My Save~Lia

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Chaeryeong POV:
We were baking cookies and, once we finished we were decorating them. And, then we decided to watch Luca and, eat them. After a while it was a little late then Yuna said something.
Guys, let's have a sleepover, said Yuna.
I'm down, said Lia.
Same, said Yeji.
Let me just ask my mom but, I'm pretty sure she won't mind, I said as I pulled out my phone and, called my mom.
Hello, said my mom.
Mom, is it okay if I sleepover Ryujin and Yuna's house?, I asked.
Sure but, be safe, said my mom.
Okay Thank you I love you, I said.
I love you too, said my mom as she hangs up.
Guys, my mom said Yes, I said to them.
Okay great so what do you guys want to do?, asked Yuna.
Sleep, said Ryujin.
Anyone except Ryujin?, asked Yuna.
Do you guys want to practice our dance?, asked Yeji.
Yeah, said Ryujin, Lia and Yuna.
Okay well is there any place where we can practice?, I asked.
Yeah in the garage, said Yuna as she ran to the garage.
Yuna what about my stuff?, asked Ryujin.
Oh I got it, said Yuna as she starts kicking Ryujin things out of the way.
BITCH!!!!!, yelled out Ryujin as she runs to Yuna.
Anyways I'm going to separate them because, trust me it will take forever, said Yeji as she goes to stop Yuna and Ryujin which gave me the chance to talk to Lia.
Hey Lia I have to go to the bathroom come with me, I said.
Okay, said Lia as she follows me. We went in closed the door while Lia was looking at herself in the mirror fixing her hair I had to ask her.
Lia if I'm going to be honest I don't have to pee I just need to talk to you, I said.
Chae I don't th-, I cut her off.
Lia please I'm your best friend. We have done everything together. We hid away from Yeji and Ryujin. We did pranks on the neighbors. We had like how many sleepovers?, I said.
Your right, said Lia.
You can trust me I won't tell anyone, I said.
I know you won't but, what happened was.....

Lia POV:
I was walking back home after seeing Chaeryeong in the hospital but, I was crying because, I was so sad that she is in the hospital and, she gave so many hints and, we didn't notice I just felt like if I lose my best friend it would be all my fault I bumped in to someone by, not looking.
Sorry, I said as I wiped my tears away.
It's fine Are you okay?, asked the guy.
Yes sorry, I said as I walked away.
Hey listen I know we just met each other but, I know that a person who is sad should not be alone, said the guy.
I know I heard that one before from my best friend, I said.
You should listen to her, said the guy.
That's the thing I can't listen to her if she is not here with me, I said as I begin to cry harder.
What do you mean? Here let's go somewhere and, talk, said the guy.
Well..the thing is..I found out that my best friend has no been eating and, she is now in the hospital but, she is also in a coma and, I just don't know what to do without her we literally do everything together, I said as I kept on crying.
Well..I'm really sorry for you friend but, trust me things get better and, I'm pretty sure that she will get better, said the guy.
How can you be so sure?, I asked.
Because, I know things are hard but, that's just life but, if you keep fighting you will get through this. And, no matter what happens she will always be here with you, said the guy.
Wow, Thanks, I said with a smile.
What's your name?, asked the guy.
Lia, I said.
Mine is Soobin. Have me met before?, asked Soobin.
I don't think we have, I said.
Do you go to school around here?, asked Soobin.
Yes I go to JYP Entertainment, I said.
Nice, I go to HYBE Entertainment, said Soobin.
Well...I must get going I have to go home before my mom gets home, I said as I got up.
Well let me drive you home, said Soobin.
No, It's fine I like to walk, I said.
Are you sure I can give you a ride?, asked Soobin again.
No Thanks I'm good, I said as I kept walking and, got away from him.
*Few hours later*
Lia can you please go to the store and bring me cookies?, asked my mom.
Sure, I said as I went to my room to get my shoes. I put them on grab my keys to my car and, head outside and, went to the store and, while I was at the store I couldn't help but, to feel as if someone was staring at me I kept looking around but, saw no one I bought the cookies with a couple snacks I payed for them and, went to my car and, drove back home. I brought the cookies to my mom.
Thank you honey, said my mom.
Your welcome I have to go get a few things out my car, I said as I went back outside then the next thing I knew Soobin was outside my car.
Hey Lia, said Soobin.
Umm..hi what are you doing here?, I asked.
Lia I want to be with you, said SOobin.
I'm sorry what?, I asked.
Your really pretty, said Soobin.
Ummm....Thank you?, said back.
Lia can we be together?, asked Soobin.
Soobin we just met today, I said.
It doesn't matter, said Soobin.
Sorry but, your not really my type, I said.
Lia let me ask you a question. Your friend that is in the hospital her name is Chaeryeong? Right?, asked Soobin.
How did you know?, I asked.
Because, my friend Taehyun told me, said Soobin with a smirk.
Hell no your friends with Taehyun?, I asked.
Yup and, he told me you were pretty and god he was right, said Soobin.
Go away before I call the cops, I said as I backed up.
Your not going to call anybody because, your not going anywhere, said Soobin.
I tried to run to my house but, he caught up to me and, tried to take me to his car that was until he fell on the floor I was confused and, looked up and, saw Ryujin with a log in her hands.
Lia are you okay? Asked Ryujin.
Yeah, I said as I got up and hugged her.
Go inside I'll be there in a while, said Ryujin. I went inside and, just wanted to forget about what just happened.
*End of flashback*
I'm so sorry Lia, I said.
It's okay I'm just happy that I'm safe and, still here, said Lia.
Me too. Also I won't tell anyone, I said.
I know you won't but, Chae are back to eating again?, asked Lia.
Yes, so don't worry, I said.
I do worry I really thought I was gonna lose you, said Lia.
Lia you will never lose me, I said as I hugged her.
Your my best friend I never want to see anything bad happen to us, said Lia.
Trust me it won't, I said back.
Okay well let's go learned that dance, I said as I take Lia with me.

Hey guys I hope you liked this Chapter and sorry for it "almost" being late well..see you on Thursday💕

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