History Lecture with Ms. Bustier and inner thoughts

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Soon, the bell rang and everyone went to their first class. In Ms. Bustier's class, everyone took their seats, Adrien looked at Marinette, who was still mad at him, he sighed and looked in front of Miss Bustier.

Miss Bustier: Good morning, everyone. *Everyone said good morning to Ms. Bustier. * Now, before we get started on our lesson plan, I have 2 things I want to say: 1. If you have the homework assignment done from last night, please get it out and I'll collect them. *Everyone gets their homework assignments out and places them on their desk, Ms. Bustier collected them and put them on her desk. * Hmm. From the looks of it, you all have turned in your homework yet again. I will declare this No Homework Day. *Everyone was happy about that. *

Kim: Finally

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Kim: Finally.

Ms. Bustier: And 2. I have an announcement after class I want to remind you all. I'll get to you when class is over, okay? *They all answered yes to Ms. Bustier. * Good, now let's get started. *She holds a chalk and goes to the front of the board. * Yesterday, we talked about the Old Kingdom in Egypt. Now, we will talk about the Middle Kingdom. *She writes the Middle Kingdom on the board. * The Middle Kingdom designates a period of ancient Egyptian civilization stretching from approximately 2030 to 1650 B.C. But during this era, the cultural principles set out at the beginning of Egyptian civilization and codified were reimagined, including the ideology of kingship, the organization of society, religious practices, afterlife beliefs, and relations with neighboring peoples. *She writes down a few facts on the board as everyone writes it down and pays attention too. * The culture represents a significant transformation of Old Kingdom society, the period itself underwent three distinct transitions. The 12th Dynasty comprised seven kings from Thebes, who ruled for a total of 160 years in the version of Africanus, and for 245 years in the version of Eusebius. *She wrote down the next fact and looked at her textbook on Egypt. *

Alya: Why do we have to learn about Egypt? We already know about it

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Alya: Why do we have to learn about Egypt? We already know about it.

Marinette: Consider this a little re-run of what we learned from the previous lessons.

Alya: Boring. *They keep writing in their notebooks and keep paying attention to her. *

Ms. Bustier: The Middle Kingdom period was ruled by the Eleventh, Twelfth, and Thirteenth Dynasties. *She writes it down and puts down some more bullet points. * The first fact for this is 1. During the First Intermediate Period, Egypt was divided and in political chaos. *She wrote down the first bullet point. * 2. The Tenth Dynasty was ruled in northern Egypt. *She wrote down the second bullet point. * 3. And while the Eleventh Dynasty ruled the south. *She wrote down the third bullet point. * I also wanna add a few things so listen closely because this will be on the test soon. *She cleared her throat a little bit. * It's about what the Middle Kingdom is famous for. The Middle Kingdom was a time of achievements for the ancient Egyptians. We already know about that. So therefore, we'll have to add that art took on new styles and techniques, like the block style, where art was produced from large blocks of stone. Irrigation projects at the Faiyum, a large oasis on the west bank of the Nile in Lower Egypt, increased harvests. *She writes it down on the board and everyone writes it down too. After 1/2 an hour of class rolled by, it was 10 minutes until class was over, and Ms. Bustier was holding graded homework assignments in her hands. *

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