Learning about history of famous artists

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In Mrs. Style's class, Mrs. Style went over attendance and she faced the whole class.

Mrs. Styles: Okay, so far we learned about Abstract Art and we did some Abstract Art on our own. We're gonna start with the history of famous Artists. Now there are a lot of famous artists here in France, they've been around before you were all born. Famous French painters became the hallmark of the French culture as we know it today. In France, painting has a long and rich history, since the French rulers had nurtured all fields of art and neighboring practices throughout history. French painting also developed from the earliest Roman murals and Middle Age Gothic panel painting, stained glass, and fresco, to following the Renaissance trends of Italian masters.

Nino: This should be something more interesting.

Alix: Maybe.

Mrs. Styles: In the 17th century under Louis XIII and Louis XIV art blossomed and the French Academy was chartered in 1635. Here are a few examples of some French artists. *She pulled down the white screen, turned off the lights, and got on her computer. She put in French Artists. * Here's one. Claude Monet. This is work. He did Impression, Sunrise, from 1872. *She popped up a painting he did. *

Steffie: I can barely tell if it's a sunrise

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Steffie: I can barely tell if it's a sunrise.

Mrs. Style: It's the sunrise, Steffie. Now, here's another artist. This is Auguste Renoir. He is known as the Great Master of Impressionism. This was his work. *She clicked on a painting and showed it to the class. The class was impressed by the work of art. * Like it I see? He is known as an impressionist in painting.

 * Like it I see? He is known as an impressionist in painting

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Katie: Is that a thing?

Mrs. Style: Yes it is, Katie. Here's one we might be fond of. Vincent Van Gogh. *She popped up a picture of him and showed them his artwork. * We all are fond of this kind of work. Who can tell me what it is? *Adrien raised his hand. * Yes, Adrien?

 * Yes, Adrien?

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