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2 Years Later...


"Ok, I got the bags in the car, that weird pillow thing, Chad is on his way to get Cooper and we're dropping Willow off at Jax and Emily's. Do we need anything else? Like our ID. Or passport?" Billy asks frantically, shoving things into his pockets as he walks around the house.

"A passport? We're not flying to Paris to have the baby." I say with a smile, despite my contractions.

"I'm sorry, I've never done this before. It would have been nice if you have told me you were having contractions two hours ago." He says, clearly exasperated as he puts a bag of dog food by the front door for Chad to take.

"They weren't regular then. Now they are. So we need to go." I say and Billy nods.

"Oh! The diaper bag!" He says, running up to the nursery. I chuckle and turn to Willow, pulling her in for a firm hug.

"You alright, baby?" I ask and she nods.

"Yeah." She says with a little smile.

"You excited to meet your brother?" I ask and she nods.

"Yes, even though I wish it was a sister." She says. I laugh a little and run my fingers through her hair.

"At least you have Ellie." I say and she nods in agreement.

"Willow..." I say and her eyes pop up to meet mine, nearly taking my breath away. The older she gets the more she looks like Sarah.

"I just want you to know, I will always love you. This baby will never change that. You will always be my daughter." I say firmly and she smiles at me.

"I know, Mama." She says, spearing my heart with the name she hasn't called me in years.

"You sure?" I ask and she nods.

"Yes. You're the best mom ever. Sometimes I think about my other mom, what my life would be like with her, but I can't imagine her being better than you. It doesn't seem possible." She says and I pull her close, trying to hide my tears.

"You make it easy. You're a great person, Willow. Your heart is kind. I can't teach that. You were born with it. You get that from your mom." I say and she smiles at me again. I kiss her head firmly as Billy practically trips down the stairs. I look at him curiously as Willow chuckles.

"I'm fine. Let's go." He says, opening the door and holding my hand as he leads us to the car.

We drive to Jax and Emily's, getting there much quicker than usual. Billy gets out of the car and opens Willow's door. I open mine as well and wave her over to me.

"One more hug. For good luck." I say and she bends down to wrap her arms around me. I hold her longer than necessary, before she turns to Billy. He scoops her up in his arms and kisses her head.

"I love you, Pippy. I'll come get you as soon as I can so you can meet your brother and see your mom. Ok?" He says and she nods.

"Love you too, Dad. Take care of her." She says and Billy smiles, carrying her bag up to the porch where an excited Ellie and Emily are waiting.

Billy gets back in the car and lets out a long sigh.

"I'm nervous, angel." He says and I look over at him.

"Really? I'm the one giving birth." I say with a laugh, but when he looks back at me his face is serious.

"I just want you and him to be fine. Healthy. Safe." He says and I reach over to hold his hand.

"Everything will be fine. But you need to hurry the fuck up." I say through gritted teeth as another contraction hits, stronger than the last. I squeeze his hand and he makes a pained sound, but lets me take my pain out on him.

Hours later after many pushes and a blessing straight from Heaven known as an epidural, our son entered the world.

"Hey, Carson." Billy coos to the bundle in his arms. I smile at them, reaching my arms out to hold my baby.

"He's so perfect." I murmur, my fingers tracing the pink of his lips.

"And so small." Billy says and I scoff.

"He didn't feel small when he was coming out of me." I quip and Billy chuckles.

"You need anything, angel? I'll get you whatever you want after what you just went through." He says and I smile, shaking my head.

"All I want is Willow." I say and the next moment I hear her voice.

"I'm right here, Mom." She says and my eyes pop up to hers. "Ellie's dad dropped me off." she says and I hold my hand out to her.

"Come here, baby. Meet your brother." I say and she sits gently on the bed next to me. Billy wraps his arms around her and kisses her on the head as she peeks at her brother.

"He's so cute." She says and I smile reaching out to tuck her hair behind her ear.

"I'm so glad you're here. You make us complete." I say and she smiles at me.

"Are you still upset it's a boy?" Billy teases and Willow shakes her head.

"A boy could be fun. Messy, if he's like Jace. But fun." She says and my heart nearly bursts with love for my little family.

A/N: Thank you so much for reading my story! I hope you enjoyed it! If you did, please consider following me or checking out my profile, I have other completed books as well!

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