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"Would you like to have a friend?"

()yes                  ()no

Mina quickly choose the yes by clicking it by her mouse.

After she clicked it, a sudden file came out.

"Greetings! We would like to know some information first before you proceed to the next part!"

Mina doesn't know if she would trust this website but she still tried and go to it. She clicked the next arrow and a question pop.


"How old are you?"

() 12 years old and below 

() 13 years old - 21 years old

() 22 years old - 59 years old

() 60 years old and above

Mina chose the second one since she is just 20 years old and currently studying on college. She is doing business course so she could have knowledge in case his father would retire on their business..

She clicked the second and another question pop.


"Please choose your gender."

() Male            ()Female

Obviously, she chose the female one.


"Please choose your sexuality."

      ()Straight           ()Bisexual       ()Gay

"If none of the above, please type it."


Mina quickly choose the first one but she suddenly felt hesitated to click it. She doesn't know why she suddenly felt something else. Instead, she clicked the second one since she is not really sure.


"What country are you in? Please type it."


Mina type Korea and push the enter button.


"What gender would you like your friend to be?"

() Male   ()Female 
() Doesn't Matter

Mina doesn't know what to choose since first, she isn't comfortable with stranger, mostly if it would be a boy. Second, she is scared of how the girl would evaluate how she looks. Third, it would be either of the two and she can't escape that in any ways.

After a hard time of thinking, she chose the second one so it would be safe and she won't fall in love unlike what she read on some books.

My Rented FriendWhere stories live. Discover now