Take Me to the Lake

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The Millennium Falcon had a new energy amongst its inhabitants that was almost palpable. It was excitement and happiness that was radiating amongst the small family. Darcy and Din were absolutely ecstatic, and Grogu seemed to be just as excited as his parents, even though he probably didn't understand why.

They had high hopes that Leia and Luke would take care of what needed to be done to save the galaxy, and their son was safe with them for the time being.

After their decision was made that they'd try for a baby, they needed to find a planet with a medical center to get Din's birth control implant removed.

It took them two days to find one.

Two days that when they were alone, they couldn't keep their hands off of one another. As soon as Grogu was put to bed, they were finding each other and falling into bed, or on a table, or that one time when Darcy jumped into the shower with Din. It didn't matter where they were in the ship, they'd find each other, and their clothes would be shed as they came together. Practice, they told each other.

They still had an hour or so before they'd arrive at the planet. They were lying naked in the dark of the captain's quarters, happily sated and a bit sweaty, Darcy half on top of Din, as he rubbed his large hand along her spine.

"Should we look for a house?" Darcy asked softly.

She imagined they'd be spending a lot of their time on the Falcon, but having a home base would be good, and they had talked before about how they wanted to settle down after they'd saved Grogu and took down the Empire.

"Yeah, we can. If you want."

The way he said it, Darcy got the sense that if she told him she did, he would do whatever necessary to make it happen, and that just warmed her heart immensely that this man was so devoted to her and their family. But she wanted him to be happy too. If he would prefer to live on a ship, they'd make it work. Mandalorians were nomadic people, after all.

"Only if you do too," she reassured. "You told me that you wanted a home where we could raise our ade (children) and where Grogu could be a kid. I like the idea of the kids running around a house while I'm baking, and you're fixing something, probably the ship." Din chuckled. "Us just being domestic."

"A home would be good." She could hear the smile in his voice. "A place to stay while the baby is so small. We can visit Grogu on occasion or bring him home with us. I want a home with you, something planetside. We want the same thing." That reassurance made Darcy let out a soft breath, happy that they were on the same page. "Where in the galaxy would you like to settle down?" He asked, his palm continuing its path up and down her back.

Darcy's eyebrows pinched together. "I honestly have no idea. I just go where you take me? Wherever you go, I go," she said with a little shrug.

Din's other hand came up to her face, tilting her chin up towards him so he could kiss her lips. "Wherever you go, I go," he murmured against her mouth. He kissed the breath out of her, Darcy moaning as he licked at the seam of her lips, deepening the kiss. Her hand found its way into his hair, lightly tugging on the thick strands. He kissed her one last time before pulling back. "I'll figure out where we can go. We'll have a house."

Darcy grinned, her heart happy.

They had arrived to the planet. Din went alone to the medical center since it would be a quick trip, and Darcy was fine with that; they didn't need any supplies from the shops, and Grogu and her could hang out. The quicker Din got it done, the quicker they could leave and head off to the surprise place he was taking them to. While they waited, they had the ship filled with fuel for their trip.

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