Chapter Fifty Three

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You know that feeling of nausea you get and your mouth begins to salivate so you know you're about to vomit. I think you know where I'm going with this...

You wake up to that feeling and as you try to roll off the bed, you realized you're trapped. The feeling becomes stronger so you quickly sit up and slide to the foot of the bed and run to the bathroom, not caring if you make noise.

You assumed that the girls would be able to sleep through it but you were proved wrong when you felt a hand gently rubbing your back. "It's okay, get it all out." Wanda's voice was soothing along with her hand gently rubbing circles on your back. Once you had a chance to breathe you flushed the toilet and closed the lid before sitting on top of it.

"Y/n/n, are you okay?" The other red head asked as she crouched down so she was looking up at you. "Yeah, must have had a bad reaction to last nights dinner." the two girls exchanged a look, this time it wasn't to glare at each other because they had something in common, they were both worried about you.

"Hey guys, what's going on?" Peter asked, sleep still lacing his voice as he joined the three of you in the bathroom. "Nothing, I'm fine" you tried to shake them off but they all insisted you go to the medical wing and get checked out. To make them feel better about this you agreed because you knew you were fine.

"So am I good to go doc?" you asked ready to jump off the medical table. "Just wait here. I need to check something" was all he said before he left the room. You knew that this was just going to make the three of them worry more so you attempted to try and calm them down.

"Guys, I'm fine. Okay? I'm fine."

"Y/n, we just want to make sure. As soon as that doctor walks back in here and says everything is good then we will stop worrying about it." Wanda explained and the other two agreed. You were grateful that they cared about you, but you don't want them to get worry lines just because you felt sick. You probably were just coming down with something, maybe the flu.

The four of you waited in silence for a few moments before you spoke up again. "Any plans for today?" you asked hoping to ease the tension a bit but ultimately being unsuccessful. In response, they all just stared at you with the same look of 'are you seriously asking that right now?'

"Well seems like we might be here a while" you pointed out and before any of them could respond a nurse came in with a clear cup and she immediately walked over to you and handed it over.

"Bathrooms right through there" she pointed towards the solid wooden door to your left and all of you looked over. You grabbed the cup from her and immediately knew why she just told you were the bathroom was.

You calmly walked over to the bathroom knowing the four of them were watching you. Great now they probably think somethings wrong.

You took your time in the bathroom not wanting to face the three of them, but you knew you couldn't stall forever so you ultimately gave in and walked out of the bathroom, handing the nurse the cup before sitting back on the bed.

The nurse took the cup over to the counter in the corner of the room and the doctor shortly re-entered the room and joined her. They spoke towards each other in a hushed tone and did something but none of you could see exactly what.

You watched the doctors for a few minutes before you turned your head back towards the three of them only to find Natasha staring directly at you. You tried to give her a comforting smile but you only got a worried look in return. She made no attempt to hide her emotions.

Before you could say something to the woman the doctors chimed in, "Miss Y/l/n, we need to draw some blood is that okay?" you nodded and the nurse quickly left and came back a few minutes later with a metal tray in hand.

You gulped at the sight. Natasha noticed this and moved over to sit next to you, taking your hand in hers and giving it a light squeeze to let you know it was going to be okay.

As the nurse began to prepare your arm the doctor walked out of the room taking the cup with him. You assumed it was to dispose of it properly.

Your attention was turned back to the nurse when you felt a sharp pinch in your forearm causing you to take a steep inhale as you squeezed Nat's hand. You shot her a look of apology for squeezing too hard but she assured you it was okay.

She made sure to keep your attention on her as the nurse extracted the blood. When you tried to turn your head to watch she used her free hand and gently forced your gaze to return back to her.

Before you knew it the nurse was finished and had already placed the gauze on your arm to stop the bleeding, wrapped it, and quickly left.

As she closed the door behind her Nat drew your attention back to her when she awkwardly cleared her throat and let go of your hand and went back to her original position across from the bed. Something that she immediately regretted as she saw Wanda stand up and make her way over to you.

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