Chapter 29

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"Are you sure, angel?" Billy asks worriedly, zipping up my coat for me and wrapping my scarf around my neck.

"No. I'm not sure about anything." I say with a nervous smile. He sighs and runs his hand through his hair, growling frustrated under his breath.

"I'd feel better if I went with you." He says and I shrug.

"Then come with us." I say and he huffs out a laugh.

"But that might be awkward and make it worse." He says and I laugh a little at his indecision.

"I'm not worried that we are in danger. Sure, it'll probably be awkward, but I feel like we at least owe him this one favor." I say and Billy sighs defeatedly before nodding his head.

"Fine. I need to go to the shop, but you call me if you need anything and I'll fly over there. And I'll bring back up." He says and I laugh, shaking my head affectionately at him.

"He's a sick, eighty year old man. I think we'll be alright." I say and Billy nods, pulling me into a warm hug and kissing me firmly.

"You ready Willow?" I call up the stairs.

"Ouch!" She says, tripping and hitting the ground. "Billy! You need to put your stuff away. Mom says we're living like horses!" She cries as she kicks one of Billy's moving boxes.

"Hoarders, baby. I said we're living like hoarders." I correct and Billy scowls at me.

"I am not a hoarder." He says firmly and I shrug.

"I'm not saying you are. But if I had known you still have t-shirts from high school I may have rethought the whole living together thing." I tease and he scoffs.

"Those have sentimental value." He points out and I can't help but laugh.

"So the one that says 'Vote for Pedro' has sentimental value?" I ask, pushing his hair back from his eyes as he sighs.

"Alright fine, I'll go through my things. But not today, I have to get to work." He says, kissing me again before pecking Willow on the head.

"Love you, girls." He says warmly before heading out the door.

"Love you, too!" We say in unison, which has become our new routine. And I love it.

"Where are we going again, Mom?" She asks as I buckle her in.

"To see a friend of mine. He's not feeling well and he wanted to meet you." I say and she nods as we drive. I follow the directions that were emailed to me, pulling up in front of a massive estate on the other side of town.

"Woah..." Willow says from the backseat. "This looks like Cinderella's castle!" She exclaims and I chuckle at her enthusiasm.

"It kind of does." I say, pulling up in front of a door. I have no idea if it's the right door, but I guess we'll find out.

We hit the doorbell and an older man answers it. He smiles politely and gestures us inside.

"Ainsley and Willow, I presume?" He asks and I nod.

"That's us." I say.

"I'll take your coats." He says, hanging them up for us. "If you would follow me, please." He says, winding us through the large home. We move too quickly and my eyes can't keep up with all of the details. I hold onto Willow's hand firmly, gathering strength from my girl even though she doesn't realize it.

We walk into a bright room with a roaring fire. Multiple plush couches and a piano in one corner. Expensive looking artwork covers the walls and an elderly man sits in a chair on one side.

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