Chapter 14

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"Hey wake up."

I opened my eyes to see myself still laying on Megumi like we were yesterday.

"Shit! We fell asleep here" I tried to push myself off of Megumi but he instantly pulled me back into his chest.

"You're not wearing anything. Don't get up yet, they might be outside." Megumi held me down to his chest with one hand while trying to reach the clothes with the other.

"Why did you have to throw the clothes so far away?" I kept watching him struggle while peacefully laying on his chest.

"The last thing I had in mind was how far away the clothes went when I had something that beautiful laying in front of me Kelly." He finally managed to grab them now giving me mine while putting on his.

After struggling for what felt like hours to put everything on while being pressed up against each other under a blanket, we were able to make it back inside without being noticed.

"Let's go straight to your room and shower. I really need to get this shirt off me." Megumi grabbed my hand leading me to his room when we heard shouting from one of the rooms.

"Is that Gojo?" I stopped walking now heading a bit back to hear who it was.

"Kelly, stop being noisy" he tried grabbing my hand again but I pushed his away before placing my ear to the door.

"Shhh, I think it's Gojo and Yaga sensei. It sounds serious."

Serious spoilers if you haven't read the manga! Im warning you 😡


"Don't make me repeat myself. Suguru massacred the village he went to, and now he's on the run."

"I heard you, that's why I said huh"

"There's nothing left in Suguru's home anymore. But going by the bloodstains and remains....he likely attacked his parents as well.

"There's no fucking way he did!"


"Kelly" Megumi called out to me but I kept my ear glued to the door as I heard every word that has been said crystal clear.

Megumi tried to get me to move so I couldn't hear more but it was too late. I heard enough to understand everything there was to understand.

I stayed there until the door burst open making me fall straight into whomever was behind it. I didn't try to help myself or look up at who it was and apologise. I just stayed there.

"Kelly?" I heard Gojo but I just couldn't respond. He got the message and just held me as he fell to his knees with me tightly in his arms. He clearly needed this too. I could hear Yaga walk out of the room but Megumi just stayed there looking down at me, not sure of what to do.

None of us uttered a single word. What could be said in a situation like this? My mind was completely blank not being able to think a single thought, or feel a single feeling. And from the looks of it Gojo was in a similar situation.

We stayed like that for who knows how long until I felt a pair of arms lift me up. "I'll take her to her room. Sensai, you should go eat something. It's still early." Megumi lifted me up bridal style now heading to my room still not saying anything to me.

He gently placed me down on the bed before tucking me in. "I'll bring you some water. Do you want anything to eat?" I shook my head no without looking at him. He got the answer and left my room.

Right as I heard the door close I could feel the prick of tears starting to form so I closed my eyes not letting them run down freely. I don't know what's going on. Am I really feeling nothing? Or am I feeling way too much? The line between the two is too tin to tell. My head felt empty yet my brain was thinking of a 1000 things at a time. It all felt fake. Like I was dreaming and I can't wake up. My body couldn't move. I just laid there with my eyes closed till I heard the faint noise of footsteps reaching my room. The door opened as the footsteps continued to my nightstand.

I opened my eyes when I heard a glass being placed down to be faced with a worried boy. He looked back at me and sighed at the sight of my bloodshot eyes. Bending down he left a kiss on my forehead before sitting down on the edge of the bed.

I looked from him and back to the ceiling. Yaga's voice kept ringing in my head hearing the conversation over and over again like a broken record. Questions started popping up in my head.

When did it happen?

Why did it happen?

How can he do such a thing?!

What made him do such a thing?!?

Could I have stopped him?!?!

Why didn't I help him realize what he's doing?!?!?

Why didn't I do anything when I saw that he was acting differently?!?!?!

Were was I when all of this went down?!?!?!?

Then it hit me. I was too focused on my life and everything that has been going on lately to realize that I have completely put my own brother aside. I didn't do anything to help him because I was too busy falling for a guy. I-I-, while my brother needed me I was- last night when I saw Suguru leave at a suspicious time instead of going after him I was thinking of how nice it would be if Megumi was laying down next to me holding me in his arms. I let him blind me from what was really important. It's- it's all his fau-

"Hey. Drink" I was brought out of my thoughts when I saw a glass of water being held out in front of my lips. I push it away slowly with my hand before looking up at Megumi.

"Can I have some time alone please?" He looked back at me for a few seconds before nodding his head and walking out of my room.

I stood up from my bed as I went to my wardrobe digging in to find my old bestfriend.

"God I've missed you" I grab the plastic bag of leaves and rolling paper before rolling one up and grabbing my lighter.

Heading to the balcony as I now sat down on the old wooden chair. One hand holding up the joint to my lips while the other holds up the lighter. This is exactly what I needed right now. I had stopped smoking completely a few months ago to be able to give my lungs a break and get stronger. But right now, I can't think of anything that sounds better than this feeling. I also couldn't give less of a shit about training.

14hours later

I was sitting down on my bed staring at my blank white wall when I heard my door open. In walks Megumi with a bowl of what I presume is food.

"You should eat something. It's already 10pm" he placed the bowl on my nightstand before looking at me. His eyes searching for something that he clearly didn't find as he stood back up straight.

I was shaking a little which he clearly noticed as he went over to my balcony to close the door when he stops abruptly. I heard him let out a heavy sigh before speaking without even looking back at me "were you smoking again?"

"What if I was Megumi?" I kept playing with my sheets as I now looked down at them.

"I was just asking" he tried to defend himself.

"You're asking unnecessary questions"

"Can I not ask you a simple question?" He walked closer to my bed hoping I would look up at him.

"Well you clearly got your answer from the ashes and the last piece that's in the ash tray so what's the point of asking if you already know." I looked up at him now clearly annoyed.

"Ok... I'm sorry." He sat down on the chair that I have near my desk beside my bed.

We stayed there both not knowing what to say to each other as I kept playing with the covers while he kept looking at me.

"Can I bring you anything? Or is there a way I could make you feel better?" He finally broke the silence. Wrong move Megumi.

"You could help by leaving me alone" I give him a fake smile for a split second before going back to stone cold.

He stood up as he headed for the door before looking back at me one more time "If you need anything, I'll be close by. Just call me"

"Don't bother. I won't need you" I didn't need to look up at him to tell that he was hurt by that. Good.

I laid down in my bed trying to fall asleep but it didn't work. I ended up staying up all night from sitting on my bed to smoking on my balcony.

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