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Yeji POV:
New day. I got up a little early just to walk around and to see the place since it's been a long time.

Yuna POV:
Yuna why did you need us? Asked Lia.
Okay so I was looking into some things and I found this. Said Yuna as she puts the photo on the table.
Ewww throwback. Said Chaeryeong as we laugh.
You couldn't have just sent us this on text. Said Lia.
Yeah it's cute but do you guys remember her? I asked as I showed them the photo.
She looks familiar. Said Lia.
Wait! I saw her. Said Chaeryeong.
Huh? Asked Ryujin.
Yesterday I saw her I knew she looked familiar. Said Chaeryeong.
Anyone remember her name? I asked.
Im telling you it's Yujun. Said Ryujin.
No I think it's Yejin. Said Lia.
It's Yeji. Said Chaeryeong as her eyes get wide.
Who? Asked Ryujin.
Remember the girl who was my girlfriend back in school. Said Chaeryeong.
Oh yeah. Said Lia.
Oh yeah what happened to her? I asked.
Well didn't she move? Said Ryujin.
I wish we could see her again. Said Lia.
Well she must be here I saw her yesterday. Said Chaeryeong.
Where? I asked.
When I was dropping off my packages. Said Chaeryeong.
Was she there? Asked Ryujin.
No she got off a bus when I saw her and I knew she was familiar.
Said Chaeryeong.
We should go find her. I said.
Oh please it's a huge town and also I might have not seen her right. Said Chaeryeong.
She has a point. Said Ryujin.
Wow you guys are no fun. I said.
Yuna this isn't a Disney movie when you can find someone in 2 hours. Said Lia.
Guys I would love to stay here and chat but I have to go to work. Said Chaeryeong as she gets her bag.
We understand I have to go back to work as well. Said Lia as she gets up.
Well se ya. I said as I head out.

Chaeryeong POV:
As soon as I remembered about Yeji I was really thinking about a lot of things. Like, has she forgotten about me? How has she been doing? Has she found somebody else better than me? What am I doing? It's been years and we haven't seen each other and as we both can see we both didn't even remember each other. I go to the back of the store to change. As I hear the bell from the door ring.
I'll get it Chae. Said Seulgi.
Hello. Said Yeji.
Hi how can we help yo- Seulgi stop.
Hi I'm just looking around. Said Yeji.
Oh my god it's you. Said Seulgi.
I'm sorry? Asked Yeji being confused.
You don't remember me? Asked Seulgi.
No sorry but this place looks a little familiar. Said Yeji.
Yeji it's me Seulgi. Said Seulgi.
Who? Asked Yeji.
You don't remember me? Asked Seulgi.
No sorry I haven't been here in years. Said Yeji.
Well if you can't remember me you might remember- Seulgi gets cut off.
Okay I'm ready. I said as I walked in.
Chae come here. You remember- I cut her off.
Yeji......I said.
Yes? Asked Yeji.
Yeji it's me! Chaeryeong remember! I said with a huge smile.
You do look familiar. Said Yeji as my smile fades away.
Well it has been a long time. I said.
I have an idea why don't you guys walk around for a bit. Said Seulgi.
Oh no I have to work. I said as I was trying to get away.
Don't worry about it take 2 hours off. Said Seulgi.
Umm...thanks I guess. I said as we both walked out.
So umm since I don't remember anything can you tell me who you were to me? Asked Yeji.
Well you used to bully me. I said.
What! Really! Said Yeji.
Yeah. I said.
Umm...I'm really sorry I don't know what the hell I was doing and I'm a little embarrassed now. Said Yeji.
Don't worry about because we both learned how to forgive each other because we also dated. I said. She stops and stares at me.
Chaeryeong.....yes you! I remember now. Said Yeji with a huge smile.
Really? I asked.
Yeah we were together and we had a lot of arguments. Said Yeji. (Out of all the things you could've remembered you remember that one-)
Yeah. I said as I laughed a little.
So how are things here I'm assuming you haven't moved. Said Yeji.
Well things here are good and little fun fact we were actually talking about you. I said.
Who is "we"? Asked Yeji.
Us. I said as I pulled out the photo that Yuna showed us.
Oh yeah Ryujin and Yuna. Said Yeji as she smiles.
You remember them? I asked.
How could anyone ever forget them? Said Yeji as she continues to stare at the photo.
(But you couldn't remember me-)
Well do you remember her? I asked as I pointed to Lia.
Ummmm wait I remember her name it was Lilly right? Said Yeji.
Lia. I said.
Close enough. Said Yeji as she laughs.
Hey since your back why don't I call the group and tell them to meet up tonight. That's if your not busy. I said.
Of course I would love too. Said Yeji as she puts on a smile.
Thanks well can I have your phone number so I can text you the location? I ask.
Sure. Says Yeji as she hands me her phone and I put my number in there.
Thanks. I said.
Yeah no problem see you tonight. Said Yeji as she smiles and walks away.
*Hours later*
I told the girls to come early because I have a surprise for them. They still don't know that I found Yeji. I was looking for a good outfit and I go to the mirror to see myself and out of nowhere I start to cry. I just couldn't believe that she would remember Ryujin and Yuna and forget all about me.... I can't hate her at the same time because for a while I also forgot all about her. But it hurts and I hate that I never got the reason why see left and now all of a sudden she wants to come back. I quickly wipe my tears and head out and see the girls.
Yuna shhh. Said Ryujin.
No shhh I was suppose to have a movie night with my boyfriend but I canceled for this. Said Yuna.
Just wait for a few minutes. I said as we just sat down and started talking about our day and I look at the glass window and saw her.
Guys I have something I want to show you. I said as I walk up to Yeji.
The girl from the photo.
Said Lia.
This is Yeji. I said as Yuna jumped off her chair and hugged Yeji really tight.
I missed you. Said Yuna.
I missed you guys as well. Said Yeji.
Nice outfit kid. Said Ryujin.
Ryu, I can still see you haven't changed. Said Yeji as they hugged each other.
You haven't been in any trouble have you Yeji? Asked Lia.
No I haven't Lia. Said Yeji as she also hugs Lia.
We'll sit down. Said Lia as she pulls up a chair.
Chae where did you find you? Asked Ryujin.
She came to my job. I said.
Yes I did and before I order I'm going to the restroom. Said Yeji as she stands up.

Yeji POV:
I pull out my phone and make a phone call.
Youngbin.....I'm sorry to do this to you during a phone call but....the wedding is off. I said as I hung up.

Hey guys I hope you enjoyed this chapter. This will be my last time doing this on Tuesdays :( next chapter will be the final chapter of this story :( I'll see you on Thursday💕💕💕

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