Science lesson and Adrien talking to Marinette (Again)

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In the classroom, Ms. Mendeleiev stands in front of the class.

Ms. Mendeleiev: Okay, time's up. Pencils down. *Everyone put their pencils down. * Now, pass your tests forward, I'll collect them. *Everyone passes their test papers up front and Ms. Mendeleiev collects them and holds them. * Okay. I will grade them and hand them back to you all on Monday. I hope you all at least studied last night as I told you. *She placed the test papers on her desk. * Now, we have gone over the Appendix topic. Now we will move on to the next part of the human body. And that is... *She holds her chalk and writes down the board. * The Circulatory system. The Circulatory System is made up of blood vessels that carry blood away from and towards the heart. *She wrote down the first fact. * Please take notes of the Circulatory System. You'll be learning more about this on our next test. *Everyone moaned about that. * There are 4 parts of the Circulatory System. There's the heart, then the lungs, arteries, and the coronary and portal vessels. *She writes them down too. * Now, I'm gonna show what your heart looks like. *She pulls down the pictures of the heart. * The Heart has a few parts. There's the Aorta, Left Atrium, Right Atrium, Valve, Blood, Left Ventricle, Right Ventricle, and Septum. These are the parts that help keep our hearts pumping.

Nino: (bored) Where am I? Planet bored-a-lot?

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Nino: (bored) Where am I? Planet bored-a-lot?

Adrien: You know we need to know this.

Nino: I know but it's still boring.

Ms. Mendeleiev: So, Arteries carry blood away from the heart and veins carry blood back to the heart. *She writes that fact down, then puts down the next bullet point, and writes the next fact down on the board. * And the circulatory system carries oxygen, nutrients, and hormones to cells, and removes waste products, like carbon dioxide. *Chloe blew a bubble from her gum and it popped. *

Chloe: This is boring. And I thought the test was boring.

Sabrina: It can't be that bad, Chloe.

Chloe: You don't know that, Brainiac. Ugh. Why did I even take this class? I don't understand science.

 Why did I even take this class? I don't understand science

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Ms. Mendeleiev: Miss Bourgeois, no talking before I make you stay after class.

Chloe: Sorry, Ms. Mendeleiev. *She picks up her pencil and starts writing in her notebook. *

Ms. Mendeleiev: Where was I? Oh yes. The Circulatory System also delivers oxygen and nutrients to cells and takes away wastes. The heart pumps oxygenated and deoxygenated blood on different sides. There are three different types of blood vessels, they are Arteries, Capillaries, and Veins. *She wrote it all down on the board and everyone copied it all down and paid close attention to her too.* So, now that you know all about the Circulatory, we'll move on to the next lesson. *She holds a stack of paper.* This assignment is about the Circulatory System. Your task is to fill out this worksheet on the Circulatory System. *She starts passing the paper out to everyone. * If you're done early, you can turn it in. If not, then you'll do the rest for homework.

Kim: Aww?

Alya: I don't want to do this for homework. *She got started on her assignment, Marinette did the same thing, Ms. Mendeleiev put the rest back on her desk, and she watched them all get started on their assignment. Soon, the bell rang. *


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Ms. Mendeleiev: Class dismissed. If you're done with your assignment, please turn it in before you leave. If you're not done, that's your homework assignment for tonight. Have a nice weekend. *They all gather their stuff and Alya, Marinette, Adrien, Rose, Sabrina, Max, Juleka, and Nathaniel turned in their assignment while Ivan, Nino, Mylene, Kim, and Chloe didn't finish it. *

Chloe: (annoyed) Ugh. Typical.

Nino: I was so close to finishing up this assignment.

Nino: I was so close to finishing up this assignment

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Alya: If you want, I can help you finish it.

Nino: Thanks. Gotta get to algebra class. *He goes to his locker and gets to his next class, Marinette goes to her locker and gets her French-English textbook and notebook. *

Adrien: Marinette, how do you think you did on your Haiku poem?

Marinette: Think I did okay. I'm not much of a poetry person, but at least I get to come up with whatever kind of poetry I can write.

Adrien: Oh. My mom used to know poetry.

Marinette: She did?

Adrien: Yeah. She always read me poems when I was little. Too bad she never taught me how to write one.

 Too bad she never taught me how to write one

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Marinette: Sorry to hear that.

Adrien: Thank you.

Marinette: Better get to French-English class. Are you coming?

Adrien: Yeah. Gotta get to the bathroom first.

Marinette: Okay. *She heads to class first and Adrien goes to the Boys' bathroom first. *

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