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"Sooo....I was wondering"

"What were you wondering Yuji?." I looked up at him while my hands kept playing with my hoodie.

"What happens if you touch Gojo Sensei?." he raised one eyebrow at me questioningly.

"I can't touch him. His infinity stops me." I thought it was obvious. Does he not know of his infinity?

"What if you could. Can you take his power too?" He asks intrigued.

"I guess. It wouldn't be that simple though. He's too powerful. It would be hard to contain it. I still need to use my own cursed energy and his techniques take a fuck ton of it. I'll also probably end up blowing something up." He nods at me understandingly while Megumi just set next to him pretending like he's not listening in on the conversation.

"Makes sense why you wouldn't try it. You could hurt people." He smiled up at me until I spoke. "Oh I don't care about that. It's more that I'll hurt myself." He clearly didn't expect me to say that as he just sat there staring at me with his mouth hung open looking as shocked as ever. "Don't tell me you're one of those people that care about everyone Yuji. And here I thought you'd be more chill. Well, now that I really look at you. You do seem like an I'll save as many people as I can kind of guy"

"I am! I would never kill anyone!" He raised his voice slightly standing up protectively.

"You're gonna suffer with that mentality my guy." I slouched back on my chair while my hands went back to play with my hoodie.

"Let him be Kelly. Don't try changing him." I looked over to Megumi as he spoke while rolling his eyes at me.

"Hey! I'm not doing that! All I'm saying is, you won't get far with thinking like that." I raised both my hands innocently.

"So you're ok with killing?" Yuji said disappointedly.

"Sure. If there's no other way. I'm not here to save everyone. More like help people I choose"

"You're horrible influence" Megumi spoke again with a bored tone.

"It's true though. I can't be saving everyone."

"Why are you here then?" I looked back at Yuji as he spoke.

"I'm not here to learn how to save people. I'm here to make myself stronger so I can stand up for myself. I don't want to dedicate my life to saving others. it's to each their own in this world. If you're too weak to save yourself, than you shouldn't be saved. I hate weak people, always depending on others to save them." I looked back down as my voice went all serious.

"So you hate your past self hm?" Shocked I looked up at Megumi who just looked back at me just as shocked at his words but before he could get the chance to apologise I interrupted him.

".......you could say that. But more for another reason than that." He could tell what I was hinting at as he just nodded his head before getting up and walking away with his head held low now slipping his hands in his jacket pockets.

I didn't start it this time! He came at me.

Yuji just watched him leave before looking back at me. "You're quite similar you know." I looked over at him with my eyebrows furrowed. "How so?"

"He also kinda has the same mindset. And he's blunt. He speaks his thoughts. Just like you. I like that though. Means you're honest." A smile formed on his lips making one form on mine as well.

"We've always been similar. It's kinda something that happens when you grow up together." I smiled at the memories that flooded my brain of us. But it didn't last long when more recent memories came with them.

"I always forget that you two knew each other. Mainly because of how you act towards each other now. Has it always been like this? I can't imagine Megumi acting like anything else."

"No...it's hasn't. Believe it or not we were inseparable. Then some shit happened and I realised that in the life we live, having someone that close to you will only bring you the worse." I held my head down not being able to look back up at Itadori.

"....waw....umm.... that's pretty deep." Yuji let out a light nervous chuckle.

"Yeah, sorry. You just brought up a lot of memories with that question." I squeezed my eyes shut as my hands clenched into fists.

"You, want to talk about it?" I could faintly see Itadori from between my light bangs lean his head down to try and see my face which made me lean down even lower. I sighed before talking again "is there something you want to know Itadori? Nows the change to ask before I change my mind."

There was a long pause making me lean my head up a little to see what's going on. "You don't have to answer if it's too much. But from the way you seem to act when Megumi is here." He stopped as if he's trying to think more about his next words.

"How I act?." I looked up at him completely now confused.

"You just seem, I don't know. Your body just seems to stiffen when he's near you and you seem a little, scared? And now you tell me that you used to be really close then something bad happened. I'm also wondering if that big scar on your cheek has anything to do with him? It just sound, it sounds like.." I could see him struggle to talk as his hand went to massage the nape of his neck. "Did he do something really bad to you?" I knew what he wanted to say, he didn't need to finish his sentence which clearly made him uneasy.

"I know what you're trying to say Yuji. And no. He didn't, he would never do such a thing. I know he may appear like he doesn't care or cold, but when you really get a chance to get to know him. He's nothing like that. I'm not going to reveal everything about him. That's his business not mine. He would hate me if I did that, not that he doesn't already. Uhh I'm rambling again. Sorry. So no it wasn't anything like what you tried to say, don't worry." I weakly smiled at him as he did the same back. I completely went over him asking about the scar. It's not something they need to know about.

"That's good." He let out a breath he has been holding this whole time as one of his hands went to his chest. I laughed softly at his reaction.

"You're a good kid Yuji." A light blush found it's way on his cheeks at my compliment. "Oh, hah. Thankyou. You're pretty great too." I squint my eyes at him playfully "you don't mean a single word huh?." He raised his arms defensively while shaking his head. "I do! You're just, a little scary sometimes. I never know what going on in your head. And that look you give to people, I'm not sure if it's your resting face or you're going to kill them."

"I'm going to kill them." I smiled innocently at him as his eyes shot back at me wide open.

"Kelly.." Worry was laced in his voice.

"I'm kidding! I wouldn't kill all of them. That would make a mess." I leaned over the table to pet his hair before leaning back to leave.

"That doesn't make it any better!." I looked back at him as I shrugged before getting back to walking away from the kitchen leaving a worried man in there alone.


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