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"Megumi, you awake?" I go into his room slowly to see him still laying down in his bed awake.

"Yeah," he sits up before ruffling his hair. He stops a few seconds after now bringing his hands out off his messy hair to his face.

"So, you killed a special grade huh?" He took his face out if his hands to look at me as I spoke. His eyes were still puffy indicating that he just woke up a few minutes ago.

"Yeah, so did you?" His voice was still quite hoarse which made focusing on what he's saying a little harder.

"Mhmm, yours had digested Sukunas finger though, right?" I placed both hands in my Jacket then walked over to his bed to sit on the edge.

He slowly nodded his head so I asked another question. "How'd you do it?" He stayed quiet as he looked back down to his sheets. After a moment of complete silence he finally spoke up. "I-, I used my domain." My eyes instantly opened wide in shock. There's no way I heard him right.

"You what?" I asked him still in disbelief.

"It was ugly work at best. It wasn't complete, but it did the job." He didn't sound happy about it. More like he was embarrassed of it.

"Megumi" I scooted towards him on my hands and knees before sitting in front of him. He looked up at me for a second before looking back down at his knees while his arms wrapped around them. "Megumi, what the actual fuck? Why do you sound so unimpressed with yourself?" I leaned my head to the side to look at his face that was now covered by his hair.

"I'm not. It's still incomplete though." With that I placed both of my hands on my knees pushing myself towards his face that was now a few centimetres away from mine. "It's way more than any of us can do, you do realise that right? It doesn't matter that it's incomplete. You still did it. Start appreciating yourself a bit more emo boy." He looked up into my eyes while I spoke as a smile slowly creeped up on his face. He rolled his eyes when he realised that his eyes slowly diverted down to my lips. It annoyed him that he couldn't contain the butterflies that were in his stomach from me being this close to him. "Thank you" he muttered quietly. I smiled at him one last time but I quickly realised what I was doing. I looked down disappointed as the smile on my face instantly vanished, Megumi noticed my change in demeanour making him back away a little. It was dumb of him to get his hopes up, even if it was just a little bit. I moved away from him completely before getting of the bed and going to the door. When I went to turn the doorknob a sharp pain hit me in the lower part of my stomach making me bend down a little while my face scrunched up. Megumi instantly got off the bed and came over to my side. "Hey, you ok?" I nodded my head while pushing his hand that was on my shoulder back to his side before standing back up normally. "Itadori made us dinner. We should go before it gets cold." I walked out without looking back at him and went straight to the kitchen with Megumi right behind me.

When we got there Itadori was already eating while Inumaki and Maki sat in front of him. Principal Yaga was also there on the sofa just reading a magazine quietly to himself. I quietly grabbed a plate for myself than sat down next to Itadori. Megumi did the same before sitting right next to me.

"Kelly, how are you feeling?" I looked up from my food to Maki. "I'm alright, still a little sore but nothing I haven't felt before." I gave her a weak smile then went back to my food.

I'm starting to get more and more distant from Maki and I guess she realised that as she looked down to the table disappointed. We used to be really close back when I wasn't even an actual student here. But when I came back and saw how close she had gotten to Megumi it made me feel uncomfortable and I guess kind-off.... betrayed? I know they're from the same family but not close enough to were a relationship of some sort would be too out of the ordinary. I also know how closed of they both are, so for both of them to open up to each other, even if it's a little bit, it's enough to tell me that they've gotten closer while I was away. And not knowing what exactly is going on between them makes me agitated.

I sit up a little to grab some water when I felt a hand grab my Jacket and pull me back down. I looked over at Megumi confused as he just kept eating. He swallowed his food before talking to me while still calmly looking down at his plate. "Did you cut your inner thigh yesterday?" I furrowed my eyebrows even more at his unexpected question.

"No, I don't think I did. Why?" I got a quick nod as a reply before he took of his uniform Jacket and wrapping it around my waist. I looked down at his hands as they tied the knot before one of them laid on my back. "Go to your room." He said calmly. At this point I was confused out of my mind. "Megumi, what are you on about? Why would I go back to my room?" I whispered to him to not catch the other's attention.

"Just trust me." His calming demeanour was starting to freak me out but I still listened. I slowly got up now looking over to Megumi to see him grab a tissue from the table and wipe were I was previously sitting down.

What. The actual. Fuck.

But I was even more shocked when I saw what he was wiping was, blood. Oh no. He got up to throw it away when we both looked over at Itadori as we heard him yelp. I looked at Itadori to see that he was staring down at were I was sitting a few seconds ago. He looked up at me slowly now worriedly.

"Oh no, Kelly are you hurt? Why is there blood?" He asked me with concerns written all over his face. My face instantly turned a bright shade of red as I turned over to Megumi in panick.

The principal is literally right next to me!

Megumi threw the tissues away before going over to Itadori and hitting him right on the head with an annoyed expression. "Stop freaking out, she just hurt her leg yesterday. The wound probably opened back up a little." He said while rolling his eyes at his stupid friend.

"How are you able to walk so well then? Do you need help? I could help you over to Ieris-" before be could continue panick rambling, Megumi swiftly picked me up while making sure that his Jacket was still covering me up to walk out of the kitchen without a word.

I silently laid in his arms while he carried me bridle style.

So that's why I've been feeling so emotional.

We made it to my room finally, Megumi quickly opened the door with me still in his arms.

He hasn't let me down for some reason.

He opened my bathroom then placed me down in the middle of the room as he now looked at me. He was about to head back out but I stopped him now grabbing his arm to make him look back at me. "Thankyou" I muttered quietly. He just nodded his head before placing his hand on my hair ruffling it a little then went out of my room to give me some privacy.

I instantly took all my clothes off and went to take a shower to clean myself. Thank god Megumi noticed or I would probably still be sitting there in a pool of blood. How I didn't notice what was happening is beyond me.


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