Project~ Itzy

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Chaeryeong POV:
*The next day*
I woke up and decided to be lazy all day since it was a Saturday and had nothing to do I was going to go to sleep again when I got a text message.

I'm On my way!

I was confused when she said that but then I remembered. We have a project to do! I quickly get off bed clean my room. Went to the bathroom brushed my teeth and washed my face when I heard a knock on the door. I went downstairs and opened the door and saw Yeji standing there.
Oh umm hi, I said.
Hey is Lia home?, asked Yeji.
Yeah she's in her room, I said.
Okay thanks, said Yeji as she goes to find Lia's room while I went to change really quick. Also brushed my hair and did a little makeup and in perfect timing I heard a knock on the door.
LIA I'M LEAVING!!, I yelled as I was walking out.
OKAY, yelled Lia back. I opened the door and saw that Ryujin was about to walk in.
Hey Ryujin, I said as I closed the door.
Ummm what are you doing?, asked Ryujin.
Lia and Yeji are doing their project so we can't do it here, I said.
Why we can go to the other room, said Ryujin.
Okay I'm going to be honest Lia said to not let you in here, I said.
Wait what!, said Ryujin.
Yeah she doesn't want you here so let's go to a cafe, I said.
And your going to listen to her, said Ryujin.
RYUJIN!!! This is her house and she helped me so much. And even if I live her it doesn't mean I can just do whatever I feel like doing, I said.
Fine let's go to the cafe, said Ryujin as we both go in her car. We made it to the cafe did half of our project so far.
Ugh I need a break from all this researching and writing, said Ryujin.
Okay, I said as I continued to write.
Did you even listen to me?, asked Ryujin.
Yes, I said.
Can you take a break with me?, asked Ryujin.
Sure, I said as I rolled my eyes. We took a break for about 20 minutes and then we went back to writing and after 2 hours we finally finished.
Ugh finally, said Ryujin.
I know right, I said.
So who's going to keep it? Me or you?, asked Ryujin.
I can keep it until Monday if you want, I said.
That fine, said Ryujin we pack up and we head our way out.
I think we did good, said Ryujin.
Me too, I said the next thing I knew Ryujin kissed me and I pushed her.
What me and Lia are not together anymore, said Ryujin.
Yeah I know but, if you guys just broke up then why would you think that this is okay?, I asked.
It's doesn't even matter but, you and I can be a couple, said Ryujin as she grabs my hand and I snatched my hands away.
Ryujin I'm not going to be one of your little projects to get Lia upset all we did was just an assignment and, that's it and I don't think we should be friends anymore after what you did to Lia, I said.
Whatever bitch, said Ryujin as she leaves. I went home and saw Lia crying to a movie. I went upstairs and closed my door took a shower and tried to go to sleep at 4:56 in the afternoon. Lia then came to my room.
Hey how did it go?, asked Lia.
She kissed me!, I said as I got under the covers.
What?, asked Lia.
Ryujin kissed me, I said.
Wait what h-how did this happen?, asked Lia.
I was walking out the cafe and then she kissed me and got mad when I pushed her back, I said.
I don't know what's up with her lately but let's just forget about it, said Lia.
Okay, I said.
*Knock Knock*
Who is that?, I asked.
Yeji, she had to leave early to go do something and she's back, said Lia as she went to get the door. I closed my door and just wanted to go to sleep.

Lia POV:
Me and Yeji continued to finish our project and I was writing down my research when Yeji spoke.
So.. how's it going with you and Ryujin?, asked Yeji.
We broke up, I said.
Oh sorry, said Yeji.
Don't be I broke up with her, I said.
Oh umm okay if you don't mind me asking why did you guys break up?, asked Yeji.
To tell you the truth I don't know who she is anymore. She gets mad over everything. The other day she put her hands on me and that's why I broke up with her. And she is partners with Chaeryeong for the project and she kissed her but she pushed her away, I said.
Wow...that doesn't sound like her, said Yeji.
I know, I said.
Anyways I'm finished with my part, said Yeji.
I just need to finish this sentence and then I'm done, I said as I kept writing.
Hey is it okay if I use your bathroom?, asked Lia.
Sure, I said as she left.

Yeji POV:
I went to the bathroom and then came back but, before I went with Lia I saw that there was a extra room and I didn't want to be nosy or anything but I wanted to go in to see what's inside then I see that it's Chaeryeong's room and I see her sleeping I wanted to talk to her really quick so I shook her and I saw her open her eyes slowly and look up.
Yeji?, she said confused.
Sorry to walk in but I heard what happened with you and Ryujin, I said.
It's not what you think, said Chaeryeong.
No I'm just here to see how your doing these days, I said.
Oh I'm doing okay, said Chaeryeong.
Well if I'm going to be honest I do miss hanging out with you, I said.
I do too, said Chae.
Look I'm not saying we should go on a date but can we hang out as friends?, I asked.
Sure I have nothing else better to do, said Chae.
So when and where do you want to go?, I asked.
We can go to the movies and we can go tomorrow, said Chaeryeong.
Sure okay well I have to go said bye to Lia, I said.
Okay bye, said Chaeryeong.
Okay Lia thanks for inviting me, I said.
No problem and Yeji by the way I've missed hanging out with you, said Lia.
Same, I said as I made my way out.
*At home*
It's just a friendly hangout, it's not like I'm asking her to come back with me, I said.
I don't care I don't want you to hang out with her, Said Yeonjun.
So what you hangout with a Taehyun after I told you why I don't want you to hangout with him, I said.
I'm not, said Yeonjun.
Oh really?? So yesterday I went to your school just to surprise my SwEeT lOvE and the next thing I see is you hanging out with him, I said.
That's different, said Yeonjun.
Look I will never forgive myself after what I did to her all I'm doing is being her friend again and whether you like it or not I'm going with her, I said as I went to turn on the shower.

Hey guys we are finally getting Chaerji back!!!!! I hope you guys have a great day and I'll see you Thursday💕

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