It's where you belong (Here by my side) Part 2

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It was the next morning, and they were waiting for the courier to arrive.

Leia hadn't told them a time, so they'd gotten up early just in case.

Rain was falling down outside, the sound of it relaxing as the water droplets hit against the metal roof; a nice soft noise to fill the quiet of their home.

They were dressed in preparation to leave as soon as they had what Leia was sending them. Din was in some black pants and a navy blue sweater that Darcy really liked. It was soft and looked fantastic on him.

Darcy was wearing some black leggings and one of Din's gray long-sleeved henley's, the sleeves pushed up her arms.

Darcy and Din were cuddled close on the couch as she drank her cup of caf while reading a book Jane had sent, Din's arm wrapped around her shoulder with a datapad in his free hand.

It was very domestic, and she had to admit it was nice. She was getting to just lounge and relax with her husband in their home, not worrying at the moment about their mission. She was focused on her book. She had read through much of the material Jane had sent, but still, there were little things she enjoyed learning about.

"It says here that at eight Earth weeks, the baby is the size of a raspberry. That'd be like the size of a pallie? The little fruits from Tatooine?" Darcy said as she showed Din the picture on the page of the fruit. "So tiny," she added.

She found it so interesting seeing how the babies grew. How they went from something so minuscule to a little human.

"I was reading one of the books your friend sent, and I wasn't familiar with the fruits and vegetables that were mentioned. How big are Earth pumpkins?" Din asked.

Darcy leaned forward, setting her book and cup down on the coffee table before sitting back on the sofa.

"Oh, um, a pumpkin is about this big," she said, moving her hands to be about the size of a small pumpkin by her estimate.

Din hummed and nodded. "About the size of pumpkins here."

Darcy's eyes widened. "Wait, you have pumpkins?" She asked.

"Not here, no," Din said with a little smile and shake of his head.

Darcy lightly smacked his arm. "Smartass. You know what I mean."

"Pumpkins grow on some planets. You know Endor?" Darcy nodded. "They have them."


Before Darcy could ask more questions, an alarm went off indicating someone was at the perimeter, just some beeps, nothing too annoying. Din checked the alert on his datapad, concern etched in his brow. A minute later, there was the buzz of their doorbell.

"That must be the person we've been waiting for," Darcy said as she got up from the couch, Din following and moving to head towards the door first, always her protector.

He grabbed his helmet from a side table in the entryway, putting it on.

Darcy understood that there were some situations where he preferred to keep his face hidden or where he wanted to wear his armor. It was almost a comfort to him, a familiarity, and she didn't mind. It's what made him feel comfortable, and that's all that mattered.

So, Din had a very casual Mandalorian look going on, and he looked handsome, that blue sweater really hugging across his chest and back, making him look ridiculously broad, and his ass...

"You're staring," Din said, turning to face her as he made it to the door comm that was situated on the wall next to the door.

Darcy felt herself blush at being caught.

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