Chapter Six

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It's been a month since you came to the tower and you've gotten closer with everyone. They even invited you to move in with them. Which of course you agreed to, so you sold your apartment and today you were moving into the tower.

You've become really close with Peter and Wanda so they were helping you move your stuff into the tower. Steve also agreed to tag along because you could use all the help you guys could get. There were only a few more boxes left and Peter and Wanda offered to take them up, leaving you and Steve alone in the driveway.

"I'm really glad you are moving into the tower, I guess now we get to spend more time together," Steve said making you smile at the thought of your new friends. "Thanks, Steve." You said and he smiled before both of you walked inside.

You and Steve said goodbye as you left him in the common room to go to your bedroom. Your room was right next to Wanda's and across from Natasha's. You were excited that the three of you were living on the opposite side from the boys so you could get a break from the testosteroney.

When you entered your room, Wanda and Peter were already there starting to unpack your stuff. The three of you spent the next 5 hours unloading the boxes, decorating, and of course, goofing off. Once you were finished you all decided to watch a movie which you let Peter pick. You three ended up starting a Star Wars movie marathon because Peter said you can't just watch one.

You had watched around 5 movies and it was now 3 am. Peter and Wanda had fallen asleep on your bed, leaving barely enough room for you. Eventually, you decided to just sleep on the couch in the common room. You grabbed a blanket and left your room quietly.

You make your way in the dark to the common room. It's pitch black so of course, you run into the wall a couple of times and bump into the table on the way to the couch. You curse yourself a couple of times for making noise but you finally make it to the couch. You laid down and got as comfortable as you could on the hard, expensive looking couch.

You're about to drift off to sleep when suddenly the light turns on and you jump up with karate hands. I doubt you look even a little scary due to the fact that you are half asleep. You hear a slight giggle but your eyes are still adjusting to the light so you can't see who it is. "What are you doing sleeping on the couch?" You hear a familiar voice say. Your eyes finally adjust and you see who it is, "N-nat? What are you doing up?" You ask. "Well I was sleeping, but it sounded like someone was breaking in so I got up." She says with a smile tugging at her lips. You can tell that she's amused.

"Uhm, Peter, and Wanda fell asleep on my bed and there wasn't enough space, so I came to sleep out here." You say quickly because you're a little embarrassed that you basically got kicked out of your own room and on your first officially day of living there. You both just stare at each other for a moment, you can tell she's thinking about something.

"Come on," She says leaving you confused. "What?" You ask making sure she can hear the confusion in your voice. "You're sleeping in my bed. Now come on." She says leaving no room for negotiation. When you get to her room, she is sitting on her bed, waiting for you. "Are you sure?" You ask one last time. "Yes now come on, I'm tired," she says as she starts getting under the covers. You slip into the bed next to her and there is a huge gap in between you. You didn't want to make her uncomfortable so you gave her some space. "If you're going to lie that close to the edge, you better not fall off and wake me up." She says and you look back to see her smirking at you.

"Stop being silly, come here." She says as she gesture for you to cuddle up next to her. You hesitate for a second before scooting over and wrapping your arms around her and placing your head on the side of your chest. You're nervous of course because you don't want her to be uncomfortable. But you're doubts are washed away when she squeezes you slightly, pulling you closer to her body and wrapping her arm around you.

You haven't felt this sort of comfort since Luke and that made you so grateful that you had met the Avengers. You can feel Natasha tracing random shapes on your shoulder and that only soothes you more. With that, you drift off to sleep.

Sorry for the short chapter. Was it still good?

Oh btw, stuff might go down in the next chapter so stay tuned.

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