Chapter 30

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I bound down the stairs and into the living room where Ainsley has rolls of wrapping paper and tape laid out.

"OK! She's asleep! Operation Santa is a go!" I say excitedly and she laughs, shaking her head at me affectionately.

"Just relax. It's not that big of a deal." She says and I huff at her.

"This is my first Christmas with you guys. This is a big deal. The biggest deal actually. We only have a few hours to create Christmas magic!" I exclaim and Ainsley raises her brows at me.

"You know that Santa isn't actually real, right?" She teases and I scoff at her.

"Santa is as real as you make him. His spirit lives in those of us that carry on his legacy." I say proudly and she gives me a warm smile.

"Alright, Kris Kringle. Come help me wrap this scooter then." She says as I walk towards her.

"And a glove right? You got her a t-ball glove? And a bat?" I ask excitedly and she nods.

"And a hot pink bag for her to carry it all in." She says with a smile and I kiss her before grabbing the tape.

"And what about the present you were responsible for?" She asks with a raised brow and I just chuckle.

"Chad is bringing it in the morning. She's gonna shit herself." I say, practically squealing with glee just thinking about Willow's reaction. Ainsley laughs before cutting a strip of wrapping paper and taping it into place.

"Can't we just use bags?" She asks, exasperated when she cut too small of a piece.

"Absolutely not!" I exclaim. "Ripping the paper is the fun part." I say and she nods.

"You're right. I just hate wrapping." She says, glaring at the blue paper with snowflakes.

"It's alright. I'll wrap. But if I do you don't get any of any of cookies she left out." I say firmly and Ainsley rolls her eyes.

"That's fine. I think I'll live." She says sarcastically as she grabs some hot chocolate and watches me wrap.

"You enjoying the view?" I ask and she nods with a little giggle.

"You look sexy all bent over like that." She says and I chuckle.

"You can unwrap your gift later." I say.

"What'd you get me?" She asks.

"My dick." I say coyly and she tilts her head back to laugh. It's a sound I'll never get tired of.

"Well then I guess I'll take your present back." She says with a shrug.

"What'd you get me? Maybe I don't want it anyway." I tease and she chuckles.

"I guess you'll never know." She responds and I stand, grabbing a box from the hall closet.

"Here you go, angel." I tell her, handing her the gift I got her. She pops open the lid to find the diamond earrings I bought her and her mouth drops.

"Billy! These are beautiful!" She says and I smile at her, kissing her cheek.

"They'll make your eyes sparkle." I tell her and she looks up at me, launching herself at me to plant her lips on mine. She sighs and stands, grabbing a box from under the couch in the other room.

"What is that?" I ask coyly and she narrows her eyes playfully at me.

"Your present." She answers, handing it to me. I open it and my mouth drops in shock.

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