The Honeymoon Part 4

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Darcy was once again awake before Din, the soft glow of morning light drifting in through the windows. It was her bladder again, making her desperate to get up. She didn't have time to get out of Din's arms softly. Instead, she was pushing his arm off of her and quickly rolling out of bed, walking briskly to the 'fresher. When she was done, she'd washed up and brushed her teeth, looking at herself in the large mirror above the sink.

She looked a little bit tired, bags under her eyes, but she had a flush to her cheeks. Her boobs were looking a bit swollen, and Din had left love bites all over her torso, the bruises purpling a bit. She liked seeing the marks on her skin, the evidence of their passion, the reminder of all that Din had done to her the day before. Darcy sighed softly, as moments played out in her mind like a highlight reel: Seeing Din's head between her legs as their eyes met; him on top of her, his mouth sucking that mark that was right there on the base of her throat; Din flush against her back as he took her from behind, his fingers digging into her hips leaving those light bruises; her looking down at him while she was on top, seeing the wrecked look on his face; waking from a nap to the feeling of kisses along her spine...

It had been a really, really, good day.

And Darcy just felt so relaxed, and happy that she wasn't in too much pain. She was achy between her legs—making her walk a little funny—but it was manageable, and that bath had helped. She did kind of like the feeling, though. The ache and bruises were reminders of the incredible things that Din had done to her. She smiled to herself.

She wondered what was in store for them today.

Din had mentioned swimming, but that probably wouldn't be until the afternoon after the weather heated up, so they had a whole morning to do things.

A thought came to her of something they could do, and a smile pulled up on her lips. She'd need to talk to Lio to find out if what she'd thought of was doable. She left the bathroom, finding Din sitting up in bed, sheets pooling at his waist as he held a datapad in his hand. His eyes found hers the moment she stepped into the room, a smile blooming on his face. His hair was a mess, and he looked like he'd just woken up.

"Good morning, baby," Darcy said as she moved to his side of the bed, a huge smile on her face.

Din set the datapad down beside him to pull her into his lap, Darcy giggling as his lips found hers.

"Good morning," he rasped, voice rough with sleep. He moved back so he could get a good look at her face, his eyes checking her over. "How are you feeling? Any pain?" He asked, his eyebrows slightly knitted together.

Darcy's eyes softened, her heart clenching that he was worrying about her. "I feel great. No pain, just a tiny bit of an ache, but that's expected." She leaned forward to peck him on the lips. "You took excellent care of me."

He smiled into the kiss.

"Yeah?" He asked. His hands were on her sides, rubbing his large palms up and down.

"Definitely. I need you to keep yourself busy while I run downstairs," Darcy said.

A confused look came over his features. "Did you need me to send for Lio?" He asked.

Darcy shook her head. "No, I've got a couple of things I wanted to do before we start our day. I need to ask Lio and Kordé some questions."

Din nodded. "Okay, I'll be right here when you get back."

"I'm counting on it," she said as she kissed him again, before getting up from his lap and rummaging through her bag to put on some clothes. Once she was dressed, she padded out of the room and headed downstairs.

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