Chapter 24

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"Why do you just have a random receipt?" She looked at me confused as she showed me the receipt "It's so old that I can't even read it anymore"

"Hey! Put that back! It's special to me!" I snatched it from her hand and placed it back in the box. We were currently reorganising my room and taking everything out of the boxes. Nobara said she would love to colour coordination my wardrobe but instead she's just going through my old box of special little things I collected over the years. "Oh. My. God"

"What? Stop going through that box Kugisaki! I said it's personal! What did you find?" I went over to her side again to see that she's holding a photo of me and Megumi when we were probably around 14-15. It was a photo taken my Maki. We didn't know it was being taken or that she was there, that's why Megumi was acting all cute in it. He had his arms wrapped around me as his head laid on my shoulder laughing at me as I had my arms crossed in front of me with a pout on my face. I remember I was running and slipped when Meg came to try and help me up but couldn't stop laughing as he fell next to me. I was acting mad but I remember laughing after at his cute laugh.

"You two were close huh? I've never seen him look this happy." She placed the photo back into the box and handed it over to me. I sighed not wanting to start talking about him again. "We were. Can you pass me the nail polish?" She looked around for them before grabbing most of them and handing them over to me. We went on for a few hours before both of us were too exhausted to continue. Well, more like me. Since she's already fast asleep on my bed. I didn't want to wake her up so I left to the backyard. It was already 10pm so I wasn't planning on staying here for too long. I was about to head in again when I saw Megumi and Maki walking this way. I hid behind a Bush as they both sat down on the bench that was the closest to me.

"Can't sleep?" I heard Maki ask.

"Same" she replied so I'm guess Megumi must have nodded or something.

"Have you talked to her?"

"....I have" I heard him sigh.

"Not good huh?"

"You could say that."

I leaned up a little to see what's going on instead of just being able to hear them. Megumi was sitting down with his elbows on his knees while Maki just sat next to him leaning her back on the bench with her arms crossed.

"From the looks of it Todo's pretty interested in her." She leaned her head towards him as she raised her eyebrows at him.

He sighed as his expression completely changed "yeah, It seems like he's not the one that caught her attention though"

"What do you mean?" She looked at him questioningly as he looked back at her. His eyes looked red but his face went to what seems to have become his default. Emotionless. "Let's just say, what she said yesterday, hurt really fucking bad." Her mouth went into the shape of an o indicating that she understood what he tried to say. "Damn" she said as she leaned back again.

"It is what it is now. Nothing I can do about it." He leaned down to grab one of the stones as he flicked his wrist throwing it carelessly.

"Are you going to try and bring things back to how they were before?

"I don't think I can."

"Do you want to?"

"I don't know Maki. Even if I did, for some reason she fucking hates my guts. And I have no idea why. She never actually told me. I'm still mad at her though. Not about leaving, I understand why she did it. It's more about the way she just left."

"I don't think she actually hates you. I think it's more that she's trying to." She tried to pats his back but he moved away from her uncomfortably, making her nod as her lips went into a line understandingly while her hand went back on her leg.

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