The end~Chaerji

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Yeji POV:
I went back to the table and sat down and ordered our food and started eating it.
So Yeji how has to US been? Asked Lia.
Pretty good. I have a good job and nice mansion. I said as they all look at me with their eyes wide open.
So.....your basically rich? Asked Yuna as Ryujin smacked her arm.
It's okay umm....I guess you can say that. I said.
That must be nice all of us live in houses. Said Yuna.
That's still pretty good. I said.
If you don't mind me asking why did you come back? Are you staying here? Asked Ryujin.
Well I was only going to be here for 2 weeks because I was going to tell my dad that I was getting married. I said as their eyes widen again.
Your getting married? Asked Chaeryeong.
I was. I said.
To who? Asked Yuna.
To this wonderful nice guy. I said.
Does he treat you good? Asked Lia.
Very. I said.
Well guys I have to go because I have work in the morning. I said.
Same here. Said Lia.
Well I still have a lot of things I want to do so I will get out of the way. Said Yeji as she stands.
Yeji it was nice to see you again. Said Yuna as she hugs Yeji.
You guys as well. I said.
Yeah I'll see you guys. Said Chaeryeong as she left.
Bye. I said as I followed Chae.
Chaeryeong wait. I said.
Yes. Asked Chaeryeong.
Ummm I was wondering if I could get your address since I'm staying for a while and I would love to catch up on some things with you. I said.
Umm...sure. Said Chaeryeong as she texts me the number.
Thank you! Have a good night. I said as I walked off.

Chaeryeong POV:
I walked into the store wanting to work late.
Sorry we're close- I cut Seulgi off.
I'm working late. I said as I went to change.
Chae what are you doing here shouldn't you be with Yeji? Asked Seulgi.
Ughh who cares about Yeji. I said.
Chae one second you were so happy to see her and now your upset. Said Seulgi.
I don't care about her! She's getting married. I said as I grabbed some boxes to put up.
What? Said Seulgi.
She's getting married as you heard. I said.
That can't be true she came here t- I cut her off again.
She only came to tell her dad about it that's it. I said.
Chae....said Seulgi.
Seulgi, all I want to do is work so I can get my mind off it. I said.
Okay.....lock up when your done. Said Seulgi as she hands me her keys

Yeji POV:
Youngbin has been calling me nonstop and I know I have to talk to him but at the same time I don't want to. I can't ignore him forever so this time I call him.
Hello. Said Youngbin.
Youngbin....I said.
What's going on? Asked Youngbin.
I think we shouldn't get married....I feel like we are rushing things. I said.
Yeji I need to tell you something. Said Youngbin.
What? I asked.
I've been seeing somebody else....said Youngbin.
What? I- I don't understand. I said.
I'm sorry but I found somebody I like more. Said Youngbin.
That's fine I think it's best if we both don't talk or see each other again. I said.
I agree. Said Youngbin.
Well....I wish you happiness. I said.
Me too Yeji your a great person but if I'm going to be honest I knew you didn't feel all that way about me. Said Youngbin.
Your right. I said.
I know you love somebody else and Yeji go for it! Don't let it stop you. Said Youngbin.
Thanks. I said as I hung up the phone.

Chaeryeong POV:
It was 1 in the afternoon. I would usually work at this time but since I did last night Seulgi decided to give me the day off. I'm cleaning the house right now when I hear the doorbell ring. I'm thinking it's Somi asking why I didn't show up but when I opened the door I saw Yeji.
Hi Chaeryeong. Said Yeji.
Hello. I said.
May I come in? Asked Yeji.
Of course. I said as I got out the way.
Did you need anything? I asked.
I just wanted to come visit you and talk to you. Said Yeji.
Of course what did you need? I said.
As you know I was going to get married. Said Yeji.
Mhm. I said
And I'm not going to do it. Said Yeji.
Why? I asked.
Because....I like someone else. Said Yeji.
Who? I asked.
Chae....I still have feelings for you. Said Yeji as my eyes widen up.
Me? I asked pointing to myself.
Yes you! Your exactly as I remember. Said Yeji.
I'm sorry Yeji but as much as I really want to be with you I can't Yeji you hurt me so much to the point where I don't know if I can even trust you anymore. I said.
What is that suppose to mean? Asked Yeji.
Yeji, you made me love you, we went on dates, we had sex, we had our ups and downs and you know what you left me. Alone for 10 years! Just for you to come back and tell me you were getting married! And all of a sudden to want to be with me? I said.
Chae I had to do it. Said Yeji.
Why? Why did you do it. I said.
That doesn't matter anymore! Yelled Yeji.
Yes it does! I yelled Yeji! I screamed out loud on the top of my lungs for you not to leave and you did it anyway and left me for 10 whole years. I said as a tear leaves my eye.
I didn't want to. Yelled Yeji.
Then why did you Yeji and tell me now! I yelled.
It was the best for both of us. Chae did you really think I went on that stupid airplane happy filled with joy that I was leaving I went on that plane crying the whole way there and didn't stop for a while. Chae I only left because if I stayed I knew I would bring trouble. And I hurt you so much I didn't want to hurt you more. Said Yeji.
Yeji I was hoping that one day you would come back or at least call me. All these year I always thought that I did something wrong. I said.
Chae you mean a lot to me. Said Yeji.
You forgot all about me you didn't even know who I was. I said.
Chae I didn't remember anything I only remembered where my mom used to live because I had it written down just in case I needed to come back. Said Yeji.
You still didn't remember me. I said.
Hey you didn't remember me either. Said Yeji.
I did. I said.
Yeah right. Lia told me you didn't remember who I was when you first saw me. Said Yeji.
Fuck. I mumbled under my breath.
Chae that doesn't matter anymore we still have each other. And we both have been away from each other for the longest time. All I want to do is redeem myself. Said Yeji.
Yeji I don't know it took me a long time to try to forget you and now your back. I said.
I'm not forcing you but you know you can talk to me. Said Yeji as she starts to get up.
Wait, where are you staying? I asked.
I just moved I'm with my dad. I said.
Wait "moved in" I asked.
Yeah I'm staying here. I mean this is my hometown and I feel like I should be here with my dad. Said Yeji as she was about to walk out the door.
I love you Yeji. I said out of nowhere.
What? Asked Yeji.
I love you Yeji I really do. I said.
Chae...I love you too. Said Yeji as she pulls me in for a kiss and it's a kiss I've been waiting for years. We hug each other and separate.
You know what! Let's start over.
Hi my name is Yeji Hwang. Said Yeji as she sticks her arm out.
Hello my name is Chaeryeong Lee. I said as I grab her arm and stake it.
I think your really pretty would you like to go on a date with me? Asked Yeji.
I would love you to on a date with you. I said as we both headed out the door and started all over.

Hey everyone!!!! That's the end of the story! I'm so happy to see everyone enjoy it and continue to read every week! I will forever love and remember this story! And I hope to make some more in the future thank you all for the Love And I hope to see you guys again real soon!💕💕💕

Hey everyone!!!! That's the end of the story! I'm so happy to see everyone enjoy it and continue to read every week! I will forever love and remember this story! And I hope to make some more in the future thank you all for the Love And I hope to s...

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