School Nurse akumatize

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In the Nurse's office, Nurse Blouse typed on her computer when a student walked in, she looked at the student.

In the Nurse's office, Nurse Blouse typed on her computer when a student walked in, she looked at the student

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Nurse Blouse: Hello. What's wrong?

Male student: I feel a little sick to my stomach.

Nurse Blouse: Hmm

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Nurse Blouse: Hmm. Let's see. Sit on the bed. *The student sits down, Nurse Blouse goes up to him, and examines him. * Hmm. Tell me what happened.

Male student: I was walking out of my science class when I felt a queasy feeling in my stomach

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Male student: I was walking out of my science class when I felt a queasy feeling in my stomach. I thought I was gonna throw up, but I wasn't.

Nurse Blouse: Okay. Did you eat anything that made your stomach hurt?

Male Student: All I had was cereal, bran muffin, banana, and milk.

Nurse Blouse: Hmm. Might have a stomach bug. People are getting sick around here. Feel like going home?

Male Student: My mom said if I get worse, I can go home. Think I can go home.

Nurse Blouse: Okay. Well, there's the phone you can call your mom.

Male Student: Okay. *He picked up the receiver and he called his mom. Nurse Blouse sighed and rubbed her eyes a little bit. *

Nurse Blouse: 'Kids these getting sick. Hopefully, this is the only kid getting sick and no one else.' *Soon, the door knocked. * Come in. *The door opened and Aurore started coughing a little bit. * Aurore, what happened?

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