Chapter 9

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I'm woken by the gentle prodding of little hands, groaning as I try to stretch my legs. I pop my eyes open, squinting at the bright light shining through the windows.

"No fair, Mom! How come you got to have a sleep over with Billy and I didn't?" Willow's indignant voice cuts through an otherwise peaceful Sunday morning. I sigh and look up at Billy, his arms still wrapped around me as he begins to stir. I look around the room and realize we fell asleep on the couch, the blanket had somehow fallen to the floor through the night and I pull it up to tuck back around us.

My eyes land on Willow, her face still hard and hands on her hips. Her wild hair and princess pajamas are a startling contrast to the anger etched on every curve of her cherubim face and I let out a little chuckle.

"I'm sorry, baby. It wasn't planned." I say, reaching out to smooth her hair back. Billy must have woken fully, because he reaches out to grab Willow, hauling her onto his chest. I tuck her into my arms and kiss her cheek as she giggles while he tickles her. Her anger forgotten, she climbs down and pokes my shoulder.

"I'm hungry, Mama." She says sweetly. When she pulls out the 'Mama' card I know it's because she wants chocolate chip pancakes.

"Yeah, baby. I'll make you breakfast in a minute. Go get dressed and brush that hot mess on your head." I tell her and she groans a little before running back up the stairs.

"Morning, angel." Billy's husky voice greets me and I nearly groan at the sound. On top of that sweet pet name I can feel myself falling harder for him. I wait for the thought to make panic course through me, but to my surprise it doesn't

"Morning." I say with a yawn, stretching again. He watches me with a soft expression and I furrow my brows at him.

"What?" I ask and he shrugs.

"This is way better than a morning text." He says with a smug grin that has my heart racing. I put my arms on his chest so I can rest my chin on them and look at him with a lazy smile of my own. He sits up a little so he can see me better and reaches out to run his fingers through my hair.

"Yeah it is. What are your plans for the day?" I ask and he smiles wider.

"My plans are whatever your plans are." He says haughtily and I laugh a little at him.

"Oh yeah?" I ask and he nods.

"It took a long time for me to enter your lair. You're not getting me out so easily." He says and I let out a full belly laugh.

"Well, we both start school tomorrow so I figured we would just relax today." I say with a shrug. He looks at me with such warm affection I feel it from the inside out.

"That sounds perfect. I'm gonna run home to shower and change and then I'll be back." He says and I push off of him so he can get up.

"Pippy!" He calls out and Willow comes running down from her room.

"I'm going to cook breakfast when I get back, ok? Don't let your mom anywhere near the kitchen." He says as if he's giving her a top secret mission. She watches him with wide eyes and nods along with his plans.

"I got this!" She says excitedly and goes to stand in front of the kitchen door, spreading her tiny arms across the opening, barely able to touch each side. I chuckle at the sight and Billy pulls me into the other room towards the door. He looks over my head to make sure we are out of sight from Willow before he bends down to kiss me chastely. I smile shyly at him as he grins back.

"I'll be back soon. I promise." He says resolutely.

"Don't keep us waiting." I say, wrapping my arms around his waist for a quick hug. He squeezes me for a moment before pecking a kiss to my head.

"Wouldn't dream of it." He says before walking out the door. I sigh in content, wondering if I'm doing the right thing.

I know what happened last night was an honest mistake, but mistakes like that can't happen when children are involved. Willow has such a gentle spirit, she can't take heartbreak like that.

True to his word, Billy was back in half an hour wearing sweatpants and a t-shirt but still somehow looked better suited for an underwear commercial than hanging around the house with us. I had showered and changed as well and I didn't miss the way his eyes turned hungry when he eyed me in my tank top. But he didn't say anything, he simply went to the kitchen and got to work. I sent Willow upstairs to pick out her school clothes for the week to help our mornings go smoothly, so I wandered into the kitchen to watch him.

He looks so delicious, standing there flipping pancakes I couldn't stop myself from walking up behind him and wrapping my arms around his waist, pulling myself flush against his back. He groans at the contact and turns to peck a kiss to my forehead.

"You're gonna make me burn these pancakes, angel." He murmurs quietly and I huff out a laugh, burying my face into the soft fabric of his t-shirt.

"I can't help it. You look so sexy cooking I had to touch you." I whisper into his ear. I see goosebumps develop over his neck as he shivers a little in my arms. He puts the pancakes onto a plate before he spins so quickly in my arms I nearly fall over.

He grabs onto me, his hands on my waist as he hauls me up onto the countertop. I gasp in surprise as his lips descend on my neck, sucking and kissing his way up to my jaw.

"Willow?" He asks.

"Upstairs." I answer breathlessly, clinging to the fabric of his t-shirt.

He pulls me towards him and I feel the hardened length of his cock pressing against my center. I groan at the contact and Billy heaves a heavy breath.

"What are you doing to me, angel?" He murmurs quietly before his mouth meets mine in a feral, needy kiss.

His tongue thrusts in and out of my mouth as his hand travels up my body, threading through my hair and gripping gently, tilting my head to give him better access to my mouth. He groans into the kiss and rolls his hips, grinding against me. I feel my pussy dampen at the movement, my legs wrapping around him to pull him closer to me. My fingers go to his hair, gripping tight to hold him against me.

In the next moment we hear the patter of feet bouncing down the stairs and Billy pulls away quickly, his eyes meeting mine as we both breathe heavy, trying to regain our composure after that intense kiss. His eyes trace my lips and his tongue peeks out to lick his before he looks at me like a starving animal ready to devour whatever is in front of them. He lifts me off the counter, but keeps his arms around me, leaning down to give me a chaste kiss. I groan at the contact, wanting nothing more than to take him upstairs and finish what he started.

"You're killing me, baby." He groans in my ear and I let out a breathless laugh. Willow's footsteps echo down the hallway and he turns back to the stove, to hide his raging hard on I realize. I can't help but giggle and he narrows his eyes at me playfully.

Before I can talk myself out of it, I go up behind him, threading my arms around him and slipping my hand under his shirt. I rake my nails gently down his stomach, feeling the hardened muscles of his abdomen under my fingertips. His body goes rigid as his breathing increases. His head tilts back as his eyes slide closed, a small throaty moan escaping him.

"I'll take care of you later. Promise." I whisper in his ear, pecking a kiss to his neck.

I smile at him and turn to leave the room, intercepting Willow in the hallway, figuring he needs a moment to compose himself.

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