Chapter Thirty Three

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You begin to stir awake and feel that your on a bed. When you opened your eyes they immediately shut due to the bright lights in the room. A kiss was placed on you hand, and it felt familiar.

After inhaling their strong cologne you realize that it's not Nat but so one you thought you'd never see again.

Your eyebrows furrow before opening your eyes, "Luke?" you said hoping you were wrong. "You're awake!" you heard his husky voice for the first time in a year. He quickly let go of your hand and left the room.

After taking a second you notice that your in a hospital room, and hooked up to a bunch of machines.

"What am I doing here?" you sat up and trying to recall what happened. "The night I proposed, your birthday, we were attacked and you hit you head" he explained and a doctor walked in with a clipboard.

"But I'm okay now?" you asked him and he grabbed your hand and shot you a smile. "Wait did you say-" you cut yourself off when something caught your eye. "What's that?" you raised your hand to your eye level.

"Is this a game? Okay i'll bite, it's a ring" he said playfully but now your thoughts in your head were racing around trying to comprehend what was going on. "You don't remember much from that night do you?" you just stared at the ring.

"That's okay take you time darling, I know you're confused right now but we can explain what happened" Luke's voice was gentle.

You turned to the doctor and waited for her to explain. "Y/n, I regret to inform you that you've been in a coma for the past year" the doctors words went in one ear and out the other. You couldn't even think you were just frozen.

"I'll come back later" the doctor said before she left and you barely acknowledged her. "Y/n/n I know this is a lot to take in at once, so let's take it slow" his voice was soothing but it was distracting you.

Your eyes were trained on a single spot on the wall but your mind was trying to remember what happened before this. Everything in your mind felt foggy and hard to comprehend. It felt like you were doing a puzzle but all the pieces were painted white.

"What are you thinking about baby?" he pulled you from your concentration. "Uh something feels off" you silently plead to yourself that he'd just give you all the answers.

"Well it might be weird if you something didn't feel off, I mean you lost a year of your life. That's big, but I'm here for you" you smiled at him but you weren't fully convinced.

"Are you ready for the doctor or do you need more time?" you nodded and he left the room once again.

"None of it was real?" you asked yourself aloud. The last thing you remember is being in the base but you don't remember the details. Every time you try to recall what happened everything becomes blurry, almost like trying to remember a dream after you wake up.

The doctor came in and ran some tests on you before discharging you hours later and Luke stayed the whole time. We're you actually engaged? Thoughts raced through your mind but nothing seemed to be able to pieces itself together.

Luke took you to his house but he said it was both of your place now. As soon as you stepped through the door, everything felt familiar.

"So tomorrow I was thinking we could stay in and I could cook you your favorite" he said as he locked the front door. "What's the occasion?" he just smiled at you.

"Sorry you probably don't even know what day it is" he laughed at himself. "Tomorrow's your birthday darling" suddenly a weird feeling passed through your body, it almost felt like fear.

He noticed and he rubbed the side of your arm, "you okay?" you nodded and went to the bedroom. It was already night fall and the two of you had eaten food from the hospital cafeteria.

After taking a shower you went to the closet to find some of your clothes. While Luke showered you brushed your teeth and slipped into the bed. Shortly after you were joined by the man himself.

He wrapped his arms around you securely. He was warm and felt safe but you felt that something was missing.

"Goodnight love" he whispered into your ear as he spooned you. "Goodnight" you replied but you didn't fall asleep.

You let your mind wander for about an hour before finally allowing sleep to take over your body.

your dream:

It was your birthday and you were on your way to the diner to meet Luke for dinner. You had a strange feeling about tonight, but you couldn't tell if it was good or bad.

When you walked through the door you immediately spotted Luke sitting in a booth.

"Hey gorgeous" he greeted, "Evening handsome" you greeted him back before sitting across from him in the booth.

The two of you are your dinner and now you were chatting the night away. "look there's a puppy outside" he pointed out the window.

He knew that you loved dogs so you immediately turned your attention out the window to spot a small dog being walked by their owner.

When you turned back to Luke he was by your side, down on one knee. "Omg Luke!" you exclaimed and tears began to fill your eyes.

"Y/n, the past 2 years I've been with you have been the best years of my life. You make me so happy in ways that I cannot even explain. I only hope that I can do the same for you everyday for the rest of our lives together. Y/n will you marry me?"

You could tell his speech was practiced because there's no way he could come up with something like that on the spot.

You nodded excitedly, "Yes! Yes I would love to marry you" you exclaimed and the whole dinner erupted in claps and cheers. You shared a kiss and the rest of the dinner was a blur.

After you paid and left the restaurant, Luke was walking you back to his house that you stay at every once and a while. That's when a van pulled up and a man with a gun came out and was asking for money. We gave him what we had but he also seemed to be looking for a fight.

When he wouldn't put the gun down, Luke tried to disarm him, but while doing so the man pulled the trigger causing all of you to back away from each other.

You must have tripped on the curb or something because you remember falling but then everything went black immediately afterward.

A/n: Just in case anyone was confused. The Italics the dream you had and it was like a rewrite of what happened in the first chapter when you were taken.

Hope that cleared up any confusion. Thanks for reading my story and hope you're having a good day! <3

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