Going to the Vet and Gabriel's plan igniting

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In Marinette's house, Marinette walked in and she saw Lucky barking and going to Marinette's leg.

In Marinette's house, Marinette walked in and she saw Lucky barking and going to Marinette's leg

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Marinette: Hey, Lucky. *She rubs his head and she picks him up. * Ready for your check-up? *Lucky whimpered. * I know you don't like going to the Vet but going to the Vet will help you. Promise me you'll be good. *Lucky whimpered again. * If you promise me you'll behave, then you'll get double treats tonight. *Lucky barked for yes. * I'll take that as a yes. *She kissed him on the forehead as Lucky licked her face, she put him down, then she grabbed the leash, hooked him on a leash, and left the house with him. *

Tikki: Where are we going, Marinette?

Marinette: To the Vet, Tikki. I have to take Lucky for his check-up. Won't take too long before Hawkmoth strikes again. *She keeps walking to the Vet. In Adrien's house, Adrien goes on his computer, goes on the Ladyblog, and sees what Alya blogged about. *

Adrien: Hmm, let's see what's on the Ladyblog. *He played a video. *

Plagg: I guess Alya posted another thing on the Ladyblog

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Plagg: I guess Alya posted another thing on the Ladyblog.

Adrien: Yeah. Too bad there are no details on who Ladybug is.

 Too bad there are no details on who Ladybug is

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Plagg: Why do you wanna know so badly?

Adrien: I'm not trying to know. Just a little curious, that's all. *Plagg looks confused and concerned about what Adrien said. *

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