Everything was fine

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He's too late.

She's lying on the ground, motionless. Eyes closed, face bruised, and battered.

She's not breathing.

There's a gaping hole in her chest.

The armorweave should have protected her, Din thought.

He felt helpless. Despair.

She can't be gone.

He's fallen to his knees beside her lifeless body, tugging a glove off to try and feel her pulse.

To feel any sign of life.

There's nothing.

"No!" Din shouted, voice rough from sleep as he sat up in bed, the sheet falling to his waist. The coolness of space hitting his naked torso like icy fingers.

He's breathing in frantically, choking gasps coming up his throat. His heart is pounding.

She can't be dead. I need her.

His mind is reeling from the nightmare. From reliving the worst day of his life.

His son gone.

His wife... murdered.

All he can see in his mind is her lifeless body.

He doesn't even feel the hands on his arm or hear the soft call of his name.

It's just the scene playing out over and over in his head and the feeling of despair.

Of hopelessness.



"Din, baby. Come back to me," the soft voice said, finally coming through the fog of thoughts, of the images playing over and over.

Hands are on his face trying to get him to meet her gaze in the dark.

It's Darcy.

She's here.

She's alive.

Din immediately reached for her, tears streaming down his face as he pulled her into his arms, his face moving into the crook of her neck as he held her tightly to him. Breathing in her familiar scent.


He can hear her as she tries to calm him down, rubbing her hands along his naked back, allowing him to cry.

"I'm here, I'm here," Darcy whispered. "You're okay. We're okay. We're safe."

She moved, hand hitting the switch for the light, and suddenly the room was illuminated.

Din pulled back, immediately looking her over, his hands moving to her face, checking her over for any sign of injury, reassuring himself that she was here and fine.

His eyes are wild as he looks over her. There's sweat on his brow, his hair a wild mess atop his head.

Darcy knew Din. She had a solemn look on her face as she realized what was plaguing him tonight.

She knew what to do when Din had his nightmares. They didn't happen often, but dropping off Grogu seemed to remind Din of that day.

"I'm okay," Darcy reassured, her own hands moving to his face, rubbing her thumbs over his cheeks, wiping away the tears that had fallen. "I'm alive. I'm fine. I'm here. Grogu's safe too. He's with Luke on Ajan Kloss."

Fresh tears fall down Din's cheeks as he pulls her face forward, his lips finding hers in a desperate kiss.

She knows he needs this. To feel her. To ground himself in her touch. And she lets him take what he needs until his breathing evens out and he finally comes back to himself.

He rests his forehead against hers, his heart finally beating at a normal pace again, him feeling calmer, more at peace feeling her against him.

"I..." Din rasped, voice hoarse. He gulped. "I thought I lost you," he finally gets out, his eyes closed.

"No, baby, I'm right here. I'm perfectly fine. More than fine, really," Darcy replied softly. "What do you need from me?"

Din was thankful that Grogu was off with the Jedi, knowing that if his son were on the ship with them, he'd sense Din's distress. It had happened before when Din had nightmares in the past. Them hearing Grogu crying in his hammock, needing to be reassured that his father was okay.

Din took in a deep breath and pulled back from Darcy, his eyes traveling up and down, double checking that she was in fact okay.

"Can I hold you?" Din asked, voice almost a whisper.

Darcy nodded, laying back down in the bed and put her arms out to him, welcoming him to her. Din laid down, immediately grabbing her naked waist and pulling her into him, her body snug against his own, Din's face in her hair, breathing in her smell.

Everything was fine.

Darcy was safe in his arms.

He kissed the top of her head.

Peacefulness washed over him.

Everything was okay.

Everyone was safe.

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