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Chaeryeong POV:
I got ready for the movies with Lia. I quickly headed out and as soon as I got here I saw Lia.
Hey Lia. I said.
Oh hey. Said Lia.
How long have you been waiting? I asked.
Not long like about 2 minutes. Said Lia.
Okay well let's go. I said.
*after the movie*
Im surprised we didn't get kicked out after talking shot during the whole movie. Said Lia.
Same but we can't lie that it was pretty dumb. I said.
True well I have to get going it's getting a little late and you know how my mom is. Said Lia.
Yeah go ahead I'll see you tomorrow. I said.
See ya. She said as she walked away.
*The next day*

Yeji POV:
I was in my locker getting my things for dance when Chae came up to me.
Hey lover. Said Chaeryeong.
Umm...hey? I said.
So what are you doing? Asked Chaeryeong.
Getting my things ready for dance. I said.
Why didn't you call me last night? Asked Chaeryeong.
Im pretty sure you didn't want to to talk to you. I said.
What are you talking about? Asked Chaeryeong.
When you broke up with me. I said.
Huh? She asked.
You broke up with me yesterday and said that you were dating Lia. I said.
No me and Lia we're just hanging out but are you sure you weren't dreaming? Asked Chaeryeong.
No! Are you sure you don't remember anything? I asked.
No but let's go to dance and we can go to work. Said Chaeryeong.
Don't you remember that as well you took 2 weeks off because you lied and said that your grandmother died and he believed it. I said.
I don't remember doing that. Said Chaeryeong.
Chae are you sure? I asked.
I am. Said Chaeryeong.
Do we need to get you help? I asked.
Are you saying I'm crazy? Asked Chaeryeong.
Im not saying you are but if you don't remember this did happen. I said.
Im pretty sure I'm fine and if I did "break up" with you and I'm sorry and can we get back together? Said Chaeryeong.
Of course. I said as I hug her.
You still coming with us for Thanksgiving? Asked Chaeryeong.
Of course I am. I said.
Okay well let's go to dance now or we'll be late. Said Chaeryeong.
Okay. I said as I walked with her.
*A couple hours later*
I was bored so I decided to do my makeup when I got a call from Chaeryeong.
Hello? I said as I answered.
Hey Yeji what are you doing? Asked Chaeryeong.
Doing my makeup. I said.
Oh well I'm bored and since I'm off for 2 weeks and I know your not working today I was wondering if I can come over? Said Chaeryeong.
Sure I'm not doing anything. I said.
Okay I'll be there in a few. Said Chaeryeong.
While your on your way I'll order food. I said.
Okay. Said Chaeryeong as she hangs up.
*I quickly got up and ordered some pizza and cleaned up a little since it was a little messy and then I heard the door open I thought I it was Chae but it was the pizza guy.*
Hey two pizza? He asked.
Yeah how much? I asked.
$17.89. He said.
Here you go and you can keep the change. I said.
Thank you have a good night. He said.
Thank you you too. I said. I put them in the kitchen not even 20 seconds and the door bell rings again.
Coming. I said as I open the door.
Hey lover. Said Chae.
Hey I got us pizza and everything. I said.
Okay I'm gonna use the bathroom first. Said Chaeryeong.
Okay. I said.

Chaeryeong POV:
I was in the bathroom and as I was washing my hands I looked in the mirror and saw myself. And I don't mean like "me" it was me but with someone different.
Hey missed me? Said my mirror.
Huh? I said back.
I figured you could use my help. Said the mirror.
Im going crazy. I said to myself.
HEY! Listen here your seeing what has been putting you in all this shit. Said the mirror.
Wait what? I said.
Beating up your girlfriend father, breaking up with her, calling off work, that was all me. Said the mirror.
Who the hell are you? I asked.
Are you dumb? I'm clearly you. Said the mirror.
Why are you doing this? I asked.
Im only helping you out. I mean like aren't you tired of people treating you like shit? Asked the mirror.
Im pretty sure I can do this on my own. I said.
I don't think you can see look whenever you go through hell I come in and help you out. Said the mirror.
But I don't remember doing those things. I said.
I know. Said the mirror.
Just leave me alone. I said.
And what just sit there and do nothing. That's what you've been doing for years! Said the mirror.
I know but- I got cut off.
No buts! I'm done sitting around im going to make sure that people finally get what they deserve. Said the mirror.
No! I said and the next second it was just me looking at myself. I got out the bathroom and and Yeji fixing plates and cups.
Here Chae get many as you like. Said Yeji.
Thanks. I said as I grabbed two slices.
You okay you look a little pale. Said Yeji.
Yeah it's just I'm super hungry and just worked up from school and work. I said.
Okay. Said Yeji.
*After we ate we danced to a few songs watched a movie and cuddled for a bit and after that I went home to get ready for Thanksgiving I decided to take a shower since I am a little sweaty from dancing and as I got in the shower I kept thinking about what was happing when I was in the bathroom. I finished showering I washed my face, brushed my teeth and I was brushing my wet hair and I stopped for a second*
I'm not going crazy am I? I asked myself.
You kinda are. Said the mirror.
You again? I asked.
Yes me again. Said the mirror.
Look I really just want to go to sleep and I don't feel like dealing with you right now. What the hell am I doing? I'm really here talking to a mirror. I said.
Your talking to yourself. Said the mirror.
Look can you just do all of us a favor and leave me alone? I said.
I mean you helped me create me. Said the mirror.
What do you mean I helped you? I asked.
I mean when you hurt your friend what's his name?... ummm Taehyun...you actually helped created me and now I'm here. Said the mirror.
I know I did but it was a 1 time thing I will never do that again. I said.
I know your so inocente or whatever but let me ask you this. When you were putting his hands on him and saw him suffer did that make you feel good for all the help he put you through? Asked the mirror.
I mean yeah but- I got cut off.
See I mean it helps you. Said the mirror.
Oh believe me you'll see. Said the mirror.

Hey guys sorry this chapter was a little late I was a little busy today but I'll see you guys on Thursday!💕💕💕

I need you ~ ChaerjiTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon