I quit~Yeji

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Yuna POV:
I was getting ready to sleep as I was about to go to the bathroom and as soon as I got there I open the door and saw my mirror broken into pieces.
What the hell!!! I yell.
Hey can you like shut up? I heard your voice enough today. Said Ryujin.
Ryu do you know who did this? I asked.
What the hell! Said Ryujin.
Exactly. Now do you know who did this? I asked.
Yuna, if I'm just finding out about this how would I know? Said Ryujin.
Okay sorry but but mirror is destroyed. I said.
Well buy a new one. Said Ryujin as she walks away.
RYU!!!!! I yell.

Yeji POV:
I was working when I heard the door open. I look up and see Chaeryeong.
Good to be back. Said Chaeryeong.
Good to have you back. I said.
Chae it's so good to have you back. Said Mr. Kim.
It's good to be here I can finally get some work done. I said.
Well I actually need your help in the back. Said Mr. Kim.
Okay. Said Chaeryeong as she walks to the back.
Yeji clean the bathrooms. Said Mr. Kim.
I just did. I said.
Well I'm not satisfied. Said Mr. Kim.
*Well a little story to give out Mr.Kim wanted me to sleep with him and I clearly said no. And now he's treating me like shit.*

Chaeryeong POV:
I went to the back to help out when Mr. Kim says something.
Chaeryeong can I ask you something? Asked Mr. Kim.
Sure. I said.
Do you know what's going on with Yeji? Asked Mr. Kim.
What do you mean? I asked.
Well... it's just that she now gets upset whenever you tell her to do something and it's not like a whatever look it's more like a do it yourself look. Said Mr. Kim.
Well I have no idea but if you want I will talk to her. I said.
Good please do. Said Mr. Kim as he walks out.
*hours later*
Finally we're done. Said Yeji.
I know right! Who knew that working in this tiny shop could be so much work. I said.
Hey it's a little chilly do you want to go get a hot chocolate? Asked Yeji.
Yeah let's go. I said.
*We got in our cars and drove to this little cute cafe and then we got out and sat down and ordered our hot chocolate with a little croissant*
Hey Yeji can I ask you something? I asked.
Go for it. Said Yeji.
Well Mr. Kim told me that you were getting upset about working. I said.
Oh really? Asked Yeji.
Yeah what's going on? I asked.
Chae I just been a little stressed but don't worry I think he got this while this confused. Said Yeji.
Okay but remember if you ever need to tell me anything- I got cut off.
Your here I know. Said Yeji.
Good. I said as we took a sip of our hot chocolate.

*Yeji POV:
After we left the cafe. I quickly left to go back to work to confront this bitch. Lucky he was still in there I bust open the door and quickly go to the back of his office.*
Well look who it is. Said Mr. Kim.
Listen here I don't know what game your trying to play but you leave Chaeryeong out of it. I said.
I didn't say anything to her. Said Mr. Kim.
You said that I was mad that I didn't want to work. I said.
Your right. Said Mr. Kim.
I want to work not sleep with an old man like you. I said.
I don't think you want to talk to me like that. Said Mr. Kim.
I think sometimes you forget I'm a Hwang! You might not know me a lot but everyone who knows me knows to NEVER MESS WITH A HWANG! I yell.
Yeji you need this job. You should be lucky you still have it. Said Mr. Kim.
You know what FUCK YOU! I don't need this job I quit. I said.
How are you going to make money? Asked Mr. Kim.
With someone who can treat me with respect. I said as I walked out. And saw Lia.
Woah what happened? Asked Lia.
Come I'll explain it. I said as me and Lia went outside and told her everything.
Woah I can't believe that happened to you. Said Lia.
Same but I'm just glad I don't have to deal with it anymore. I said.
We have to tell Chaeryeong. Said Lia.
What no! I said.
Why not? Asked Lia.
Because she is already losing her mind with her and this mirror thing and this is the last thing she needs right now. I said.
Did she quit? Asked Lia.
No. I said.
Then we need to tell her what if this happens to her. Said Lia.
Your right. I said.
Do you want me to tell her or you tell her. Asked Lia.
Your really not giving me an option here. I said.
Nope. Said Lia.
Then I guess I'll tell her. I said.
Good. Said Lia.

Chaeryeong POV:
I went to school this morning and saw Lia and Yeji both looking at me a little strange. I walk up to them asking if they are okay.
Hey guys. I said.
Hey. Said Lia and Yeji.
Is everything okay? I asked.
Yeah why wouldn't they be. Said Yeji.
Okay now what's wrong? I asked.
What do you mean? Asked Yeji.
Well I asked if your okay and you said no why wouldn't they be with basically means something is wrong. I said.
Yeji has something to tell you. Said Lia.
Umm...well...said Yeji.
Your boss from your job is no good. Said Lia.
What do you mean? I asked.
Chae he wanted to sleep with me but I didn't and that's when he started treating me like shit and that is why he told you that I was upset. Said Yeji.
What do you mean? I asked.
He wanted her and since she didn't do that she got mad and quit the job. Said Lia.
Wait you quit? I asked.
Yes I had too, unless I wanted to kill him. Said Yeji.
Yeji why didn't you tell me? I asked.
Well I didn't want you to worry. You already have a lot going on. Said Yeji.
You still should have told me! I said.
Hey guys umm guess what I found after you guys left my party. Said Yuna.
Can't you see they are having a conversation. Said Ryujin.
What did you see? Asked Lia.
Well as I was getting ready to sleep after the party I saw that someone broke my mirror. Said Yuna.
W-what do you m-mean? I asked.
My mirror was broke as like somebody broke it. Said Yuna.
Why would someone break a mirror and not say anything about it. Said Lia.
It's probably nothing I told her she can just buy a new mirror.
You keep defending the person who broke my mirror I'm starting to think you were the one who broke it. Said Yuna.
Maybe the mirror was just tired of seeing your face. Said Ryujin.
LISTEN TO ME YOU LITTLE BITCH!!! Yelled Yuna as she ran through the halls.
Guys back in this topic. I'm glad you told me this Yeji and if you quit then I will quit as well. I said.
How are you going to make money? Asked Yeji.
We'll find a way but you are most important to me. I said.
Okay I'm not being a third wheel here. Said Lia as she walks away.

Hey guys I hope you liked this chapter. Who's ready for Christmas? I know I am! I will see you guys on Thursday!!💕💕💕

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