Chapter 16

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Mina is again, early, at the 'Yoo Are Mine' store. She got money, however, less time with Chaeyoung.

She spend about two hours with her then work when weekdays and spend the weekend with everyone.

Since this month will be free, she decided to keep the money for next month and to overtime so more money.

While working, she look for gifts to give to Chaeyoung. She didn't know the exact date but she will find it out by talking to Dahyun tomorrow.

"I can't tell you."

"Huh? Why is that?" Mina asked, feeling unfair.

She just asked Dahyun but the other don't want to say it.

"You two have been friends for almost a year, but you don't even know her birthday. So, no."

Mina look at her, but then a light bulb pop suddenly. Then, she smirk at the younger.


"Momo, can I have a favor?"

"Sure." Momo said before turning to Mina. "But what will be my advantage with it?"

She can't offer money, so she think carefully what she can offer. "I remember you saying about going overnight on your friend's house. You can go, I will take care of Sana."

"Really?" Momo happily responded, looks like she is satisfied with it.

"Of course! Enjoy with your friends, don't worry about Sana."

"So, what is it? Your favor."

"Can you..."


2 days before Chaeyoung's birthday..

Mina decided to stop for this week so she can have more time with Chaeyoung. They are now in the living room, watching Momo pack her things before going to her friend's house later.

"Sana, I want to ask you something." Momo asked, almost finishing.

"What is it, unnie?" Sana is currently doing her assignments, asking Mina to tutor her.

"Last time on Mina's birthday, did you take a proper bath?" Sana look confused at her sister's question.

She was about to answer but she see Tzuyu hiding.

"Tzuyu! Why are you hiding?"

"I thought about playing hide and seek but looks like you are doing your homeworks." She replied, going to them.

After the youngest sit down beside Sana, it is suddenly quiet. Momo look at her sister, waiting for an answer.

"Ah, unnie, we took a proper bath that time!" Sana said, making Tzuyu look at them. "What are you talking about?"

"If the two of you took a proper bath on my birthday." Mina said.

"I already told unnie that we are very clean. We even scrub ourselves."

"That's what I want to ask. How did you scrub yourselves when there are no scrubbers there? The scrubbers are in my room." Momo's question made everyone look at the two kids.

"We use our clothes to scrub ourselves." Tzuyu said. "Aren't I a genius?" She added, making the adults relief.

Sana look at them suspiciously. "Is there another way of scrubbing each other?" She asked innocently.

They stare at each other before one of her friends called out for her. "Looks like I need to get going. Bye!"

Momo escape the question, leaving Sana look at Mina.

"Why don't we finish your homework so the two of you can play already?" Sana quickly nod, wanting to play with Tzuyu. Looks like she also escape the question.

The clock reach 9pm, they finished with the help of Mina while solving math problem. Chaeyoung also help on some parts that Mina can't remember.

About why is Chaeyoung still there, Mina invited her to have overnight. She also invited Tzuyu so Sana can play with her and sleep with her since Momo is out.

It is time for the kids to drink their milk. Momo already explained everything they need to do.

Mina help the two to go to the bathroom so they can be clean and change to their pajamas while Chaeyoung is gonna make their milk.

"Chaeyoung, make sure their milk is hot." Mina check on Chaeyoung's doing while the two is playing with snake and ladders.

"It's done!" She replied. "Everything is easy, well except when I need to get the milk powder's container." She mumbled but Mina hear it clearly, she chuckled mentally.

The both of them bring the milk to the living room so they can sleep after the kids finish it. While waiting for them to drink it, they decided to play snakes and ladders with them.

"This is getting boring!" Sana said, after she won for about five times. "Oh! How about a punishment for the last to go up?"

Sana talk about the punsishment and everyone agreed to it. The milk is already finished but they are still wanting to play more.

Soon, they finished..

Sana and Mina are laughing while taking a picture of Tzuyu and Chaeyoung.

The punishment? To put baby powder as much as they want.

Tzuyu's face looks like a deer because of the big dot on the center of her nose. She also got a bit of powder on both of her cheeks. Sana also made her wear a baby deer costume.

Chaeyoung, on the other hand, looks like a tiger. (Even without the baby powder, she already look like one.)

They even took a photo where Chaeyoung looks like eating Tzuyu. The cousins had fun, which made the other two also smile.

After the picture taking, the two kids are already tired and quickly sleep when they got into their room.

Everyone is very tired so they decided to sleep early, but there is one problem.

Where will Chaeyoung sleep?

There are many guest rooms that's why Chaeyoung recommended to sleep at one, however, Mina insist on having her sleep with her.

"I can sleep here, but is it fine with you?" Mina nod, waiting for Chaeyoung's decision.

"But why do I even need to sleep here when I can sleep to the other room?" She asked. "Do I need any reason? I just want you to sleep with me."

Mina stare at her for a minute. "You don't want to?" She then face the other side. "You can sleep in the guest room if you want." She said, in a cold tone before lying down, not even looking at Chaeyoung's side.

Hearing her words, the younger suddenly got goosebumps.

Without any reply, Mina felt the other slowly lying down beside her. "I will sleep here." She whispered softly, which made Mina smirk.

Nothing will happen, right?

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