Ladybug and Cat Noir vs Pumpkin King part 1

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At the Fall Festival, the villain uses his torch and blast different attractions and frees the animals from the petting zoo, they start roaming all over the place, the villain laughs evilly and the Jack-o-Lantern roars and spit out pumpkin mush at people, they turn into mutated Pumpkin zombies. Ladybug landed and looked at the villain. Then, Cat Noir landed next to her.

 Then, Cat Noir landed next to her

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Cat Noir: Who is that?

Ladybug: Not sure. But he's trouble.

???: Ahh, Ladybug, Cat Noir. I heard so many stories about you, I almost thought they weren't real.

Cat Noir: What do you want, melon head?

???: Melon head? You got jokes, pussycat. I want what Hawkmoth wants, and that's your miraculous. But first, let me introduce myself. I am the Pumpkin King. I avenge people who disrespect my pumpkins! And meet my companion, my Jack-o-Lantern monster. *The monster growled. *

Cat Noir: Pumpkin King? Seriously?

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Cat Noir: Pumpkin King? Seriously?

Pumpkin King: Good luck stopping me and my creation. You'll never beat both of us. Prepare to join the other victims as my Jack-o-Lantern army.

Ladybug: Dream on, Pumpkin King!

Pumpkin King: Very well then. I'll make you join them. *He shoots out some Pumpkin goop at them, the Jack-o-Lantern monster roars and breaths out the green fire, Ladybug and Cat Noir evade the fire and pumpkin goop blasts, they twirl their weapons out and deflect the blasts. They leap up in the air and over them both. Pumpkin King turned around and scowled at them both. * Come back here!

Cat Noir: They're getting closer, Milady. *Ladybug looked around and she saw the Funhouse. *

Ladybug: Time for a little fun

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Ladybug: Time for a little fun. *They run through the Funhouse, Pumpkin King goes after them as he gets his torch ready to go. *

Cat Noir: A funhouse? How will this help stop him?

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Cat Noir: A funhouse? How will this help stop him?

Ladybug: We're gonna have to trap him until I find out where the akuma's landed.

Cat Noir: Can't I just destroy the monster with my cataclysm?

Ladybug: No. Remember the last time you tried your cataclysm on a sentimonster?

Cat Noir: Correction, you used your cataclysm on a Sentimonster. Remember Reflekdoll? *Ladybug thinks on that one and it hits her. * Yeah, I remember that. *Soon, some pumpkin goop was shot at, it hit the wall. *

Pumpkin King: Gotcha, you little sneakers!

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Pumpkin King: Gotcha, you little sneakers!

Ladybug: This way. *She grabbed his wrist and ran off, Pumpkin King ran and fired more pumpkin goop at them, they ducked as they kept running. *

Cat Noir: He's gaining on us.

Ladybug: Not for long he won't be. *They head to the exit, Ladybug pulls one barrel and blocks the exit and Cat Noir pushes the other barrel next to the other one.* Hopefully that'll stop him. *Soon, Pumpkin King stopped at the exit doorway, and he scowled. *

Pumpkin King: Is this the best they can do? Typical. *He whistled for the Jack-o-Lantern monster, it growled at them, it breathed out fire, they evaded the fire blast, and the barrels caught on fire, more people continued to panic and run away in fear. Pumpkin King kicked the barrels out of the exit and scowled at them some more. *

Cat Noir: What do we do, Milady?

Ladybug: What can I do about this? *She holds her yo-yo. * Lucky charm! *She threw her yo-yo up, a swarm of magical ladybugs appeared, and a copy of the grimoire appeared. * A grimoire?

Cat Noir: Good idea

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Cat Noir: Good idea. Maybe the book will tell us what other special powers we have to beat Pumpkin King and his monster.

Ladybug: Not in this case. *She looked at the Grimoire book and it hit her. * But it's telling me something. Hold them off, I'm gonna get some reinforcements. *She threw her yo-yo out and swung away, Cat Noir looked at Pumpkin King. *

Pumpkin King: You're all mine, kitty cat. Give up now.

Cat Noir: You'll have to catch me first. Meow. *He started running, Pumpkin King commanded his monster to go after him and he did. He leaps up and floats up in the air. *

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