Chapter 19

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I finish picking up the rest of Willow's toys as she cleans her room, ready to settle in for a relaxing Friday night. Willow has been a little moodier lately and I think it's from adjusting to school. It can be difficult being surrounded by that much stimulation all day. I know it's stressful for me the first couple of weeks and I'm an adult.

My phone starts to ring just as I close the lid to the toybox.

"Hey, Rory. What's up?" I ask.

"Hey I was wondering if maybe I could snatch Willow away for the night. That new movie she's been asking to see is out and I thought I could take her on a little night on the town. Pizza, movie, sleepover." He says and my heart warms for my brother.

"That's so sweet of you. Let me ask her." I say.

"Willow!" I call and wait for her little feet to patter down the stairs. I never get tired of that sound.

"Yeah, Mom?" She says.

That's one thing no one really prepared me for. Being called 'mom'. A few months after Sarah died she called me 'mama' for the first time and I spent the rest of the day crying. But at some point it switched from 'mama' to 'mom' and it hurt like a bitch when I realized it.

"Uncle Rory wants to take you to that new movie and have a sleepover. You in?" I ask and her face lights up with excitement as she bounces on the stair clapping wildly.

"Yes!" She shrieks and I can hear Rory chuckling through the phone.

"That sounds like an affirmative." He says and I laugh a little.

"I would say so." I respond.

"I'll be there in twenty."

I hang up and Willow and I rush upstairs to get her dressed in fresh clothes before packing her bag. She chats with me about the movie the whole time and I take a moment to bask in her little glow. When I first started taking care of her, it was so hard to not think of Sarah every time I saw her. I still do, to a certain extent but as she's gotten older and turned into more of her own person I find that I truly love her. Just her. Not because she's my best friend's kid, but because she's an amazing little human.

I hug her tight and kiss her goodbye as I wave to her in the back of my brother's car. I can tell she's chatting his ear off and he gives me a nervous glance making me laugh before he drives away. Not sure what to do with my evening now, I call Billy but he's working tonight so he doesn't answer.

It's my first kid free Friday night in as long as I can remember so I decide I don't want to spend any of it sitting at home. I figure I can surprise Billy at the shop and we can do something after. He comes over most nights anyway so I doubt he would be upset by it. I change my own clothes and inspect the tattoo on my shoulder that Billy gave me. I'm struck by its beauty every time I see it. I let my fingers glide across it, taking a moment to remember my friend.

To hope she's at peace.

I sigh and decide that's enough moping for tonight, dressing in an outift that will be sure to catch Billy's attention.

I arrive at the shop and it's already pretty late in the evening so there aren't many people around. A man stands at the desk and waves at me when I walk in.

"You looking to get work done?" He asks with a friendly smile and I shake my head no.

"Actually I came to surprise Billy. I'm Ainsley." I say, not sure if Billy has mentioned me, but his eyes light up with interest as he holds his hand out for me to shake.

"Really? It's nice to finally meet you. Billy Boy has told us all about you. I'm Joe." He says and I smile back.

"Nice to meet you too." I say and he motions towards the back room.

"He's in the back with a client right now, but he should be done in the next ten minutes or so if you want to wait." He offers and I nod.

"Yeah. I'm just gonna go to the bathroom quick." I tell him. The bathroom is in the back, past the private room Billy tattooed me in. I walk past the black curtain when I hear a female voice.

"It looks beautiful, Billy. As always." She says and there's something about her voice that makes me pause.

"Great. Glad you like it." I hear Billy say and I go to continue walking when she speaks again.

"You wanna hang out tonight? Maybe let me show you just how much I like it?" She purrs and my hackles raise as I listen.

"No, Crystal. It's not professional to hang out with clients. I'm not interested. Plus I'm seeing someone." He says firmly, all of the previous kindness washed from his voice and I feel my heart swell in my chest.

"She doesn't need to know." Crystal says and I nearly gag at her tone. She's acting so desperate. "I mean, she should know she has to share you. You're too delicious to only have one woman." She says and red hot fury burns in my gut as I fight the urge to storm in there and smack her in her disgusting face.

I don't technically know if it's disgusting, I'm just assuming.

"Listen here, Crystal. I've put up with your shit long enough. I've told you plenty of times I'm not interested. When I tell you I'm with someone, that means I'm with her. There is no sharing and I have no interest in anyone but my girl. Now get your shit and get out." He nearly screams and I'm shocked at his tone. I've never heard him so angry. I nearly giggle with glee before scooting back to the bathroom.

I do my business and when I get back I see the girl at the counter with Joe.

Unfortunately she's not disgusting. She's hot, gorgeous even. Like I wouldn't mind experimenting with her if I were still in college and hadn't already done that, but that makes Billy's loyalty all the more touching.

"Hey, angel! What a nice surprise." He says, walking up to me and pulling me in for a hug. He kisses me tenderly then looks around.

"Where's Pippy?" He asks and I wrap my arms around his waist to pull him in closer.

"Dinner and a sleepover with her uncle. I'm all yours tonight, baby." I murmur in his ear and he groans a little.

"That sounds amazing. Just let me finish up with this client quick and we'll get out of here." He says, pecking another kiss to my lips before going to the counter. He tells Joe a few things and walks away before turning back around suddenly.

"Put her on the red list." He adds and Joe's eyes widen before he nods.

"I gotta clean up my station quick. Give me five minutes." He says kissing me again and the girl gives me a deadly look. She walks over to me, her eyes narrowed.

"Your kid's name is Pippy?" She asks condescendingly and I can't help but laugh.

"No. It's Willow. Billy just calls her that because she likes pigtails. It's like their own special thing. He's amazing." I say wistfully, pouring on the sugar as I pretend to watch for him hopefully. I can tell she's jealous and she scoffs before walking off.

Joe chuckles from the corner as he types something on the computer before shutting it down.

"You're a tough chick. I like it. You'll fit right in." He says with a warm smile before he heads out the door.

Billy comes back quickly, pulling me into a firm embrace before kissing me fiercely.

"What would my angel like to do this evening?" He asks, rubbing his nose against mine in that sweet way that makes my heart patter.

"I'm up for anything. As long as the night ends in your bed or mine." I purr, leaving delicate kisses along the column of his neck. He groans and leans into my touch, tightening his fingers on the fabric of my coat.

"I can definitely work with that." He says wrapping his arm around my shoulder and leading me from the shop.

"What's the red list?" I ask and his face hardens at my question.

"It's for clients that aren't welcome back. Some people are violent, rude, don't want to pay. She was straight up inappropriate. None of us put up with shit, especially Jax." He says and my heart does that little flutter again as I snuggle in closer to his side.

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