Chapter 22

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"I can do this"

"You can do this"

"I will go in there and be the bad bitch I am"

"The baddest bitch baby" he kisses my forehead before pulling me into a tight hug. I was currently trying to get a pep talk so I don't get a panick attack from having to leave.

"You have to go now Kelly"

"I know" I tried to let go but he kept holding me.

"Like, Right now. Or you'll be late and have to go tomorrow instead" I chuckle before letting out a sigh "You have to let me go now" I pushed him away to look at his face but he was facing up towards the sky. "Kamo?"


"Can you not look at me?" I tried to pull his face down but he just pulled my hand away.

"I'm just really interested in clouds these days. You can go though. See you when I do. Bye" he waved at me still not looking down. "Kamo."

"....." *sniff*

"Awhhhh hey, come on." I pulled his face down and this time he obliged but still kept his eyes shut. I kissed the tear that was falling down his cheek, now he opened his eyes to look at me.

"Leave before I change my mind and lock you in my room." He hugged me one last time before stepping away from me. I waved at him as he waved back before getting into the van with Todo and Mai.

The car ride was long and very quiet from my end. Todo on the other hand just wouldn't shut up about seeing Takada. Mai just complained about not being able to hear her music because of how loud he was being and I just sat there thinking about were I should hide when we get there. Should I just drive straight into my room. Wait, Am I going back into my old room? I really miss it not going to lie. But it's probably really close to everyone else. Unless someone has already takin it and I won't have a choice.

After what felt like a day of driving we finally made it and holy shit do memories come back. It's like an album was thrown at my face and the more we walked towards the school the worse they got. I was brought out of my head when I heard faint voices. And there they were. One of the new first years and him. Right as they were about to look our way I immediately hid behind Todo and he just let me, clearly understanding my situation.

They all started talking as I zoned out when I heard his voice. It's been 2 years, yet his voice hasn't changed much, I looked down to my hands to see that I was shaking really badly so I placed my hands in my pockets.

"Answer me, Fushiguro"

Oh no. Todo please don't do it.

"What kind of woman is your type?"

I hate you so much right now.

"..........I don't have a particular preference. As long as she has an unshakable character, I won't ask for more"

....what's that supposed to mean?

That's when I felt Todo move. Oh fuck no! They can definitely see me now. I'll just make a badass entrance. I turned around ready for my bad bitch moment, But I froze. I looked back to see him right in front of me. He looked at me like he had seen a ghost as his skin went pale. Both of us stuck in place not saying anything.

So much for my bad ass entrance.

I couldn't read his emotions as he looked overwhelmed and so did I. But thankfully the brunette broke the silence.

"Hi...?"I shook my head taking myself out of the daze as I looked back at her to see her waving at me. I weakly waved back with a small smile.


"Who are you?" She looked at me intrigued before looking at the person that spoke up for me.

"Kelly." I looked back at Megumi shocked as he just looked at me emotionless.

"Wait, you two know each other?" The girl looked from Megumi to me and back to Megumi for answers.

"M-more or less" I answer trying to seem confident which didn't really work as my voice betrays me.

Everyone looked at us confused as to why we're not really talking. But I couldn't master any words. And seems like neither can he. His face doesn't show anything, but his eyes say everything.

Kelly. Get. Your. Shit. Together.

I lightly shook my head now looking back at the girl, sighing before speaking again. "So, what's your name pretty?" I gave her a smirk as her cheeks started to redden at my compliment. "OH! I'm Nobara Kugisaki. Nice to meet you." She bowed her head down at me as I did the same before looking at anything but him. I looked back at Todo to ask him for help when I saw tears streaming down his eyes.

Oh no

Before I even had time to blink Todo was on the other side with Fushiguro. Well that did the trick. I turned back around to see Kugisaki holding Mai in a chock hold. I really don't want to be a part of that either. So I left all four of them and went to find Maki.

I walked for a few minutes until I heard a voice from behind me that I new all so well. "Well if it isn't our little Kelly."

I looked back with a huge smile on my face as I ran towards her. "Maki!" I engulfed her in a tight hug as she just pet my back. "Good to have you back."

"It's good to be back."

We went on a little walk to catch up when we both heard footsteps from next to us. I looked over to see a shocked panda and an even more shocked Inumaki. "So it's true."

I didn't respond I just ran over to pull them in a tight hug. "Oh I missed you all so much!"  I felt them both hug me back tightly before we all heard a crash. "What was that?" I said as I looked up at were the sound just came from. "You all go check that out. I'll go check on kugsaki. Hurry up!" We gave Maki a quick nod as she leaves now leaving all three of us looking at each other before running over to the sound.

Right as we got there Fushiguro stole my attention as he sat there with blood all over his face while Todo stood over him. I immediately went into protective mode without even realising it as I made a shield now standing in between them as Inumaki came right after me. I looked behind me making sure that he was ok when he just gave me a shocked look. He was speechless. I looked back up at Todo that just smile at me. I rolled my eyes as I placed my hand on Inumaki's shoulders after Pandas little speech didn't work as I just said "leave" to Todo. He looked at me before his feet just started to walk away on their own. "What a headache" I mumbled while I messaged my forehead. I looked back up to find them all looking at me weirdly. "What?" I looked back at them with the same look. "Takana" I looked at Inumaki confused "huh?" I never really understood him.

"What just happened. You just made a- and then you- HOW DID YOU MAKE HIM? Are you like Inumaki?!" Panda looked at me shocked.

"What? No. I just take techniques." They just looked at me even more confused.

"If I'm making contact with the person. I can use their technique." Now they just looked at me with wide eyes. "How much have you been training?! How did you find that out?!." Panda seemed really intrigued with all the questions he was asking. "It's a long story, I'll tell you another time." I winked at Panda before looking down at Megumi who just kept staring at me the whole time. "go to Ieri. You're bleeding." I said emotionless before leaving to go tell Todo and Mai goodbye.

After all of that I just headed over to my old room to see that it was filled with boxes.

I guess my old room it is then.

I got in and unboxed some clothes and bedsheets too tired to do the rest. And went straight to sleep.


Blu ble blan blah bleh yeahhhh

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