To get know~Yeji

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Yeji POV:
I'm back here I swear I'm tired of this place and I'm barely here half the time. I look at Seulgi as she flips the page to her magazine. I really want to know her but I have a deep hatred her for and I don't even have a reason to be. I thought about what Yuna said and decided to talk to her so I can at least get to know her.
So Seulgi.. I say.
Yeah? She questions.
How long have you had the place opened? I asked.
For about 5 months. She says.
Well..I like this place. I say.
Good to know. Says Seulgi as she flips her magazine.
What you reading? I ask.
Looking at the new covergirl magazine. Says Seulgi as she pulls the magazine to show me.
Covergirl that's nice. I remember I used to sneak into my mother room and grab her magazines and I remember when she would get mad saying I would destroy them. I say.
I used to do that as well and sometimes sneak them into my room. Says Seulgi.
Yeah I kinda thought they would last forever but clearly not. I say.
not for other people but, for me always. Says Seulgi as she turns another page in her magazine.
So do you like working here? I ask.
If I didn't wouldn't you think I'd quit by now. Says Seulgi.
Well even people who don't like their job still work. I say as she death stares at me.
Okay since we are asking questions how long have you been dating Chaeryeong? Asks Seulgi.
9 months. I say.
Wow I'm surprised. Says Seulgi as she takes another flip on her magazine.
What is that suppose to mean? I asked.
Well considering that you made her go through hell and you get mad at almost everything she still puts up with you. Says Seulgi.
You don't know me. I say.
No, I don't but I do know that people like YOU shouldn't deserve a chance. Says Seulgi.
Listen here you don't know anything about me so you have no idea what your talking about. I say.
Chae told me everything about you guys. And all those times when you got all mad at her she came to me. Like she did last night when you came to the cafe and got all mad at her. Says Seulgi.
I knew there was something about you I didn't like so since I'm a bad person let me tell you something I've been dying to tell you for a while now. Seulgi FUCK YOU! I say as I storm out the store.

Lia POV:
SHE WHAT!!!! Says Lia as she yells.
You heard me she said people like me don't deserve a chance. I say.
Maybe she is right. Says Ryujin.
What? I say.
I mean how many times have you been rude at Chaeryeong and you guys fight like nonstop. Says Ryujin.
Look whose talking. Says Lia.
What? asks Ryujin.
Maybe your right people like YOU shouldn't have a chance after you put them through hell. Says Lia as she pokes Ryujin.
I put you through hell? Asked Ryujin.
Yes. Says Lia.
When? Asked Ryujin.
Let's start when you dumped me and just used the "I don't love you" excuse and then when we got back together you were very mean and abusive to me. Says Lia.
Whatever. Says Ryujin.
Well guys I'm just scared. I say.
Scared of what? asks Yuna.
What if Seulgi finds a way to date Chaeryeong and takes her away from me? I say.
Yeji that's not going to happen. Says Yuna.
Now you need to find a way to tell Chaeryeong about this but try not to make it extra. Says Lia.
What do you mean try not to make it extra? She clearly is being a total bitch to her she has the right to know. Says Yuna.
Yeah but like try not to know...whatever just find the perfect timing to tell Chaeryeong about what hap- I cut her off.
I'm not telling Chae anything. I say.
WHAT!!! Yell Lia and Yuna at the same time.
Look Valentine's Day is next week and I know Chaeryeong just wants to do something nice for me and I don't want to ruin that for her. So if all I have to do is suck it up to that crazy bitch then that's what I'm going to do. Besides I have to study. I say as I start getting my things.
You study? Asks Ryujin.
Yes and look as much as I want to tell her everything all we've been doing is fighting and I think Valentine's Day is perfect for us to get along. I say.
Well we all know that your not going to hold it in for that long. Says Ryujin.
I'm fine anyways I gotta go. I say as I head out the door.

Chaeryeong POV:
I was putting up a few things when I realized my shift ended an hour ago.
Fuck. I say as I finish what I'm putting up and make my way out.
Hey Chae your still here? Asks Seulgi.
Yeah I didn't notice I'll be heading out now. I said.
Before you go I wanted to tell you that Yeji was here and was very rude to me. Says Seulgi.
What? I say in shock.
She yelled the F word in my face and ran off. Says Seulgi.
Well did you guys talk about something in order for her to say that? I asked.
We were just talking about you and I guess she got all upset and maybe got jealous. Says Seulgi as she flips her magazine.
That's so not like her. I say.
Chae I don't think this relationship is normal. Says Seulgi.
No it's okay. Yeji is a sweet girl and I'm pretty sure this was a misunderstanding. But thank you for telling me I'll let her know about this right now. I said as I head out.

Yeji POV:
Okay so if the square root is 5 then what is th- Jessi got interrupted by the door knocking.
Give me a second. I say as I went to open the door.
YEJI WHAT THE HELL DO YOU DO!! Yells Chaeryeong as she comes in.
Hello to you too. I say.
Why di- that's when she realizes that Jessi is here.
Umm Jessi is it okay if we both can get some space. I ask.
I'm out of here. Says Jessi as she gets her things and walks out.
What were you thinking? Asks Chaeryeong.
What are you talking about? I ask.
Why did you curse Seulgi out? Asks Chaeryeong.
How do you know about that? I ask.
Because she told me. Yeji do you have any idea what this could do to me? It could get me fired. Says Chaeryeong.
I'm sorry but when she said that you should break up with me because I don't deserve a chance I got upset. I said.
Wait what? Said Chaeryeong.
Oh I see that she only told you about me but didn't tell you the full story. I was trying to be nice and get to know her and she went all on me saying that people like me don't deserve a chance. I say.
I can't believe this. Says Chaeryeong.
And look I was going to tell you it's just that I didn't want to ruin anything for next week. I said.
Yeji I believe you but right I think it's best if you stop coming to the store from now on. Says Chaeryeong.
Good because if I see her one more time I promise you I won't hesitate to attack her. I said.

Hey guys! I hoped you liked this Chapter. Anyways....who's ready for Valentine's Day? Like Yuna said I'm going to be watching Netflix :) I'll see you on Thursday.

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