Chapter 8

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A month later

"Ok, so this goes right here?" I looked back at Megumi with the key in my hand while my other hand points at the keywhole.

"Where else wound it go?" Megumi looked at me as if I was asking the dumbest questions.

"Hmmm, I don't know. Maybe I'll shove it up your ass if you don't stop trying to be a smart ass?." I looked at him with the fakest smile I could master before turning around to insert the key in the little chest we found.

"What do you thinks inside?" I was having a little bit of trouble opening the chest considering how old this thing was it probably crumbled on the inside.

"I don't know Kelly, maybe if you just open the damn thing, we would find out. Did you think of that?" He said his sentence with so much annoyance that I almost threw the damn key at his face. But I need to stay calm, no point in actually starting an argument.

"I'm trying" I replied calmly.

"You call that trying? You're not even twisting the fucking key" he came up right next to me while pointing this hand at the not moving key.

"It's old and rusty, I can't be too rough with it. It might break."I said from in between my teeth while still trying to carefully open this damn thing.

"Stop making excuses for being too weak." He shoved my hand away from the chest to open it himself.

I kept looking at him in disbelief. He's never like this with me so what's going on now? We fake fight all the time but it never actually gets serious. I just stepped back lowering my head silently trying to not get in his way.

After a second or two the chest finally opened up. Megumi placed the key back in his pocket before opening the old chest.

"What's in it?" I wait for a respond but I get nothing, just the sound of objects shuffling in the box from Megumi. Seeing as I'm not getting a response anytime soon I moved closer to the chest to get a glimpse of what's inside just to see a box full of old playing cards and beads.

"Well, that's disappointing" I looked up at Megumi to see if he at least might be thinking something. But all I get is a blank face.

"Jesus, can you move? Stop getting so close, it's suffocating." He rolled his eyes at me before slamming the chest shut and walking out of the room leaving me behind wondering what I did wrong.

After a few seconds of being in my own head trying to figure out what I did so wrong I decided to go after him and at least try to ask. I'm normally not this gentle and nice. But it worries me when Megumi starts acting up like this. He's usually caring and carful with his words when it comes to me unless we're joking around, yet today it seems like he just wants to push me as far away from himself as possible.

I ran out of the room trying to catch up to him but he was already too far away. Maybe it's better to give him some space for now. Until he feels like talking to me again.

Some space turned into days of him not talking to me. It was weird, normally we're joined at the hip but now it seems like he hates even being in the same building as me. I tried to talk to him a couple of times but he just shut me off.

One week later

I spent most of my days training and since I'm alone Geto took me to train with some of the other students. I wasn't very fond of them, mainly with one guy that kept looking at me and trying to talk to me. I heard his name was Todo but I'm not really sure, he just asked me what my type was and I told him taller guys with dark hair and blue eyes. I don't know how he felt about that since I walked away right after answering.

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