Chapter 3

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"A bit more come on"

"I can't"

"You're almost there, Come on!"

"Suguru I fucking can't do it ok!" I was currently laying on the floor out of breath, as Suguru was trying to make me fight a curse that's clearly way too strong for me.

Suguru sighs before holding his hand out for me to grab onto "get up."

I look at him with my eyes lowered now grabbing onto his hand as I stared straight at him.

"What?" If looks could kill he'd be so dead.

"Stop acting stupid dude, You knew that that would be too much for me." I rolled my eyes as I let go of his hand to push him back a little away from me.

"Well if you keep fighting shit that's on your level already, where's the Challenge?" He raised one eyebrow at me as if I was stupid.

"Fuck the challenge-"

"Kelly, you need to get stronger. You have so much potential and you're putting it all to waste. One day we won't be here to protect you. Not me, Not Gojo, Not even Megumi. What then huh?" He puts his hand on my shoulders rotating me to look at him now.

"What then Kelly?" He looked at me worriedly while searching my face for any signs of emotions he wanted me to feel.

"Suguru, I swear I'm trying I just- I can't seem to get this shit figure out and it's only the simple stuff." I looked back at him with tears threatening to leave my eyes.

"I'm sorry I can't be strong like you" I pushed his hands of my shoulders as I went towards the door.

"Kelly that's not what I meant-" I didn't even acknowledge him as I walked right out and straight to my room while trying my best not to cry in the hallway.

Being too focused on not crying I wasn't seeing where I was walking as I bump straight into someone.

"Dude watch were you're walking. Almost made me drop my cookie-.....Kelly?" I look up to see a worried looking Megumi looking back at me.

"Yeah, um sorry bout that. Sorry, I'm in a bit of a hurry I have to go." I walked right past him now continuing my way to my room. I managed to walk straight into the room right before my legs gave out, making me fall straight on my bed face down. I'm way too tired from training.

Shit, Kelly come on, don't cry you've been doing so well.... Now that's a fat lie. Why can't I do it?! I've done it before so why not now? Why can't I fucking do anything right?! Everyone keeps saying I have all this potential, yet I'm this useless? They expect me to be just like my brother. Well I'm clearly nothing like him so why does everyone keep pushing me?!? WHY CANT THEY JUST GIVE ME A FUCKING BREA- "Kels?" I flinched as I realize someone was standing right next to me, making me get off my face and hold myself up on my elbows.

"Hey, you good?" I look up to my right to see Megumi holding a glass of water and a cupcake that Gojo made yesterday.

"Shit, sorry Meg. I didn't hear you come in" I stood up a bit better on my bed now while I cleared my throat to try and get my shit back together.

"Clearly, um here, I brought you these" he shook his head a little as if he just remembered what he came here for before handing me the water and the cupcake. I thank him before leaning over to place them next to me on my bedside table.

"What got you all teared up hm?" Megumi comes over to my bed to gently sit down on the opposite of me while making sure not to sit on my legs.

"Oh I'm fine, totally fine man no need to worry dude I'm-" Megumi cut my rambling off.

"Kels your eyes are red, and you have tears running down your face" he looked straight at me while he gave me an even straighter look to let me know that I can't lie to him.

I sigh as I looked down to my hands now not wanting him to see me look so weak and broken. I don't want another person to just view me as a weak little girl anymore. Trust me, I've got enough of that already.

"Training didn't go so well?" Megumi asked with the most gentle voice possible to try and make me open up.

"Something like that." I started playing with my sleeves, too nervous to actually say how I feel.

"Same here" I looked up at Megumi as I raised my eyebrows shocked.

"What?" Did I really hear him right?

"Yeah, I just can't seem to win against this new shikigami I'm trying to get. Struggling quite a lot actually, But hey," he placed his hand under my chin making me look at him. "I'm not giving up. No matter how many times that bitch beats me up. I'm not giving up. Because, I know that if I keep pushing myself. One day, I'll get there. And I'll beat that motherfucker straight into the ground. No matter how long it takes. We have all this time, we don't have to be good now. I can take my time, and you should too. Don't care about what they're saying, fuck them. Take it at your own pace and trust me, you'll get there. And ones you get there. You can beat the living shit out of Suguru, yeah?."

He gives me a gentle smile as he wipes the tears that I didn't realise were streaming down my face. "Now eat that cupcake. They're delicious, but don't tell Gojo I said that. That mans ego's already too big. Don't need to add more to it." I let out a small chuckle as I reach out for the cupcake right next to me.

"I have to go now. I was supposed to meet up with Gojo a few minutes ago but this was more important. You got this ok?" He looked at me one more time to make sure I was ok. After I nodded reassuring him that I was fine he got up from the bed and started heading for the door.

"Megumi?" I stopped him right before he left.

"Hm?" He hummed.

"Thank you, I really needed that." I gave him a little appreciation smile to show him how much he helped.

"of course, Anytime" he said before walking out of my room.

I looked back down at my cupcake with a smile still lingering on my lips. You're really something else Megumi.


Hehehehehe end of chapter 3

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