Chapter 10

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"What's with the giant jar of pickles in your fridge?" Billy asks from across the table. Willow lets out a little snort and I narrow my eyes at her.

"Mom loves pickles." She says and I chuckle at Billy's wide eyed expression.

"Really? Pickles?" He asks, his nose pinching a little in distaste.

"Yes. We all like weird things." I say with a shrug. "What's something weird you like?" I ask him and he thinks about it as he chews his pancake.

"I like grilled peanut butter sandwiches." He says and I furrow my brows in confusion.

"What's that?" I ask and he laughs a little, a sweet blush spreading over his face.

"It's like a grilled cheese, but instead of cheese you put peanut butter on it." He says and Willow's eyes light up.

"I love peanut butter! Will you make me one?" She asks excitedly and Billy nods, giving her an affectionatte smile that makes my heart warm.

"Of course, Pippy." He says, tugging on one of her braids gently. She gives him a wide, sweet smile and I feel Billy burrow a little deeper into my soul, taking a larger piece of my heart than what he already had. I take a deep breath to calm my pattering heart and eat the rest of my pancake before cleaning up.

As I stand at the sink washing dishes, I feel rather than hear Billy behind me. He puts one hand on either side of me, hanging onto the counter and caging me in. I feel the heat from his chest seep into me and I shudder a little at his close proximity. I feel his breath skate against the skin of my neck forcing goosebumps to pebble along my flesh. He leans in and ghosts his lips across my neck. My eyes drift closed at the sensation, tilting my head to give him more access.

"Willow asked me to take her outside and play soccer. Is that ok with you?" He asks, his voice low. He's so close to me I can feel the vibrations of him speaking and I nearly don't register what he said.

"That's fine." I say breathlessly. I clear my throat and Billy lets out a low chuckle at my obviously dazed state. "I'll be out there after I finish these up." I say and Billy hums his agreement, kissing my neck again and sucking gently.

"Don't take too long." He murmurs, and in the next moment he's gone. I hear Willow's excited chatter before the door clicks closed and I take a few deep breaths to regain my composure. As much as I enjoy having Billy around, it's a special form of torture.

We spend the day together, playing outside, building forts and getting everything ready for school in the morning. We try to keep Willow busy so she doesn't worry about her first day of school. I don't miss the heated glances Billy sends me, the little touches he tortures me with. He kisses me every moment Willow isn't in the same room and by the time we finish dinner, my body is on fire. I take Willow upstairs to give her a bath while Billy picks out a movie for us to watch together. We snuggle on the couch, Willow tucked up onto Billy's lap. I'm a little jealous, but the fact that she feels so safe and comfortable with him makes me feel a little more at ease. The day quickly catches up with her and she falls asleep in Billy's arms barely twenty minutes into the movie. I smile looking over at her, her head resting on Billy's shoulder. I watch the gentle rise and fall of her chest, basking in the peace of her sleeping face.

I stand and carefully lift her out of Billy's arms. She stays asleep as I carry her up and tuck her. I kiss her forehead and turn on her nightlight before making sure her alarm is set for in the morning. I tiptoe from her room and close the door gently behind me. I walk quietly back down the stairs and Billy's eyes meet mine.

"She stay asleep?" He asks and I nod, walking over to him.

His eyes go wide as I straddle him on the couch, wrapping my arms around his neck and threading my fingers in his hair. I use the grip to pull his face to mine, melding our lips together. I groan at the contact, the pop and sizzle of our lips meeting makes my heart rate kick up. Excitement vibrates through me as well as anticipation. I thrust my tongue in his mouth and feel his fingertips dig into the flesh of my hips where my shirt rode up my sides. He moans as his tongue plays with mine. I pull away reluctantly, leaning down to whisper in his ear.

"Take me to my bed." I hear his sharp intake of breath and pull away, looking deep into his bright blue eyes.

"Are you sure, angel?" He asks, tucking my hair behind my ear. "We don't have to rush anything." He says, and his sincerity warms my heart.

But my vagina is in the drivers seat right now.

"I'm sure." I say with a sassy smile. I pinch his side gently and he let's out a huff of a laugh before standing from the couch. His hands go to my thighs, keeping my legs wrapped around him as he carries me to my room.

He's careful to be quiet as we pass Willow's room, and he shuts my door behind him.

"Lock it." I whisper in his ear, licking my way down his neck before sucking on the sensitive spot right where his neck meets his shoulder. He lets out a tortured groan, but I hear the snick of the lock before he returns his attention on me. He lays me down gently on my bed and nerves suddently roll through my stomach.

I haven't done this in a long time.

"You ok, angel?" He asks and I nod, smiling up at him. His concern puts me at ease and I slip my fingers down under the hem of his shirt, lifting it up over his head. I bite my bottom lip as my eyes peruse his torso. Large biceps, bulging pecks and firm ripped abs. I let my fingertips trace the outline of his muscles and I feel his body stiffen at the contact. I look up at him and he's watching me with heated eyes.

"I'm trying to hold back, but it's hard not to maul you. You're so fucking beautiful." He groans out and I let out a nervous chuckle, pulling his face down to meet mine again. I feel his hardened length against my center and I twirl my hips against him. He groans into the kiss and the sound adds to my confidence. I pull away and smile up at him, pushing him gently for him to climb off of me. He watches me curiously, but obliges my silent request.

He sits on the bed and I push myself up to my knees, pulling my shirt over my head in a quick move and I hear his sharp inhale of breath. I'm not wearing anything fancy, just a black bra, but the look on Billy's face makes me feel like a lingerie model. He reaches out to cup my breast and I shimmy closer to him, tracing my hand down his torso again.

"Can I take it off?" He asks, tugging gently on my bra. I nod and he smiles sweetly, his arms encircling me to unclip the offending contraption. It drops between us and he throws it off the bed before lifting his hand to cup my breast again. The pad of his thumb skates across my nipple and I let out an involuntary moan.

"If you want me to stop just tell me, angel. I will." He says and the sentiment makes me trust him even more.

With my body and my heart.

"I don't want to stop." I whisper, reaching out to grasp his cock through his pants. His head tilts back as he rocks his hips gently into my touch. "Take them off." I request, tugging on the waistband of his pants. He gives me a blinding smile, one that shows off both of those sinful dimples, before he lifts his hips and lets me tug the pants off of him. I throw them in the same direction my bra was discarded in and take in his fully naked, glorious form.

I reach out to encircle his cock with my hand, stroking gently until he tilts his head back and groans. After a few more thrusts he lets out another sound, one that sounds more like frustration.

"I don't have a condom." He says and I shrug, giving him a mischevious smile.

"We can still do other things." I say sweetly before leaning down and slipping him into my mouth.

He groans at the contact before he murmurs, "Oh, fuck."

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