With The Stars Flying Past Us

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They were lying in the makeshift bed of blankets and pillows that they had taken off the Crest. The fire was still burning, keeping them warm in the night chill. Darcy's head was nestled on Din's cable-knit sweater-clad chest, their legs intertwined together, with Din holding one of Darcy's hands to his chest, stroking the back of it with his thumb.

The night sky was clear, stars twinkling above them.

It was bliss. Happiness was radiating off of the two of them. He'd proposed a couple of hours before, and they couldn't sleep, talking about everything and nothing at all. Just relaxed in each other's company. As much as they wanted to celebrate nakedly, their kid was only a few feet from them, passed out in his hammock, tucked in a blanket.

Now that they were engaged, Darcy was wondering about little pieces of their future.

"Do you want more kids?" Darcy asked, her heart thrumming in her chest.

She loved their son and didn't mind the thought of giving him siblings. And Mandalorians cared so much for children, with the way Din watched her interacting with the child, she could feel the vibes that he liked seeing her being a mother to their son.

"What do you want?" Din asked carefully, his thumb stopping its movement.

"Well, I haven't thought about it a whole lot, but I think I'd like us to have more, or we could adopt? I was an only child, and it was a bit lonely. I think the kid could use some siblings."

"Siblings?" Darcy could hear the hope in the way he said the word.

"Yeah. Plural," Darcy was grinning. "I'd totally be into having your kids or adopting."

Darcy heard static from the helmet like he was choking on a breath. He gripped her hand tight, his head tilting towards her. "I would be honored to father your children," Din said, his voice thick with emotion. "However many you want."

"How many do you want?" Darcy asked, looking up at him through her lashes.

"I want to raise as many little warriors with you as you'll allow."

"We'll need a bigger ship or, better yet, a home to raise our many little warriors."

Darcy hadn't told Din yet; she knew in the future, there'd be a couple of kids that'd need a loving home out in the galaxy. Darcy was glad Din seemed to be into having a large family since their son was always so excited to interact with other kids. Darcy felt overwhelmingly happy at the idea of him playing with his siblings. In her mind, they'd have a house. Maybe a farm? Somewhere with a lot of room.

Din hummed in agreement, leaning his head back against the pillows, his thumb rubbing against her hand again. "We'd have to wait until the kid is reunited, and you do as you discussed with your friend."

He was talking about her changing the future events in the universe. She didn't have a solid plan, but she would do everything in her power to make sure that the Empire was totally destroyed and the First Order didn't rise up. Her family was here, and she'd do whatever it would take to keep them and the rest of the galaxy safe. She just thanked Frigga that she had always been obsessed with Star Wars and consumed as much information about the movies as possible.

"Yeah. Once we know the kid is safe and being trained, I can figure out our next move. I know who we'll need to talk to; it's just uh, finding them."

"I'm the best bounty hunter in the galaxy. I'll find them for you."

"Without a tracker?" She teased.

Din huffed out a breath. "Yes, without a tracker."

"It will involve us getting into cahoots with the New Republic."

I'll Always Follow - Mandalorian/MCU CrossoverWhere stories live. Discover now