face.

The room went dead silent as they all kept looking at me speechless. I felt Megumis hand slowly starting to let go of my arms. I sniffed before my hand went up to wipe my face. "You're a real fucking bitch Maki. I'm so tired of you pulling this bullshit." I looked at her one last time before I turned around and headed into my room.


Megumi's p0v:

My eyes followed Kelly as she left the room before looking over at Maki. My eyes narrowed at the woman standing in front of me.


"Try to pull this bullshit again Maki, I won't be holding her back next time."

She nodded her head at me in embarrassment before I also walked out of the kitchen and went into my own room. I want to give Kelly her space. I know she wouldn't want to see anyone right now.


Kuginuk's pov:

I stood there speechless from the embarrassment and guilt I felt.

I had no idea it was something serious. I shouldn't have gotten involved.

"We need to apologise Maki." I looked up to her as my own eyes now started to water.

"I'm sure she doesn't want to see us. I didn't do this with bad intentions Kugisaki. If you knew them back then, how they used to be together, you'd do this too. I know she won't appreciate what I'm doing now but ones I manage to get them back to how they used to be, they'll thank me. She's being reckless and he's starting to not give a shit about himself either and I can't have any of them lose their life because of a big misunderstanding that they have between them." She looked down as she poured all her thoughts out. And I understood her. I'd do it too for the people I love, even if they end up hating me. It's worth it to see them happy again.

"Tell me how we're going to to do this Maki." She looked up at me shocked but her eyes quickly softened again.

"Ever played never have I ever? Or better yet. Dare or dare."



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