Chapter 1

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"Uncle Rory! Uncle Rory!" I hear the sound of a little girl from behind me. I turn to look at her, her dark brown pigtails bouncing behind her. Her eyes go wide and she stops on a dime a few feet from me.

"Sorry, mister. I thought you were my uncle." She says with a nervous smile. I chuckle and smile back.

"No problem, pippy." I say with a smirk and she narrows her eyes at me.

"Pippy?" She questions.

"Yeah. Like Pippy Longstockings. With the pigtails." I say, tugging on one gently.

"Never heard of it." She says, making me feel a thousand years old.

"Willow! How many times have I told you to wait for me!" I look behind the little girl to see a woman running up to her.

"Sorry, Mom." The girl says. And in her defense, she does look contrite. "I thought he was Uncle Rory." She says and the lady huffs, before looking up at me.

My eyes catch hers and I'm momentarily stunned. She's wearing a typical park outift, t shirt, cardigan, jeans and white Keds, but her eyes pull me in. The deepest shade of brown I've ever seen with shiny flecks of gold.

Fucking beautiful.

She gives me a small apologetic smile, throwing her dark brown hair up into a messy bun on top of her head. Fuck me, I have no idea why those billowy buns are so damn cute. But they are.

"I'm sorry about that." She says and I shake my head to try and gather my senses.

"No problem." I answer.

"Push me, Biwy!" I hear Ellie's sweet voice calling from the swing I just abandoned.

"Sorry, baby girl." I tell her, but she looks around me at Willow.

"Wanna play?" Ellie asks the girl. She nods and they run off onto the playground together and I can't help but smile at the sight.

"Wish I could make friends that easily." The woman says and I huff out a laugh.

"Let's practice. I'm Billy." I say, holding my hand out. She shakes it and smiles at me, her smile nearly knocks me on my ass.

"Ainsley. Nice to meet you." She says, her voice becoming sweeter as the hardness from scolding her daughter evaporates.

I look to the girls, climbing the jungle gym together, and motion for her to sit on a bench with me. She does and my heart gives a pathetic little flutter.

"They seem to be getting along well." She says and I nod.

"Yeah. Ellie doesn't have trouble making friends. Girl never stops talking." I say, smiling affectionately at the sweet little girl that owns my heart.

"Is she yours?" She asks and I shake my head.

"No. My friends, Jax and Emily, they just had a baby. We took the older kids for the afternoon to give them peace and quiet. Chad is over there with their other kid, Jace." I say, motioning to Chad who is pushing Jace in his own swing.

"You two are a cute couple." Ainsley says and I choke on my spit before chuckling. She looks at me curiously and I shake my head.

"No. We're not a couple. Chad swings that way, but I don't." I say laughing and Ainsley's face heats up in a pretty blush.

"I'm sorry. I shouldn't have assumed." She says, obviously mortified by her mistake and I chuckle again, knocking my shoulder against hers.

"It's fine. No big deal. I could do a lot worse than Chad." I say with a little smile, looking back over at Ellie. She's still having a blast, playing tag with her new friend.  "Your daughter is adorable." I say, not really knowing how to continue the conversation. I hate awkward silences.

All the Feelsजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें