Moving on in life

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After Marinette finished her food, she headed down to the kitchen and put the dirty plate in the sink.

After Marinette finished her food, she headed down to the kitchen and put the dirty plate in the sink

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Marinette: Thanks, dad,

Tom: You're welcome, honey. Need anything else?

Marinette: No.

Tom: Okay. *Marinette walked back into her room, she then looked at her pictures of Adrien and her computer screen saver, and she sighed. Tikki came out and she sat on Marinette's shoulder. *

Tikki: Life is about moving on. Think you can move on from Adrien?

Marinette: Maybe. Okay, I can try.

Tikki: There you go

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Tikki: There you go. Let's start with the pictures.

Marinette: Okay. *Marinette grabs a small box, goes to the bulletin board, and takes down her pictures of Adrien. She removed his schedule and took down the screen saver on her computer. * There. Think that's all the Adrien-related stuff.

 Think that's all the Adrien-related stuff

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Tikki: What are you gonna do?

Marinette: Throw them out. *She heads downstairs to the trash can, puts them in the trash can, and closes the lid too. * Okay, now to delete the photos on my phone. *She gets her phone out goes through her photo gallery and deletes them. Soon, Alya walked by. *

Alya: Hey, girl

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Alya: Hey, girl.

Marinette: Hey. *She keeps deleting her pictures. *

Alya: What are you doing?

Marinette: Throwing away my Adrien pictures.

Alya: Why?

Marinette: I'm moving on. I can't just sulk in sadness about his rejection of me.

Alya: I know, but maybe think about this before you move on.

Alya: I know, but maybe think about this before you move on

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Marinette: I thought about it and this is for the best. Besides... I'm just a friend to him, nothing more.

Alya: Okay. Just want you to be happy.

Marinette: I will be.

Alya: Okay. Well, I'm gonna meet the girls at the park, wanna come?

Marinette: Maybe later.

Alya: Okay. And it'll be alright.

Marinette: Okay. *Alya walks to the park and Marinette carefully scrolls through her pictures and deletes the pictures of Adrien. At the park, Juleka, Rose, Mylene, and Alix were there and they were talking Alya walked through the gate and she saw them. *

Alya: Hey. *The girls said hey. * Just ran into Marinette.

Mylene: You did?

Alya: Yeah and something happened.

Alix: What happened?

Alya: Well, here's how it all started. Marinette and I were at the park earlier, and we saw Adrien doing his photoshoot, she went up to him and she confessed to him. *The girls gasped. * But he rejected her. *The girls were shocked about that. * I know.

Rose: Is Marinette okay?

Rose: Is Marinette okay?

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Alya: She's sad. She's trying to move on from him.

Alix: I'm sure we can help her with that.

Mylene: I don't think we can interfere with her on that

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Mylene: I don't think we can interfere with her on that. Let her cope and then we'll help. Who knows how long it'll take?

 Who knows how long it'll take?

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Alix: Okay.

Alya: All I know is, we have to support her whoever she ends up with. Just hope it's not someone like Adrien who is blind like a Bat. *They all start talking for a little bit. *

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