Chapter 28

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"Are my favorite girls ready to go?" Billy asks, holding his arms open for Willow to jump into. It had been two weeks since we won the court case and I never thought I would be so grateful to have life back to normal.

"Where are we going?" Willow asks and Billy smiles at her, booping her on the nose.

"It's a surprise, Pippy." He says with a mischevious smile that has me laughing. She narrows her eyes at him suspiciously as he puts her hat on her head, pulling it down over her eyes until she giggles. He scoops her up and carries her out to the car, buckling her in before opening my door for me. I press a kiss to his lips before I slip in the car.

We drive in comfortable silence, Billy's hand resting on my thigh, squeezing it occasionally and making me grin. Willow chats in the back seat, telling us what she wants for Christmas and the things she was learning in school before break started.

When we pull up to the park, we can hear Willow's audible gasp from the backseat.

"A carnival?!" She asks excitedly and Billy grins back at her.

"The Winter Festival." He says and she shrieks out an excited sound that has us both laughing.

We pile out of the car, each of us grabbing one of Willow's hands as we walk towards the rides. Billy buys her tickets and she runs towards the first one. We sit and watch as she spins, laughing, smiling and waving at us.

"You know, this is the best memory I have from my childhood." Billy says, coming up behind me and wrapping his arms around me.

"What do you mean?" I ask, looking up at him. He smiles down and pecks a kiss to my lips before resting his chin on my shoulder.

"When I was a kid, my parents were always busy. Never really made time for me. Except for this festival. They would take the day off from work every year and we would spend the whole day here. They would let me ride as many rides as I wanted, eat whatever I wanted, play the games until I won everything I could. Then before we left, we'd go ice skating together, just the three of us. My parents would laugh and joke together. My dad would spin my mom around, kiss her. It was really the only time I felt like my parents actually loved each other. I'm sure they did, or do, but they never really showed it. When I started falling for you and Willow, bringing you both here, spending the day with you. I couldn't wait. You two are like all my dreams come to life. It probably seems like just another day to you guys, but this is huge for me." He says, his voice breaking as he clears his throat. I turn to hold onto him, tucking my face into his neck.

"We'll make it special. Every year we'll do the same for Willow. And whatever other kids we have." I say with a bright smile and his face turns to shock before joy.

"Really? More kids?" He asks and I shrug.

"If you want." I say with a teasing smile and he chuckles.

"As many as you'll give me, angel." He says, kissing me again.

"Mom! Can I go again?" Willow calls and I look over at her, her little cheeks pink from the cold and her eyes glittering with excitement.

"As many times as you want, baby!" I shout back, tears pricking my eyes.

"Love you, angel." Billy murmurs, against my ear and I smile up at him.

"I love you, too." I say, sitting up on tip toe to kiss him.

Willow gets tired of the rides and switches to games, letting out a happy squeal when Billy wins her a stuffed dog. She runs around like a crazy person, playing everything she can find.

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