10 Years Later~Itzy

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*10 years later*
Chaeryeong POV:
So Chaeryeong how are you feeling? Asked Somi.
I woke up energized. I said.
Good and what are you going to do today? Asked Somi.
I'm going out with friends. I said.
Okay well have fun. Said Somi as she closed her book.
Thank you. I said as I smiled as I was about to walk out.
Chaeryeong if you don't mind can I ask you this question? Asked Somi.
Sure. I said.
Don't you get tired of coming here everyday? Asked Somi.
Not really I actually like doing stuff like this. I said.
Your the first person to do that. Usually when I get people like that they don't really come back. Said Somi.
Well I love being here and it means a lot to me. I said.
Well that's good now go have fun with your friends. Said Somi as she gets a ruler and playfully hits me with it.
Okay bye. I said.
*I left here and went to the restaurant we planned to go to. I walked in and saw Yuna and Ryujin here.
Hey no Lia? I asked.
She's on her way. Said Ryujin.
So how was your morning? Asked Yuna.
It was good I went to the sesión this morning. I said.
You still go there? Asked Ryujin.
Of course I do it's nice to do something nice like this. I said.
Yeah but.....everyday? Asked Ryujin.
I never get tired of it. I said.
I would. Said Yuna.
Same here. Said Ryujin.
Hey guys sorry I'm late it's just I had to work with a case and I lost track of time. Said Lia. (Did she ever make her dream in becoming a Lawyer? Yes.)
It's fine. Said Ryujin as she kisses her cheek. (3 years ago Lia and Ryujin got back together, as for Yuna she got herself a boyfriend. As for me I'm happy being single.)
Well did you guys order? Asked Lia.
No we were all waiting for you. I said.
Well come on I have to go back. Said Lia.
I have to work as well so hurry. I said as we all look at the menu and order.
*After eating I went home to go to work but not in the apartment 10 years ago. I saved up and bought me a house. I got home and take a little nap and after I'm done with that. I took a shower and started to get ready for work and if you are still wondering I still work with Seulgi she has been by my side for a long time now. I finish getting ready now it's time for me to go.

Yuna POV:
I was getting a few photos to put up for my new house. I go through the basement of the house and I see a pack of photos and as I was walking downstairs I accidentally dropped a pack of them.
FUCK ME! I yell as I started to pick them up but look at them at the same time. I found one of me Lia, Ryu and Chae but I also see another girl in the photo.
Wait I remember her. What's her name? I said as I was walking around trying to remember her name.

Chaeryeong POV:
I was into work a see a few people here. I put my number in to show that I came to work on time and I see Seulgi.
Hey Chae. Said Seulgi.
Hi. I said.
How was your morning? Asks Seulgi.
Good. I said with a smile.
Thats good. Said Seulgi.
Hey if I finish early is it okay if I go drop off a few things I was going to do it this morning but I lost track of time. I said.
Of course just get a few boxes and unbox them for me. Said Seulgi.
Okay. I said as I do what she says. And after that I decided to walk since it was nice outside. And as I was about to make my way to the place a bus stops in front of me. I wait patiently and as it drove off I stop and see a girl she looks familiar she grabs her suitcase and starts to walk a different direction. I promise you I've seen her before I just can't remember where. I may my way to the place I'm suppose to go to. And drop my things off and went back to work.
That quick? Asked Seulgi.
Yeah it wasn't a lot of stuff. I said.
Whats wrong? Asked Seulgi.
Nothing. I said as I try to finish a few more things.
Chae I might have not known you forever but I know that look something is wrong. Said Seulgi.
No nothing is wrong it's just that when I was walking to the post there was a bus that stopped in front of me and when I was about to walk I see this girl and I felt like I known her from somewhere. I said.
What did she look like? Asked Seulgi.
Well she light brown hair, perfect face, and yeah. I said.
Well I can't help you on that one because there are a lot of girls with light brown hair and perfect face in this world. Said Seulgi.
Yeah I know but I might have seen her in a movie or something. I said.
Yeah since you like to watch a lot of tv shows and movies. Said Seulgi.
True and you know what? I'm not ashamed of it. I said with a smile.

Yuna POV:
Ryu. I said as I yelled.
What? Asked Ryujin.
Look at this. I said as I handed the photo to Ryujin.
Damn back when I was young. Said Ryujin.
I know. I said.
And hot. Said Ryujin as she bites her finger.
Shut up. I said as I playfully smack her shoulder.
Who is this? Asks Ryujin as she points at the girl.
That's what I was wondering as well I feel like I know her. I said.
Wasn't her name like Yujun? Or Yejun? Said Ryujin as she was trying to remember her.
Why don't we ask the girl if they know her? I say.
Yeah but not today they are both busy and I'm still working on getting my stuff out for my house. Said Ryujin as she gets her things.

Yeji POV:
I get off the bus and walk back into Korea. You know when you first come to your hometown your suppose to feel happy and excited to be back home but it felt weird. It felt like I forgot about this place but I know there is one place I will never forget. I see this girl who was at the other side of the street just staring into me. I was confused but I walk away. I walk to the house I will never forget. I knock on the door and it opens.
Who is I- I cut him off.
Hi. I said.
Yeji? Asked my dad.
Missed me? I asked as we both hug each other.
Wow look at you! You look professional! Said my dad.
Thanks I said.
Come in. Said my dad as he helped me with my suitcase.
It's like I never forgot this place. I said as I look around.
Yeji I'm actually surprised your here I thought you would never come back. Said my dad.
Well I'm not gonna lie and say I was going to come back but it's been how long? 7? 10? Years. I wanted to come for a while. I said.
How's work? Asks my dad.
Pretty good. I said with a smile.
Well honey you look tired why don't you go to your room and take a nap. Says my dad.
My room is still the same? I asked.
Yup need me to show you where it is? Asks my dad.
Nope I remember. I said as I walk to my room.

Hey guys I hope you liked this chapter. I have a lot of homework to do! I hoped you liked this Chapter and I will see you guys next week!💕💕

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