It's where you belong (Here by my side) Part 5

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They had a four day journey ahead of them to get to their destination.

They'd gone to bed early the first night, Darcy absolutely exhausted, feeling it deep down in her bones. She assumed it was from the events that had occurred earlier in the day that had simply worn her out. As soon as they'd gotten into bed, Din pulled her into his arms, and she was falling asleep. She drifted off to the feel of Din softly kissing her head and telling her to rest and that he loved her.


Darcy awoke late the next morning, the bed empty.

Din was a relatively early riser and usually up before her.

Darcy stirred, kicking the blankets off of her naked body.

She checked the clock, seeing it was almost eleven.

Din must have wanted her to get some extra rest and let her sleep in. It's not like they had very much to do while they traveled. Din would do his usual ship maintenance checks, and Darcy would clean up a bit.

She got out of bed, doing her morning routine, taking a shower, and swallowing her vitamins. When she checked the clock again, it was a little past eleven.

Darcy made her way to the kitchen, finding a cup of caf and a plate of scrambled eggs with toast waiting for her on the kitchen counter. It was still hot, like Din had just finished making it all.

She smiled at the gesture, feeling soft that Din probably heard her get up, and immediately went about making this all for her. She wondered where he was on the ship, grabbing the plate and cup, heading for the table in the other room.

Darcy had just taken a sip of her caf, when Din walked in from the hallway that led to the cockpit. He smiled when he saw her, his eyes brightening as he took her in. He wasted no time, scooting into the seat next to her, kissing her cheek.

"Jate vaar'tur, cyar'ika (Good morning, sweetheart)," Din said against her cheek. "Did you sleep well?" He asked.

She set down her mug, Darcy grinning as she turned her head to kiss him on the lips.

"I did," she said, her mouth flush against his.

"Good," he answered. He gave her another kiss before moving back.

"Did you eat?" Darcy asked.

Din nodded. "Yes, when I got up."

"And you still made me food?"

Darcy felt her chest get a bit tight.

Din looked a bit confused. "Of course. It was nothing," he said with a wave of his hand.

Darcy leaned forward to kiss him, Din humming into it.

"You're too good to me," Darcy said as they parted.

"You make our food all the time. I should help out more. I've been watching how-to holos."

Darcy's eyes softened, that feeling of tightness in her chest again. She felt so much love for this man, like her heart could burst from trying to contain it.

"Babe, you do so much."

"I should do more," he said.

Darcy frowned.

"If you do anything else, I will have nothing to do, and I want to be a contributing member of this partnership. So let me cook for us, and we can split up the cleaning, and you can be in charge of the ship stuff."

"But..." Din started. Now he was frowning.

"No buts."

"I want to cook for you," Din said softly.

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