Chapter Four

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----- Checking in with Peter -----

It's been almost 2 months and there's been no sign of y/n. Peter was starting to lose it, as he spent the first month looking for you to help the police out but it was no use.

Peter walked out of the deli after his shift and drove to the compound, where he lives. He swiftly walked through the living room, not giving any of the team members a chance to say hi to him. The team had noticed that over the past 2 months, Peter had been distant and sad all the time so they sent in someone to talk to him, that person being Wanda because she was the closest to him.

Wanda knocked on his door and Peter opened it. "Can I come in?" She asks and he steps out of the way so she could enter. Wanda walks over to the bed and sits down with Peter following her and he immediately looks at the ground.

"So do you want to tell me what's been going on with you?" She asks, concern laced in her voice. Peter looks up at her with glossy eyes, "She's missing" he lets out still not believing it after all this time because that's the first time he's told anybody besides the police. "Who's missing" she instantly replies now worried. "My friend y/n, she went missing 2 months ago. The police can't find her, even I tried and nothing. NOTHING!" he says and starts sobbing towards the end. Wanda just pulls him into a hug, "Have you mentioned this to Tony, I'm sure he could help?" She says unsure. Peter pulls away from the hug and has a look of disgust on his face, but it's not for Wanda, it's for himself, "of course. Ugh! HOW COULD I BE SO STUPID! If I had thought about asking for his help earlier maybe she'd be found already. STUPID PETER, STUPID!" He says as he was pacing and left when he was finished talking, with Wanda following in suit.

The Avengers are all startled when they see Peter storming into the living room. "Mr. Stark, uhm can I please speak with you, I really need your help," He says eager to tell Tony about the situation so they could get to work. Tony nods and they walk to his lab. "Mr. Stark my friend has been missing for 2 months and I really need your help finding her. And I know I should've come sooner, I don't know why I didn't think to ask for your help earlier. Please will you help me?" He says at a quick pace. Tony takes a second to comprehend what Peter had just said and then nodded. Shortly after they got to work on finding you.

----- back to you -----

You've now been here for 3 months and let's just say your pretty good at the invisibility thing now. Besides the fact that Coleman has to allow you to, you can become invisible whenever you choose. Although you felt yourself getting stronger with all the training and the new abilities you were still pretty stubborn and tried to escape like once a week. You were never going to give up so after the first 2 times Coleman began to have the guards beat you after you tried escaping.

Today was one of those days, since the ankle monitor was disabled during training, you were able to turn invisible and attempt at slipping out of this place. However, you didn't know about the new precautions that they had put in the training center. Once you tried to open the door you were instantly electrocuted, the power was strong enough to the point where you fell back in pain, revealing yourself. 3 guards then stormed in and 2 of them dragged you to your cell.

You were harshly thrown onto the floor and before you could get up one of the guards kicked you in the stomach, then the other kicked your back, making your head hit the ground rather hard. "I'm getting tired of you trying to escape. You're making my job harder." He spat at you. When they left you had laid unmoving for 20 minutes even when you heard an alarm spread through the entire building.

You noticed it, but you still didn't move at the fear of them doing anything to you. If you don't move at all, you won't get in trouble. As you stared deeper at the ceiling the noise from the alarm began to drown itself out. It was still going off but it was like you were going deaf.

Suddenly you hear bangs at the door and you sit up, curled into a ball. After a few more bangs and the door flies open to reveal a man. He was tall and wore a blue suit and was carrying a giant frisbee. He sees you and started to walk toward you. As he gets within a few feet from you, you hastily use your hands and feet to crawl away from him towards the wall. He tries to take another step forward but before he does you flinch and he notices. You were about to break down into tears. "I'm not going to hurt you, I'm here to get you out of here, okay?" He says and as he extends his hand out to you, this time you shut your eyes and turned invisible.

"Peter, I thought you said she didn't have powers?" He says into his comms. "She doesn't. At least I don't think she does." He says unsure of himself. "You think they experimented on her?" Tony says. Steve looks around, "Hey, kid uhm I need you to show yourself so we can get you out of here okay? Can you walk?" He asks still looking around. "Y-yes" You stutter as you reveal yourself and attempt to stand up. He watches as you stand up using the wall. He once again reaches his hand out for you and you hesitantly take it, you sensed you could trust him. You only let go of his hand when he began to lead you out.

He walked quickly leading you down the halls. "Guys, I'm bringing her to the quinjet now, but I need time." He says into his comm. "What do you mean?" Peter says now worried. "I think something happened to her, she's pretty shaken up." Cap vaguely explained. "Cap, I'm coming to you. Wanda, you come too." Nat quickly says and starts to run to where you guys are at.

Once Nat arrives, Wanda was already there with a confused look on her face. Nat looks at Cap, "You go, we got this." He nods at her and runs off to help the rest of the Avengers in battle.

Nat quickly turns around to look at you, making you jump a little. "Hey, I'm Natasha, this is Wanda. What's your name?" She asks in a soft voice as she sees the fragile state you're in. "Y-y/n." You stutter again. Nat looks at you with sadness in her eyes and she slowly walks forward and just as slowly, she extends her hand to you. You stare at her hand for a few seconds, "We aren't going to hurt you okay, come on honey. Your friend Peter is waiting for you." Once she said Peter's name you look at her and grab her hand and you all run through the building towards the quinjet. Wanda blasted all the hydra agents that came at you.

You finally reached the quinjet to see Peter with a big smile on his face as soon as he sees you. You smile back, that being the first time you genuinely smiled in 2 months. You all board the quintet and Natasha lets go of your hand. In the jet, you see Natasha, Wanda, Peter, and the guy with the shield. Suddenly you hear someone from the pilot seat speak up, Tony Stark. "Good job guys. Piece of hydra cake." He says as he continues to pilot. Steve goes up front to talk with him.

Peter looks your way and starts to walk forward causing you to back up. Almost like Natasha was reading your mind, which Wanda literally was, stepped in front of Peter and she shook her head at him. Wanda ushered you to sit down next to her and you sat down a couple of seats over. But she understands, you don't know anyone of these people, minus Peter. But now that you knew his secret maybe that wasn't the case anymore.

"Just give her space, for now, okay." She said quietly. He just looked at you and back at her confused but he nods at her.

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